import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react' import { useLazyQuery, useApolloClient } from '@apollo/react-hooks' import gql from 'graphql-tag' import uuid from 'uuid' import { profile, myOrders, orderStatusChanged } from '../apollo/server' import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage' const PROFILE = gql` ${profile} ` const ORDERS = gql` ${myOrders} ` // rename this 'orders' when user context is complete const SUBSCRIPTION_ORDERS = gql` ${orderStatusChanged} ` // rename this 'subscriptionOrders' when user context is complete const UserContext = React.createContext({}) export const UserProvider = props => { const client = useApolloClient() const [token, setToken] = useState('') const [cart, setCart] = useState([]) // use initial state of cart here const [ fetchProfile, { called: calledProfile, loading: loadingProfile, error: errorProfile, data: dataProfile } ] = useLazyQuery(PROFILE, { fetchPolicy: 'network-only', onCompleted, onError }) const [ fetchOrders, { called: calledOrders, loading: loadingOrders, error: errorOrders, data: dataOrders, networkStatus: networkStatusOrders, fetchMore: fetchMoreOrders, subscribeToMore: subscribeToMoreOrders } ] = useLazyQuery(ORDERS, { fetchPolicy: 'network-only', onCompleted, onError }) useEffect(() => { let isSubscribed = true ;(async() => { const token = await AsyncStorage.getItem('token') isSubscribed && setToken(token) })() return () => { isSubscribed = false } }, []) useEffect(() => { if (!token) return let isSubscribed = true ;(async() => { isSubscribed && (await fetchProfile()) isSubscribed && (await fetchOrders()) })() return () => { isSubscribed = false } }, [token]) useEffect(() => { if (!dataProfile) return subscribeOrders() }, [dataProfile]) useEffect(() => { let isSubscribed = true ;(async() => { const cart = await AsyncStorage.getItem('cartItems') isSubscribed && setCart(cart ? JSON.parse(cart) : []) })() return () => { isSubscribed = false } }, []) function onCompleted({ profile, orders }) {} function onError(error) { console.log('error context', error) } const setTokenAsync = async token => { await AsyncStorage.setItem('token', token) setToken(token) } const logout = async() => { try { await AsyncStorage.removeItem('token') setToken(null) await client.resetStore() } catch (error) { console.log('error on logout', error) } } const subscribeOrders = () => { try { const unsubscribeOrders = subscribeToMoreOrders({ document: SUBSCRIPTION_ORDERS, variables: { userId: dataProfile.profile._id }, updateQuery: (prev, { subscriptionData }) => { if (! return prev const { _id } = if ( === 'new') { if (prev.orders.findIndex(o => o._id === _id) > -1) return prev return { orders: [, ...prev.orders ] } } else { const { orders } = prev const orderIndex = orders.findIndex(o => o._id === _id) if (orderIndex > -1) { orders[orderIndex] = } return { orders: [...orders] } } } }) client.onResetStore(unsubscribeOrders) } catch (error) { console.log('error subscribing order', error.message) } } const fetchMoreOrdersFunc = () => { if (networkStatusOrders === 7) { fetchMoreOrders({ variables: { offset: dataOrders.orders.length + 1 }, updateQuery: (previousResult, { fetchMoreResult }) => { // Don't do anything if there weren't any new items if (!fetchMoreResult || fetchMoreResult.orders.length === 0) { return previousResult } // setOrders(previousResult.orders.concat(fetchMoreResult.orders)) return { // Append the new feed results to the old one orders: previousResult.orders.concat(fetchMoreResult.orders) } } }) } } const clearCart = async() => { setCart([]) await AsyncStorage.setItem('cartItems', JSON.stringify([])) } const addQuantity = async(key, quantity = 1) => { const cartIndex = cart.findIndex(c => c.key === key) cart[cartIndex].quantity += quantity setCart([...cart]) await AsyncStorage.setItem('cartItems', JSON.stringify([...cart])) } const removeQuantity = async key => { const cartIndex = cart.findIndex(c => c.key === key) cart[cartIndex].quantity -= 1 setCart([...cart.filter(c => c.quantity > 0)]) await AsyncStorage.setItem( 'cartItems', JSON.stringify(cart.filter(c => c.quantity > 0)) ) } const addCartItem = async(_id, variation, quantity = 1, addons = []) => { const index = cart.findIndex(f => f._id === _id) if (index < 0) { cart.push({ key: uuid.v4(), _id, quantity: quantity, variation: { _id: variation }, addons }) } else { cart[index].quantity += 1 } await AsyncStorage.setItem('cartItems', JSON.stringify([...cart])) setCart([...cart]) } const updateCart = async cart => { setCart(cart) await AsyncStorage.setItem('cartItems', JSON.stringify(cart)) } return ( {props.children} ) } UserProvider.propTypes = { children: PropTypes.node } export const UserConsumer = UserContext.Consumer export default UserContext