/***************************** * environment.js * path: '/environment.js' (root of your project) ******************************/ import Constants from "expo-constants"; const ENV = { development: { // GRAPHQL_URL: '', // WS_GRAPHQL_URL: 'ws://' GRAPHQL_URL: "https://enatega-singlevendor.up.railway.app/graphql", WS_GRAPHQL_URL: "wss://enatega-singlevendor.up.railway.app/graphql", }, staging: { GRAPHQL_URL: "https://enatega-singlevendor.up.railway.app/graphql", WS_GRAPHQL_URL: "wss://enatega-singlevendor.up.railway.app/graphql", }, production: { GRAPHQL_URL: "https://enatega-singlevendor.up.railway.app/graphql", WS_GRAPHQL_URL: "wss://enatega-singlevendor.up.railway.app/graphql", }, }; const getEnvVars = (env = Constants.manifest) => { // What is __DEV__ ? // This variable is set to true when react-native is running in Dev mode. // __DEV__ is true when run locally, but false when published. // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef if (__DEV__) { return ENV.development; } else if (env === "production") { return ENV.production; } else { return ENV.production; } }; export default getEnvVars;