# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.translation import gettext as _ from core.models import DiaperChange, Feeding, Sleep, TummyTime def get_objects(child, date): """ Create a time-sorted dictionary of all events for a child. :param child: an instance of a Child. :param date: a DateTime instance for the day to be summarized. :returns: a list of the day's events. """ min_date = date max_date = date.replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59) events = [] instances = DiaperChange.objects.filter(child=child).filter( time__range=(min_date, max_date)).order_by('-time') for instance in instances: contents = [] if instance.wet: contents.append('💧wet') if instance.solid: contents.append('💩solid') events.append({ 'time': timezone.localtime(instance.time), 'event': _('%(child)s had a diaper change.') % { 'child': child.first_name }, 'details': _('Contents: %(contents)s') % { 'contents': ', '.join(contents), }, 'model_name': instance.model_name, }) instances = Feeding.objects.filter(child=child).filter( start__range=(min_date, max_date)).order_by('-start') for instance in instances: details = None if instance.amount: details = _('Amount: %(amount).0f') % { 'amount': instance.amount, } events.append({ 'time': timezone.localtime(instance.start), 'event': _('%(child)s started feeding.') % { 'child': instance.child.first_name }, 'details': details, 'model_name': instance.model_name, 'type': 'start' }) events.append({ 'time': timezone.localtime(instance.end), 'event': _('%(child)s finished feeding.') % { 'child': instance.child.first_name }, 'details': details, 'model_name': instance.model_name, 'type': 'end' }) instances = Sleep.objects.filter(child=child).filter( start__range=(min_date, max_date)).order_by('-start') for instance in instances: events.append({ 'time': timezone.localtime(instance.start), 'event': _('%(child)s fell asleep.') % { 'child': instance.child.first_name }, 'model_name': instance.model_name, 'type': 'start' }) events.append({ 'time': timezone.localtime(instance.end), 'event': _('%(child)s woke up.') % { 'child': instance.child.first_name }, 'model_name': instance.model_name, 'type': 'end' }) instances = TummyTime.objects.filter(child=child).filter( start__range=(min_date, max_date)).order_by('-start') for instance in instances: events.append({ 'time': timezone.localtime(instance.start), 'event': _('%(child)s started tummy time!') % { 'child': instance.child.first_name }, 'model_name': instance.model_name, 'type': 'start' }) events.append({ 'time': timezone.localtime(instance.end), 'event': _('%(child)s finished tummy time.') % { 'child': instance.child.first_name }, 'model_name': instance.model_name, 'type': 'end' }) events.sort(key=lambda x: x['time'], reverse=True) return events