# Contributing [](https://travis-ci.org/cdubz/babybuddy) [](https://coveralls.io/github/cdubz/babybuddy?branch=master) - [Contributions](#contributions) - [Pull request process](#pull-request-process) - [Translation](#translation) - [Development](#development) - [Installation](#installation) - [Gulp Commands](#gulp-commands) - [Pre-commit Hook](#pre-commit-hook) ## Contributions Contributions are accepted and encouraged via GitHub [Issues](https://github.com/cdubz/babybuddy/issues) and [Pull Requests](https://github.com/cdubz/babybuddy/pulls). Maintainers and users may also be found at [babybuddy/Lobby](https://gitter.im/babybuddy/Lobby) on Gitter. ### Pull request process 1. Fork this repository and commit your changes. 1. Make and commit tests for any new features or major functionality changes. 1. Run `gulp lint` and `gulp test` (see [Gulp Commands](#gulp-commands)) and ensure that all tests pass. 1. If changes are made to assets: build, collect and commit the `/static` folder (see [`gulp collectstatic`](#collectstatic)). 1. Open a [new pull request](https://github.com/cdubz/babybuddy/compare) against the `master` branch. New pull requests will be reviewed by project maintainers as soon as possible and we will do our best to provide feedback and support potential contributors. ### Translation #### POEditor Baby Buddy is set up as a project on [POEditor](https://poeditor.com/). Interested contributors can [join translation of Baby Buddy](https://poeditor.com/join/project/QwQqrpTIzn) for access to a simple, web-based frontend for adding/editing translation files to the project. #### Manual Baby Buddy has support for translation/localization. A manual translation process will look something like this: 1. Set up a development environment (see [Development](#development) below). 1. Run `gulp makemessages -l xx` where `xx` is a specific locale code in the [ISO 639-1 format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes) (e.g. "fr" for French or "es" for Spanish). This create a new translation file at `locale/xx/LC_MESSAGES/django.po`, or updates one if it exists. 1. Open the created/updated `django.po` file and update the header template with license and contact info. 1. Start translating! Each translatable string will have a `msgid` value with the string in English and a corresponding (empty) `msgstr` value where a translated string can be filled in. 1. Once all strings have been translated, run `gulp compilemessages -l xx` to compile an optimized translation file (`locale/xx/LC_MESSAGES/django.mo`). 1. To expose the new translation as a user setting, add the locale code to the `LANGUAGES` array in the base settings file (`babybuddy/settings/base.py`). 1. Check (in `node_modules/plotly.js/dist/`) if Plotly offers a translation for the language. If it does: 1. Add the Plotly translation file path to [`gulpfile.config.js`](gulpfile.config.js) in `scriptsConfig.graph`. 1. Build, collect, and commit the `/static` folder (see [`gulp collectstatic`](#collectstatic)). 1. Run the development server, log in, and update the user language to test the newly translated strings. Once the translation is complete, commit the new files and changes to a fork and [create a pull request](#pull-request-process) for review. For more information on the Django translation process, see Django's documentation section: [Translation](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.0/topics/i18n/translation/). ## Development ### Requirements - Python 3.6+, pip, pipenv - NodeJS 10.x+ and NPM 6.x+ - Gulp ### Installation 1. Install pipenv pip3 install pipenv 1. Install required Python packages, including dev packages pipenv install --three 1. Install Gulp CLI sudo npm install -g gulp-cli 1. Install required Node packages npm install 1. Set, at least, the `DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE` environment variable export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=babybuddy.settings.development This process will differ based on the host OS. The above example is for Linux-based systems. See [Configuration](#configuration) for other settings and methods for defining them. 1. Migrate the database gulp migrate 1. Build assets and run the server gulp This command will also watch for file system changes to rebuild assets and restart the server as needed. Open []( and log in with the default user name and password (`admin`/`admin`). ### Gulp commands Baby Buddy's Gulp commands are defined and configured by files in the [`gulpfile.js`](gulpfile.js) folder. Django's management commands are defined in the [`babybuddy/management/commands`](babybuddy/management/commands) folder. - [`gulp`](#gulp) - [`gulp build`](#build) - [`gulp clean`](#clean) - [`gulp collectstatic`](#collectstatic) - [`gulp compilemessages`](#compilemessages) - [`gulp coverage`](#coverage) - [`gulp extras`](#extras) - [`gulp fake`](#fake) - [`gulp lint`](#lint) - [`gulp makemessages`](#makemessages) - [`gulp makemigrations`](#makemigrations) - [`gulp migrate`](#migrate) - [`gulp reset`](#reset) - [`gulp runserver`](#runserver) - [`gulp scripts`](#scripts) - [`gulp styles`](#styles) - [`gulp test`](#test) #### `gulp` Executes the `build` and `watch` commands and runs Django's development server. #### `build` Creates all script, style and "extra" assets and places them in the `babybuddy/static` folder. #### `clean` Deletes all build folders and the root `static` folder. Generally this should be run before a `gulp build` to remove previous build files and the generated static assets. #### `collectstatic` Executes Django's `collectstatic` management task. This task relies on files in the `babybuddy/static` folder, so generally `gulp build` should be run before this command for production deployments. Gulp also passes along non-overlapping arguments for this command, e.g. `--no-input`. Before executing this command, ensure that - `DEBUG` is set to it's default (`False`). - `STATICFILES_STORAGE` is set to it's default. - `SECRET_KEY` is set to (anything). See the [`development.py` settings file](babybuddy/settings/development.py) for additional information. #### `compilemessages` Executes Django's `compilemessages` management task. See [django-admin compilemessages](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.0/ref/django-admin/#compilemessages) for more details about other options and functionality of this command. #### `coverage` Create a test coverage report. See [`.coveragerc`](.coveragerc) for default settings information. #### `extras` Copies "extra" files (fonts, images and server root contents) to the build folder. #### `fake` Adds some fake data to the database. By default, ``fake`` creates one child and 31 days of random data. Use the `--children` and `--days` flags to change the default values, e.g. `gulp fake --children 5 --days 7` to generate five fake children and seven days of data for each. #### `lint` Executes Python and SASS linting for all relevant source files. #### `makemessages` Executes Django's `makemessages` management task. See [django-admin makemessages](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.0/ref/django-admin/#makemessages) for more details about other options and functionality of this command. When working on a single translation, the `-l` flag is useful to make message for only that language, e.g. `gulp makemessages -l fr` to make only a French language translation file. #### `makemigrations` Executes Django's `makemigrations` management task. Gulp also passes along non-overlapping arguments for this command. #### `migrate` Executes Django's `migrate` management task. In addition to migrating the database, this command creates the default `admin` user. Gulp also passes along non-overlapping arguments for this command. #### `reset` Resets the database to a default state *with* one fake child and 31 days of fake data. #### `runserver` Executes Django's `runserver` management task. Gulp also passes along non-overlapping arguments for this command. #### `scripts` Builds and combines relevant application scripts. Generally this command does not need to be executed independently - see the `build` command. #### `styles` Builds and combines SASS styles in to CSS files. Generally this command does not need to be executed independently - see the `build` command. #### `test` Executes Baby Buddy's suite of tests. Gulp also passes along non-overlapping arguments for this command, however individual tests cannot be run with this command. `python manage.py test` can be used for individual test execution.