# Gulp command reference ## Definitions Baby Buddy's Gulp commands are defined in [`gulpfile.js`](/gulpfile.js). Baby Buddy's management commands are defined in [`babybuddy/management/commands`](/babybuddy/management/commands). ## Commands ### `gulp` Executes the `build` and `watch` commands and runs Django's development server. This command also accepts the special parameter `--ip` for setting the server IP address. See [`gulp runserver`](#runserver) for details. ### `build` Creates all script, style and "extra" assets and places them in the `babybuddy/static` folder. ### `docs:build` Builds the documentation site in a local directory (`site` by default). ### `docs:deploy` Deploys the documentation site to GitHub Pages. ### `docs:watch` Runs a local server for the documentation site reloading whenever documentation sites files (in the `docs` directory) as modified. ### `clean` Deletes all build folders and the root `static` folder. Generally this should be run before a `gulp build` to remove previous build files and the generated static assets. ### `collectstatic` Executes Django's `collectstatic` management task. This task relies on files in the `babybuddy/static` folder, so generally `gulp build` should be run before this command for production deployments. Gulp also passes along non-overlapping arguments for this command, e.g. `--no-input`. Note: a `SECRET_KEY` value must be set for this command to work. ### `compilemessages` Executes Django's `compilemessages` management task. See [django-admin compilemessages](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.0/ref/django-admin/#compilemessages) for more details about other options and functionality of this command. ### `coverage` Create a test coverage report. See [`.coveragerc`](/.coveragerc) for default settings information. ### `createcachetable` Executes Django's `createcachetable` management task. See [django-admin createcachetable](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.0/ref/django-admin/#createcachetable) for more details about other options and functionality of this command. ### `extras` Copies "extra" files (fonts, images and server root contents) to the build folder. ### `fake` Adds some fake data to the database. By default, ``fake`` creates one child and 31 days of random data. Use the `--children` and `--days` flags to change the default values, e.g. `gulp fake --children 5 --days 7` to generate five fake children and seven days of data for each. ### `format` Formats Baby Buddy's code base using [black](https://github.com/psf/black). Run this before commits to ensure linting will pass! ### `generateschema` Updates the [`openapi-schema.yml`](/openapi-schema.yml) file in the project root based on current API functionality. ### `lint` Executes Python and SASS linting for all relevant source files. ### `makemessages` Executes Django's `makemessages` management task. See [django-admin makemessages](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.0/ref/django-admin/#makemessages) for more details about other options and functionality of this command. When working on a single translation, the `-l` flag is useful to make message for only that language, e.g. `gulp makemessages -l fr` to make only a French language translation file. ### `makemigrations` Executes Django's `makemigrations` management task. Gulp also passes along non-overlapping arguments for this command. ### `migrate` Executes Django's `migrate` management task. In addition to migrating the database, this command creates the default `admin` user. Gulp also passes along non-overlapping arguments for this command. ### `reset` Resets the database to a default state *with* one fake child and 31 days of fake data. ### `runserver` Executes Django's `runserver` management task. Gulp passes non-overlapping arguments for this command. A special parameter, `--ip`, is also available to set the IP for the server. E.g., execute `gulp runserver --ip` to make the server available to other devices on your local network. ### `scripts` Builds and combines relevant application scripts. Generally this command does not need to be executed independently - see the `build` command. ### `styles` Builds and combines SASS styles in to CSS files. Generally this command does not need to be executed independently - see the `build` command. ### `test` Executes Baby Buddy's suite of tests. Gulp also passes along non-overlapping arguments for this command, however individual tests cannot be run with this command. `python manage.py test` can be used for individual test execution. ### `updateglyphs` Downloads generated glyph font files data from [Fonttello](https://fontello.com/) based on [`config.json` file](/babybuddy/static_src/fontello/config.json). This only needs to be run after making changes to the config file. ### `updatestatic` Rebuilds Baby Buddy's `/static` folder by running the following commands in order: - [`lint`](#lint) - [`clean`](#clean) - [`build`](#build) - [`collectstatic`](#collectstatic) Execute and commit changes made by this command whenever changing Baby Buddy's frontend code (SASS, JS, etc.).