# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.utils.translation import gettext as _ import plotly.offline as plotly import plotly.graph_objs as go from reports import utils def weight_weight(objects): """ Create a graph showing weight over time. :param objects: a QuerySet of Weight instances. :returns: a tuple of the the graph's html and javascript. """ objects = objects.order_by("-date") trace = go.Scatter( name=_("Weight"), x=list(objects.values_list("date", flat=True)), y=list(objects.values_list("weight", flat=True)), fill="tozeroy", ) layout_args = utils.default_graph_layout_options() layout_args["barmode"] = "stack" layout_args["title"] = _("Weight") layout_args["xaxis"]["title"] = _("Date") layout_args["xaxis"]["rangeselector"] = utils.rangeselector_date() layout_args["yaxis"]["title"] = _("Weight") fig = go.Figure({"data": [trace], "layout": go.Layout(**layout_args)}) output = plotly.plot(fig, output_type="div", include_plotlyjs=False) return utils.split_graph_output(output)