if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') {
  throw new Error('Baby Buddy requires jQuery.')
if (typeof moment === 'undefined') {
  throw new Error('Baby Buddy requires moment.js.')

 * Baby Buddy Namespace
 * Default namespace for the Baby Buddy app.
 * @type {{}}
var BabyBuddy = function () {
    return {};

 * Datetime Picker.
 * Provides modifications and defaults for the base datetime picker widget.
 * @type {{init: BabyBuddy.DatetimePicker.init}}
BabyBuddy.DatetimePicker = function ($, moment) {
    return {
        init: function (element, options) {
            var defaultOptions = {
                buttons: { showToday: true, showClose: true },
                defaultDate: 'now',
                focusOnShow: false,
                format: 'L LT',
                ignoreReadonly: true,
                locale: moment.locale(),
                useCurrent: false,
                icons: {
                    time: 'icon-clock',
                    date: 'icon-calendar',
                    up: 'icon-arrow-up',
                    down: 'icon-arrow-down',
                    previous: 'icon-angle-circled-left',
                    next: 'icon-angle-circled-right',
                    today: 'icon-today',
                    clear: 'icon-delete',
                    close: 'icon-cancel'
                viewMode: 'times',
            element.datetimepicker($.extend(defaultOptions, options));
}(jQuery, moment);

 * Pull to refresh.
 * @type {{init: BabyBuddy.PullToRefresh.init, onRefresh: BabyBuddy.PullToRefresh.onRefresh}}
BabyBuddy.PullToRefresh = function(ptr) {
    return {
        init: function () {
                mainElement: 'body',
                onRefresh: this.onRefresh

        onRefresh: function() {

 * Fix for duplicate form submission from double pressing submit
function preventDoubleSubmit() {
    return false;
$('form').off("submit", preventDoubleSubmit);
$("form").on("submit", function() {
    $(this).on("submit", preventDoubleSubmit);