# Development environment [![Gitpod ready-to-code](https://img.shields.io/badge/Gitpod-ready--to--code-blue?logo=gitpod)](https://gitpod.io/#https://github.com/babybuddy/babybuddy) Click the Gitpod badge to open a new development environment in Gitpod or use the information and steps below to set up a local development environment for Baby Buddy. ## Requirements - Python 3.8+, pip, pipenv - NodeJS 18.x and NPM 8.x (NVM recommended) - Gulp - Possibly `libpq-dev` - This is necessary if `psycopg2` can't find an appropriate prebuilt binary. ## Installation 1. Install pipenv per [Installing pipenv](https://pipenv.pypa.io/en/latest/installation/) 1. Install required Python packages, including dev packages ```shell pipenv install --three --dev ``` If this fails, install `libpq-dev` (e.g. `sudo apt install libpq-dev`) and try again. 1. Installed Node 18.x (if necessary) ```shell nvm install 18 ``` 1. Activate Node 18.x ```shell nvm use ``` 1. Install Gulp CLI ```shell npm install -g gulp-cli ``` 1. Install required Node packages ```shell npm install ``` 1. Set, at least, the `DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE` environment variable ```shell export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=babybuddy.settings.development ``` This process will differ based on the host OS. The above example is for Linux-based systems. See [Configuration](../configuration/intro.md) for other settings and methods for defining them. 1. Migrate the database ```shell gulp migrate ``` 1. Build assets and run the server ```shell gulp ``` This command will also watch for file system changes to rebuild assets and restart the server as needed. Open []( and log in with the default username and password (`admin`/`admin`). ## Alternative: https://devenv.sh/ 1. Install devenv (linux/mac/windows subsystem for linux/docker) via https://devenv.sh/getting-started/ 1. git clone the repo 1. run `devenv shell` 1. Open []( and log in with the default username and password (`admin`/`admin`). This method also lets you generate a docker image from your devenv afterwards using `derenv container shell` devenv also generates the devcontainer for vscode