/*global SelectBox, interpolate*/ // Handles related-objects functionality: lookup link for raw_id_fields // and Add Another links. 'use strict'; { const $ = django.jQuery; let popupIndex = 0; const relatedWindows = []; function dismissChildPopups() { relatedWindows.forEach(function(win) { if(!win.closed) { win.dismissChildPopups(); win.close(); } }); } function setPopupIndex() { if(document.getElementsByName("_popup").length > 0) { const index = window.name.lastIndexOf("__") + 2; popupIndex = parseInt(window.name.substring(index)); } else { popupIndex = 0; } } function addPopupIndex(name) { name = name + "__" + (popupIndex + 1); return name; } function removePopupIndex(name) { name = name.replace(new RegExp("__" + (popupIndex + 1) + "$"), ''); return name; } function showAdminPopup(triggeringLink, name_regexp, add_popup) { const name = addPopupIndex(triggeringLink.id.replace(name_regexp, '')); const href = new URL(triggeringLink.href); if (add_popup) { href.searchParams.set('_popup', 1); } const win = window.open(href, name, 'height=500,width=800,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes'); relatedWindows.push(win); win.focus(); return false; } function showRelatedObjectLookupPopup(triggeringLink) { return showAdminPopup(triggeringLink, /^lookup_/, true); } function dismissRelatedLookupPopup(win, chosenId) { const name = removePopupIndex(win.name); const elem = document.getElementById(name); if (elem.classList.contains('vManyToManyRawIdAdminField') && elem.value) { elem.value += ',' + chosenId; } else { document.getElementById(name).value = chosenId; } const index = relatedWindows.indexOf(win); if (index > -1) { relatedWindows.splice(index, 1); } win.close(); } function showRelatedObjectPopup(triggeringLink) { return showAdminPopup(triggeringLink, /^(change|add|delete)_/, false); } function updateRelatedObjectLinks(triggeringLink) { const $this = $(triggeringLink); const siblings = $this.nextAll('.view-related, .change-related, .delete-related'); if (!siblings.length) { return; } const value = $this.val(); if (value) { siblings.each(function() { const elm = $(this); elm.attr('href', elm.attr('data-href-template').replace('__fk__', value)); }); } else { siblings.removeAttr('href'); } } function updateRelatedSelectsOptions(currentSelect, win, objId, newRepr, newId) { // After create/edit a model from the options next to the current // select (+ or :pencil:) update ForeignKey PK of the rest of selects // in the page. const path = win.location.pathname; // Extract the model from the popup url '...//add/' or // '...///change/' depending the action (add or change). const modelName = path.split('/')[path.split('/').length - (objId ? 4 : 3)]; // Exclude autocomplete selects. const selectsRelated = document.querySelectorAll(`[data-model-ref="${modelName}"] select:not(.admin-autocomplete)`); selectsRelated.forEach(function(select) { if (currentSelect === select) { return; } let option = select.querySelector(`option[value="${objId}"]`); if (!option) { option = new Option(newRepr, newId); select.options.add(option); return; } option.textContent = newRepr; option.value = newId; }); } function dismissAddRelatedObjectPopup(win, newId, newRepr) { const name = removePopupIndex(win.name); const elem = document.getElementById(name); if (elem) { const elemName = elem.nodeName.toUpperCase(); if (elemName === 'SELECT') { elem.options[elem.options.length] = new Option(newRepr, newId, true, true); updateRelatedSelectsOptions(elem, win, null, newRepr, newId); } else if (elemName === 'INPUT') { if (elem.classList.contains('vManyToManyRawIdAdminField') && elem.value) { elem.value += ',' + newId; } else { elem.value = newId; } } // Trigger a change event to update related links if required. $(elem).trigger('change'); } else { const toId = name + "_to"; const o = new Option(newRepr, newId); SelectBox.add_to_cache(toId, o); SelectBox.redisplay(toId); } const index = relatedWindows.indexOf(win); if (index > -1) { relatedWindows.splice(index, 1); } win.close(); } function dismissChangeRelatedObjectPopup(win, objId, newRepr, newId) { const id = removePopupIndex(win.name.replace(/^edit_/, '')); const selectsSelector = interpolate('#%s, #%s_from, #%s_to', [id, id, id]); const selects = $(selectsSelector); selects.find('option').each(function() { if (this.value === objId) { this.textContent = newRepr; this.value = newId; } }).trigger('change'); updateRelatedSelectsOptions(selects[0], win, objId, newRepr, newId); selects.next().find('.select2-selection__rendered').each(function() { // The element can have a clear button as a child. // Use the lastChild to modify only the displayed value. this.lastChild.textContent = newRepr; this.title = newRepr; }); const index = relatedWindows.indexOf(win); if (index > -1) { relatedWindows.splice(index, 1); } win.close(); } function dismissDeleteRelatedObjectPopup(win, objId) { const id = removePopupIndex(win.name.replace(/^delete_/, '')); const selectsSelector = interpolate('#%s, #%s_from, #%s_to', [id, id, id]); const selects = $(selectsSelector); selects.find('option').each(function() { if (this.value === objId) { $(this).remove(); } }).trigger('change'); const index = relatedWindows.indexOf(win); if (index > -1) { relatedWindows.splice(index, 1); } win.close(); } window.showRelatedObjectLookupPopup = showRelatedObjectLookupPopup; window.dismissRelatedLookupPopup = dismissRelatedLookupPopup; window.showRelatedObjectPopup = showRelatedObjectPopup; window.updateRelatedObjectLinks = updateRelatedObjectLinks; window.dismissAddRelatedObjectPopup = dismissAddRelatedObjectPopup; window.dismissChangeRelatedObjectPopup = dismissChangeRelatedObjectPopup; window.dismissDeleteRelatedObjectPopup = dismissDeleteRelatedObjectPopup; window.dismissChildPopups = dismissChildPopups; // Kept for backward compatibility window.showAddAnotherPopup = showRelatedObjectPopup; window.dismissAddAnotherPopup = dismissAddRelatedObjectPopup; window.addEventListener('unload', function(evt) { window.dismissChildPopups(); }); $(document).ready(function() { setPopupIndex(); $("a[data-popup-opener]").on('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); opener.dismissRelatedLookupPopup(window, $(this).data("popup-opener")); }); $('body').on('click', '.related-widget-wrapper-link[data-popup="yes"]', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (this.href) { const event = $.Event('django:show-related', {href: this.href}); $(this).trigger(event); if (!event.isDefaultPrevented()) { showRelatedObjectPopup(this); } } }); $('body').on('change', '.related-widget-wrapper select', function(e) { const event = $.Event('django:update-related'); $(this).trigger(event); if (!event.isDefaultPrevented()) { updateRelatedObjectLinks(this); } }); $('.related-widget-wrapper select').trigger('change'); $('body').on('click', '.related-lookup', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); const event = $.Event('django:lookup-related'); $(this).trigger(event); if (!event.isDefaultPrevented()) { showRelatedObjectLookupPopup(this); } }); }); }