Baby Buddy uses [Fontello]( to build a custom icon font
for icons used throughout the application. See [`babybuddy/static_src/fontello`](
for further documentation about using the config file with Fontello and license
information for fonts used by this application.
### Pipfile
If the [Pipfile]( is changed
the [requirements.txt](
must also be updated to reflect the change. This is necessary because hosting environments
do not provide adequate support for pipenv. To update the `requirements.txt` file to be in
sync with the `Pipenv` file run:
pipenv lock -r > requirements.txt
Add and commit the changes to the `requirements.txt` file.
### Static files
If static file assets (files in a `static_src` directory) are updated the production
static files (in the [`static` directory](
must also be updated *and committed*. This is done because it prevents the need for Node
and related tooling in deployment environments. See [`gulp updatestatic`](
for more information on how to update the static files.