export const en = { home: 'Home', title0: 'Selected Language', subtitle0: 'English', description0: 'Select any language of your choice to change the content of the app to your required language.', title1: 'Tasty', subtitle1: 'BreakFast', description1: 'Breakfast is everything. The beginning, the first thing. It is the mouthful that is the commitment to a new day, a continuing life.', title2: 'Refreshing', subtitle2: 'Drinks', description2: 'True silence is the rest of the mind, and is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment.', title3: 'Delicous', subtitle3: 'Icecream', description3: 'Age does not diminish the extreme disappointment of having a scoop of ice cream fall from the cone', getStarted: 'Get Started!', welcome: "Welcome to Enatega, sometimes all you need is love. But a little food now and then doesn't hurt.", loginBtn: 'Login', registerBtn: 'Register', name: 'Name', phone: 'Phone Number', email: 'Email', emailphone: 'Email or Phone', password: 'Password', deliveryAddress: 'Delivery Address', fullDeliveryAddress: 'Your full delivery address', deliveryDetails: 'Required details -e.g. floor/ building', myAddresses: 'My Addresses', addAddress: 'Add Address', editAddress: 'Edit Address', registerText: 'Or Register With', forgotPassword: 'Forgot Password?', loginText: 'Or Login With', deliveryLocation: 'Turn on location so we could send you endless taste of delicious food.', locationBtn: 'Turn on Location', locationPermissionDenied: 'Permission to access location was denied', cameraRollPermissionDenied: 'Permission to access Camera Roll was denied', locationOff: 'Turn on location and try again', titleLanguage: 'Change Language', titleMenu: 'Menu', titleOrders: 'My Orders', titleNotifications: 'Notifications', titleReviews: 'Reviews', titleProfile: 'Profile', titleSettings: 'Settings', titleHelp: 'Help', titleChat: 'Chat', titleLogout: 'Logout', titleCart: 'My Cart', titlePayment: 'Payment', totalOrderAmount: 'Total Order Amount', reOrder: 'Reorder', unReadNotifications: 'No unread notifications', upload: 'Upload', saveBtn: 'Save Changes', saveContBtn: 'SAVE AND CONTINUE', emailUs: 'Email us at', question1: 'Where do we find the food?', question2: 'How do we contact?', question3: 'How can I pay the delivery person?', question4: 'Is the service available in my city?', answer1: 'You can find the food at your nearest store without paying anything to customer service.Our charges are extremely low as compared to others.', answer2: 'You can contact us through our email, phone number or our website.', answer3: 'You can pay the delivery person in person or pay online as well through credit or debit card.', answer4: 'Currently this service is available in cities Islamabad and Karachi you can contact us to avail this service in your city.', add: 'ADD', quantity: 'Quantity', size: 'Size', addToCart: 'Add to Cart', orderNow: 'Order Now', addToCartMessage: 'Added to cart', emptyCart: 'No items in cart', itemTotal: 'Item Total', delvieryCharges: 'Delivery Charges', total: 'Total', contactInfo: 'Contact Info', deliveryAddressmessage: 'Set delivery address', proceedCheckout: 'Proceed to Checkout', paymentText: 'How do you wish to pay?', checkout: 'Checkout', creditCart: 'Credit Card/Debit Card', paypal: 'Paypal', cod: 'Cash on delivery', thankYou: 'Thank You!', orderConfirmed: 'Your Order is confirmed', orderId: 'Your Order Id', orderAmount: 'Your Order Amount', orderDetail: 'Order Detail', paymentMethod: 'Payment Method', trackOrder: 'Track Order', backToMenu: 'Back To Menu', foodItem: 'Food item', deliveredTo: 'Delivered to', writeAReview: 'Write a Review', orderReceived: 'Order Received', orderPicked: 'Your order is on its way', orderDelivered: 'Delivered', completed: 'Completed', cancelled: 'Cancelled', orderPreparing: 'Your order is being prepared', delivered: 'Delivered', rateAndReview: 'Rate and Review', reviewPlaceholder: 'More detailed reviews get more visibility...', submit: 'Submit', noWorriesText: 'No worries, let us help you out!', yourEmail: 'Your Email', send: 'Send', apply: 'Apply', checkEmail: 'Check your email for reset password link', languageText: 'Please select your required language', countryCodePickerTranslation: 'eng', countryCodeSelect: 'Select Country Code', paymentNotSupported: 'This payment method does not support this Currency', loginOrCreateAccount: 'Login/Create Account', unReadReviews: 'No Reviews Yet!', unReadOrders: 'No Orders Yet!', error: 'Error', noMoreItems: 'No more items in stock', hungry: 'Hungry', emptyCartBtn: 'Back to Food', subTotal: 'SubTotal', deliveryFee: 'Delivery Fee', haveVoucher: 'Do you have a voucher', remove: 'Remove', change: 'Change', condition1: 'By completing this order, I agree to all Terms & Conditions.', condition2: 'I agree and I demand that you execute the ordered service before the end of the revocation period. I am aware that after complete fulfillment of the service I lose my right of rescission.', orderBtn: 'Place order', coupanApply: 'Coupon discount applied', coupanFailed: 'Coupon Unavailable', invalidCoupan: 'Invalid Coupon', validateItems: 'Add items to cart before checkout', validateDelivery: 'Set delivery address before checkout', language: 'Language', getUpdatesText: 'Get updates on your order status!', delAcc: 'Delete Account', delAccText: 'Are you Sure you want to delete Account?', cancel:'Cancel', receiveOffers: 'Receive Special Offers', notificationUpdate: "Notification Status Updated", notificationsNotWorking: "Notification do not work on simulator", loginOrCreateAcc: "Login/Create Account", welcome: "Welcome", noItems: 'No item found', featured: 'Featured', filters: 'Filters', reset: 'Reset', showSaleItems: 'Show sale items only', showStockItems: 'Show stock items only', priceRange: 'Price Range', sorting: 'Sorting', applyFilter: 'Apply Filter', close: 'Close', phoneNumberRequired: "Phone number is required", phoneNumberMissing: "Phone Number is missing", userInfoUpdated: "User's Info Updated", nameReq: "Name is required", minWords: "Minimum 11 and maximum 15 characters allowed", rightsReserved: "All rights are reserved by Enatega", changePass: "Change Password", currentPass: "Current Password", passReq: 'Password is required', newPass: "New Password", invalidPass: 'Invalid password', passChange: 'Password Updated', noOrdersFound: 'No Orders Found', startShopping: 'Start Shopping', reOrder: "Re-Order", smthWrong: "Something is worng", noOrdersAssigned: "No Orders Assigned yet!", oldOrder: "Old Order", activeOrder: "Active Order", idVar: 'ID: ', addressUpdated: 'Address updated', labelAs: 'Label as', addressReq: 'Delivery address is required', deliveryDetailsReq: 'Delivery details is required', locaPermission: 'Location permission not granted', addressAdded: 'Address added', productPage: 'Product Page', docs: 'Docs', blog: 'Blog', aboutUs: 'About Us', myVouchers: 'My Vouchers', typeVoucherCode: "TYPe voucher code", enterVoucherCode: "Enter your voucher code", status: 'Status', anySuggestion: 'Any suggestion?', reviewRegarding: 'Review regarding your order?', writeReview: 'Write a review', chatWithRider: 'Chat with Rider', signupGoogle: 'Signup with Google', signupEmail: 'Signup using Email', signup: 'Signup', signupApple: 'Signup with Apple', alreadyMember: 'Already a member? Log in', enterUsername: 'Enter your Email and Password', createNewAcc: 'Create New Account', emailphoneReq: "Email/Phone is required", invalidMail: "Invalid Email/Phone", passReq: "Password is required", cantLogin: "Can't Login,This Account is Deleted!", orderPending: "Your order is still pending.", prepFood: "Restaurant is preparing Food.", riderOnWay: "Rider is on the way.", orderDelivered: "Order is delivered.", completeOrder: "Order is completed.", PENDING: "PENDING", ACCEPTED: 'ACCEPTED', PICKED: "PICKED", DELIVERED: "DELIVERED", COMPLETED: "COMPLETED", 'Default': 'Default', 'Ascending (A-Z)': 'Ascending (A-Z)', 'Descending (Z-A)': 'Descending (Z-A)', 'Price (Low - High)': 'Price (Low - High)', 'Price (High - Low)': 'Price (High - Low)', Home: 'Home', Work: 'Work', Other: 'Other', NoStock: 'No Stock', ItemOutOfStock: 'Item out of stock', SelectLanguage: 'Select Language', Done: 'Done', Cancel: 'Cancel', NoFoods: 'No Foods', CartIsEmpty: 'Cart is empty.', SetPaymentMethod: 'Set payment method before checkout', AnErrorOccured: 'An error occured. Please try again', ResetPasswordLinkSent: 'Reset password link sent on your email', LocationPermissionNotGranted: 'Location permission not granted', NoFooditemFound: 'No food item found' }