# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from collections import OrderedDict from django.db.models import Count, Case, When from django.db.models.functions import TruncDate from django.utils import timezone, duration import pandas as pd import plotly.offline as plotly import plotly.graph_objs as go from core.models import DiaperChange, Sleep from .utils import default_graph_layout_options, split_graph_output def diaperchange_types(child): changes = DiaperChange.objects.filter(child=child) \ .annotate(date=TruncDate('time')) \ .values('date') \ .annotate(wet_count=Count(Case(When(wet=True, then=1)))) \ .annotate(solid_count=Count(Case(When(solid=True, then=1)))) \ .annotate(total=Count('id')) \ .order_by('-date') solid_trace = go.Scatter( mode='markers', name='Solid changes', x=list(changes.values_list('date', flat=True)), y=list(changes.values_list('solid_count', flat=True)), ) wet_trace = go.Scatter( mode='markers', name='Wet changes', x=list(changes.values_list('date', flat=True)), y=list(changes.values_list('wet_count', flat=True)) ) total_trace = go.Scatter( name='Total changes', x=list(changes.values_list('date', flat=True)), y=list(changes.values_list('total', flat=True)) ) layout_args = default_graph_layout_options() layout_args['barmode'] = 'stack' layout_args['title'] = 'Diaper Change types' layout_args['xaxis']['title'] = 'Date' layout_args['yaxis']['title'] = 'Number of changes' fig = go.Figure({ 'data': [solid_trace, wet_trace, total_trace], 'layout': go.Layout(**layout_args) }) output = plotly.plot(fig, output_type='div', include_plotlyjs=False) return split_graph_output(output) def sleep_times(child): # TODO: Handle dates crossing over midnight! instances = Sleep.objects.filter(child=child).order_by('start') y_df = pd.DataFrame() text_df = pd.DataFrame() last_end_time = None df_index = 0 for instance in instances: start_time = timezone.localtime(instance.start) end_time = timezone.localtime(instance.end) start_date = start_time.date().isoformat() if start_date not in y_df: y_df.assign(**{start_date: 0 in range(0, len(y_df.index))}) text_df.assign(**{start_date: 0 in range(0, len(y_df.index))}) last_end_time = start_time.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) df_index = 0 # Awake time. y_df.set_value( df_index, start_date, (start_time - last_end_time).seconds/60, ) text_df.set_value( df_index, start_date, 'Awake for from {} to {} ({})'.format( last_end_time.strftime('%I:%M %p'), start_time.strftime('%I:%M %p'), duration.duration_string(start_time - last_end_time) ) ) df_index += 1 # Asleep time. y_df.set_value(df_index, start_date, instance.duration.seconds/60) text_df.set_value( df_index, start_date, 'Asleep for from {} to {} ({})'.format( start_time.strftime('%I:%M %p'), end_time.strftime('%I:%M %p'), duration.duration_string(instance.duration) ) ) df_index += 1 last_end_time = end_time dates = list(y_df) traces = [] color = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)' for index, row in y_df.iterrows(): traces.append(go.Bar( x=dates, y=row, text=text_df.ix[index], hoverinfo='text', marker={'color': color}, showlegend=False, )) if color == 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)': color = 'rgb(0, 0, 255)' else: color = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)' layout_args = default_graph_layout_options() layout_args['margin']['b'] = 100 layout_args['barmode'] = 'stack' layout_args['hovermode'] = 'closest' layout_args['title'] = 'Sleep vs. wake times' layout_args['height'] = 600 layout_args['xaxis']['title'] = 'Date' layout_args['xaxis']['type'] = 'category' layout_args['xaxis']['tickangle'] = -65 start = timezone.localtime().strptime('12:00 AM', '%I:%M %p') ticks = OrderedDict() ticks[0] = start.strftime('%I:%M %p') for i in range(30, 60*24, 30): ticks[i] = (start + timezone.timedelta(minutes=i)).strftime('%I:%M %p') layout_args['yaxis']['title'] = 'Time of day' layout_args['yaxis']['rangemode'] = 'tozero' layout_args['yaxis']['tickmode'] = 'array' layout_args['yaxis']['tickvals'] = list(ticks.keys()) layout_args['yaxis']['ticktext'] = list(ticks.values()) layout_args['yaxis']['tickfont'] = {'size': 10} fig = go.Figure({ 'data': traces, 'layout': go.Layout(**layout_args) }) output = plotly.plot(fig, output_type='div', include_plotlyjs=False) return split_graph_output(output)