const gulp = require('gulp'); const all = require('gulp-all'); const concat = require('gulp-concat'); const del = require('del'); const es = require('child_process').execSync; const flatten = require('gulp-flatten'); const fontello = require('gulp-fontello'); const minify = require('gulp-minify'); const removeSourcemaps = require('gulp-remove-sourcemaps'); const sass = require('gulp-sass')(require('sass')); const sassGlob = require('gulp-sass-glob'); const styleLint = require('@ronilaukkarinen/gulp-stylelint'); const spawn = require('child_process').spawn; const config = require('./gulpfile.config.js'); /** * Spawns a command for pipenv. * * @param command * Command and arguments. * * @returns {Promise} * * @private */ function _runInPipenv(command) { command.unshift('run'); command = command.concat(process.argv.splice(3)); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { spawn('pipenv', command, { stdio: 'inherit' }) .on('exit', function (code) { if (code) { reject(); } resolve(); }); }); } /** * Deletes local static files. * * @returns {*} */ function clean() { return del([ '**/static', 'static' ]); } /** * Runs coverage operations. * * @param cb */ function coverage(cb) { // Erase any previous coverage results. es('pipenv run coverage erase', {stdio: 'inherit'}); // Run tests with coverage. spawn( 'pipenv', [ 'run', 'coverage', 'run', '', 'test', '--settings=babybuddy.settings.test', '--parallel', '--exclude-tag', 'isolate' ], { stdio: 'inherit' } ).on('exit', function(code) { // Run isolated tests with coverage. if (code === 0) { try { config.testsConfig.isolated.forEach(function (test_name) { es( 'pipenv run coverage run test --settings=babybuddy.settings.test ' + test_name, {stdio: 'inherit'} ); }) } catch (error) { console.error(error); cb(); process.exit(1); } // Combine coverage results. es('pipenv run coverage combine', {stdio: 'inherit'}); } cb(); process.exit(code) }); } /** * Builds the documentation site locally. */ function docsBuild() { return _runInPipenv(['mkdocs', 'build']); } /** * Deploys the documentation site to GitHub Pages. */ function docsDeploy() { return _runInPipenv(['mkdocs', 'gh-deploy']); } /** * Serves the documentation site, watching for changes. */ function docsWatch() { return _runInPipenv(['mkdocs', 'serve']); } /** * Builds and copies "extra" static files to configured paths. */ function extras() { return all( gulp.src(config.extrasConfig.fonts.files) .pipe(gulp.dest(config.extrasConfig.fonts.dest)), gulp.src(config.extrasConfig.images.files) .pipe(flatten({ subPath: 3 })) .pipe(gulp.dest(config.extrasConfig.images.dest)), gulp.src(config.extrasConfig.logo.files) .pipe(flatten({ subPath: 3 })) .pipe(gulp.dest(config.extrasConfig.logo.dest)), gulp.src(config.extrasConfig.root.files) .pipe(gulp.dest(config.extrasConfig.root.dest)) ); } /** * Runs Black formatting on Python code. */ function format() { return _runInPipenv(['black', '.']); } /** * Runs linting on Python and SASS code. */ function lint() { return all( _runInPipenv(['black', '.', '--check', '--diff', '--color']), gulp.src(config.watchConfig.stylesGlob) .pipe(styleLint({ reporters: [{ formatter: 'string', console: true }] })) ); } /** * Builds and copies JavaScript static files to configured paths. */ function scripts() { const streams = []; const types = ['graph', 'app', 'tags_editor']; types.forEach((type) => { streams.push( gulp.src(config.scriptsConfig[type]) .pipe(removeSourcemaps()) .pipe(concat(`${type}.js`)) .pipe(minify({ ext: { min:'.js' }, noSource: true, })) .pipe(gulp.dest(config.scriptsConfig.dest)) ); }) return all(streams); } /** * Builds and copies CSS static files to configured paths. */ function styles() { return gulp.src( .pipe(sassGlob({ignorePaths: config.stylesConfig.ignore})) .pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError)) .pipe(concat('app.css')) .pipe(gulp.dest(config.stylesConfig.dest)); } /** * Runs all tests _not_ tagged "isolate". * * @param cb */ function test(cb) { let command = [ 'run', 'python', '', 'test', '--settings=babybuddy.settings.test', '--parallel', '--exclude-tag', 'isolate' ]; command = command.concat(process.argv.splice(3)); spawn('pipenv', command, { stdio: 'inherit' }).on('exit', function(code) { if (code === 0) { // Run isolated tests. config.testsConfig.isolated.forEach(function(test_name) { try { es('pipenv run python test --settings=babybuddy.settings.test ' + test_name, {stdio: 'inherit'}); } catch (error) { console.error(error); cb(); process.exit(1); } }) } cb(); process.exit(code); }); } /** * Updates glyphs font data from Fontello. */ function updateGlyphs() { return gulp.src(config.glyphFontConfig.configFile) .pipe(fontello({ assetsOnly: false })) .pipe(gulp.dest(config.glyphFontConfig.dest)); } /** * Watches for changes in configured files. */ function watch() {, scripts);, styles); } /** * Django management command passthroughs. */ gulp.task('collectstatic', function(cb) { let command = ['run', 'python', '', 'collectstatic']; /* Use base settings if no settings parameter is supplied. */ const parameters = process.argv.splice(3); let noSettings = true; for (let i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { if (parameters[i].substring(0, 10) === '--settings') { noSettings = false; break; } } if (noSettings) { parameters.push('--settings=babybuddy.settings.base'); } command = command.concat(parameters); spawn('pipenv', command, { stdio: 'inherit' }).on('exit', cb); }); gulp.task('compilemessages', () => { return _runInPipenv(['python', '', 'compilemessages']); }); gulp.task('createcachetable', () => { return _runInPipenv(['python', '', 'createcachetable']); }); gulp.task('fake', () => { return _runInPipenv(['python', '', 'fake']); }); gulp.task('migrate', () => { return _runInPipenv(['python', '', 'migrate']); }); gulp.task('makemessages', () => { return _runInPipenv(['python', '', 'makemessages']); }); gulp.task('makemigrations', () => { return _runInPipenv(['python', '', 'makemigrations']); }); gulp.task('reset', () => { return _runInPipenv(['python', '', 'reset', '--no-input']); }); gulp.task('runserver', function(cb) { let command = ['run', 'python', '', 'runserver']; /** * Process any parameters. Any arguments found here will be removed from * the parameters list so other parameters continue to be passed to the * command. **/ const parameters = process.argv.splice(2); for (let i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { /* May be included because this is the default gulp command. */ if (parameters[i] === 'runserver') { delete parameters[i]; } /* "--ip" parameter to set the server IP address. */ else if (parameters[i] === '--ip') { command.push(parameters[i+1]); delete parameters[i]; delete parameters[i+1]; i++; } } /* Add parameters to command, removing empty values. */ command = command.concat(parameters.filter(String)); spawn('pipenv', command, { stdio: 'inherit' }).on('exit', cb); }); gulp.task('generateschema', () => { return _runInPipenv([ 'python', '', 'generateschema', '--title', 'Baby Buddy API', '--file', 'openapi-schema.yml' ]); }); /** * Gulp commands. */ gulp.task('clean', clean); gulp.task('coverage', coverage); gulp.task('docs:build', docsBuild); gulp.task('docs:deploy', docsDeploy); gulp.task('docs:watch', docsWatch); gulp.task('extras', extras); gulp.task('format', format); gulp.task('lint', lint); gulp.task('scripts', scripts); gulp.task('styles', styles); gulp.task('test', test); gulp.task('updateglyphs', updateGlyphs); gulp.task('watch', watch); /** * Gulp compound commands. */ gulp.task('build', gulp.parallel('extras', 'scripts', 'styles')); gulp.task('updatestatic', gulp.series('lint', 'clean', 'build', 'collectstatic')); gulp.task('default', gulp.series('build', gulp.parallel('watch', 'runserver')));