# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from random import choice, choices, randint, uniform from datetime import timedelta from decimal import Decimal from django.db import transaction from django.db.utils import IntegrityError from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand from django.utils import timezone from faker import Factory from core import models class Command(BaseCommand): help = "Generates fake children and related entries." def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Command, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.faker = Factory.create() self.child = None self.weight = None self.tags = [] self.time = None self.time_now = timezone.localtime() def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument( "--children", dest="children", default=1, help="The number of fake children to create.", ) parser.add_argument( "--days", dest="days", default=31, help="How many days of fake entries to create.", ) def handle(self, *args, **kwargs): verbosity = int(kwargs["verbosity"]) children = int(kwargs["children"]) or 1 days = int(kwargs["days"]) or 31 for word in self.faker.words(10, unique=True): try: tag = models.Tag.objects.create(name=word) tag.save() self.tags.append(tag) except IntegrityError: pass birth_date = timezone.localtime() - timedelta(days=days) for i in range(0, children): self.child = models.Child.objects.create( first_name=self.faker.first_name(), last_name=self.faker.last_name(), birth_date=birth_date, ) self.child.save() self._add_child_data() if verbosity > 0: self.stdout.write(self.style.SUCCESS("Successfully added fake data.")) @transaction.atomic def _add_child_data(self): """ Adds fake data for child from child.birth_date to now. The fake data follows a semi-regular pattern of sleep, feed, change, tummy time, change, tummy time, sleep, etc. :returns: """ self.time = self.child.birth_date self.temperature = round(uniform(95.0, 102.0), 2) self._add_temperature_entry() self.weight = round(uniform(8.0, 12.0), 2) self._add_weight_entry() last_weight_entry_time = self.time self.height = round(uniform(8.0, 12.0), 2) self._add_height_entry() last_height_entry_time = self.time self.head_circumference = round(uniform(8.0, 12.0), 2) self._add_head_circumference_entry() last_head_circumference_entry_time = self.time self.bmi = round(uniform(8.0, 12.0), 2) self._add_bmi_entry() last_bmi_entry_time = self.time self._add_note_entry() last_note_entry_time = self.time while self.time < self.time_now: self._add_sleep_entry() if choice([True, False]): self._add_diaperchange_entry() self._add_feeding_entry() self._add_diaperchange_entry() if choice([True, False]): self._add_tummytime_entry() if choice([True, False]): self._add_diaperchange_entry() self._add_tummytime_entry() if choice([True, False]): self._add_temperature_entry() if (self.time - last_note_entry_time).days > 1 and choice([True, False]): self._add_note_entry() last_note_entry_time = self.time if (self.time - last_weight_entry_time).days > 6: self._add_weight_entry() last_weight_entry_time = self.time if (self.time - last_height_entry_time).days > 6: self._add_height_entry() last_height_entry_time = self.time if (self.time - last_head_circumference_entry_time).days > 6: self._add_head_circumference_entry() last_head_circumference_entry_time = self.time if (self.time - last_bmi_entry_time).days > 6: self._add_bmi_entry() last_bmi_entry_time = self.time @transaction.atomic def _add_diaperchange_entry(self): """ Add a Diaper Change entry and advance self.time. :returns: """ solid = choice([True, False, False, False]) wet = choice([True, False]) color = "" if solid: color = choice(models.DiaperChange._meta.get_field("color").choices)[0] if not wet and not solid: wet = True amount = Decimal("%d.%d" % (randint(0, 6), randint(1, 9))) time = self.time + timedelta(minutes=randint(1, 60)) notes = "" if choice([True, False, False, False]): notes = " ".join(self.faker.sentences(randint(1, 5))) if time < self.time_now: instance = models.DiaperChange.objects.create( child=self.child, time=time, wet=wet, solid=solid, color=color, amount=amount, notes=notes, ) instance.save() self._add_tags(instance) self.time = time @transaction.atomic def _add_feeding_entry(self): """ Add a Feeding entry and advance self.time. :returns: """ method = choice(models.Feeding._meta.get_field("method").choices)[0] amount = None if method == "bottle": amount = Decimal("%d.%d" % (randint(0, 6), randint(0, 9))) start = self.time + timedelta(minutes=randint(1, 60)) end = start + timedelta(minutes=randint(5, 20)) notes = "" if choice([True, False, False, False]): notes = " ".join(self.faker.sentences(randint(1, 5))) if end < self.time_now: instance = models.Feeding.objects.create( child=self.child, start=start, end=end, type=choice(models.Feeding._meta.get_field("type").choices)[0], method=method, amount=amount, notes=notes, ) instance.save() self._add_tags(instance) self.time = end @transaction.atomic def _add_note_entry(self): """ Add a Note entry. :returns: """ note = self.faker.sentence() instance = models.Note.objects.create(child=self.child, note=note) instance.save() self._add_tags(instance) @transaction.atomic def _add_sleep_entry(self): """ Add a Sleep entry and advance self.time. Between the hours of 18 and 6, extend the minimum and maximum sleep duration settings. :returns: """ if self.time.hour < 6 or self.time.hour > 18: minutes = randint(60 * 2, 60 * 6) else: minutes = randint(30, 60 * 2) end = self.time + timedelta(minutes=minutes) notes = "" if choice([True, False, False, False]): notes = " ".join(self.faker.sentences(randint(1, 5))) if end < self.time_now: instance = models.Sleep.objects.create( child=self.child, start=self.time, end=end, notes=notes ) instance.save() self._add_tags(instance) self.time = end @transaction.atomic def _add_temperature_entry(self): """ Add a Temperature entry. This assumes a weekly interval. :returns: """ self.temperature = round(uniform(95.0, 102.0), 2) notes = "" if choice([True, False, False, False]): notes = " ".join(self.faker.sentences(randint(1, 5))) instance = models.Temperature.objects.create( child=self.child, temperature=self.temperature, time=self.time, notes=notes ) instance.save() self._add_tags(instance) @transaction.atomic def _add_tummytime_entry(self): """ Add a Tummy time entry and advance self.time. :returns: """ milestone = "" if choice([True, False]): milestone = self.faker.sentence() start = self.time + timedelta(minutes=randint(1, 60)) end = start + timedelta(minutes=randint(0, 10), seconds=randint(0, 59)) if (end - start).seconds < 20: end = start + timedelta(minutes=1, seconds=30) if end < self.time_now: instance = models.TummyTime.objects.create( child=self.child, start=start, end=end, milestone=milestone ) instance.save() self._add_tags(instance) self.time = end @transaction.atomic def _add_weight_entry(self): """ Add a Weight entry. This assumes a weekly interval. :returns: """ self.weight += uniform(0.1, 0.3) notes = "" if choice([True, False, False, False]): notes = " ".join(self.faker.sentences(randint(1, 5))) instance = models.Weight.objects.create( child=self.child, weight=round(self.weight, 2), date=self.time.date(), notes=notes, ) instance.save() self._add_tags(instance) @transaction.atomic def _add_height_entry(self): """ Add a height entry. This assumes a weekly interval. :returns: """ self.height += uniform(0.1, 0.3) notes = "" if choice([True, False, False, False]): notes = " ".join(self.faker.sentences(randint(1, 5))) instance = models.Height.objects.create( child=self.child, height=round(self.height, 2), date=self.time.date(), notes=notes, ) instance.save() self._add_tags(instance) @transaction.atomic def _add_head_circumference_entry(self): """ Add a head circumference entry. This assumes a weekly interval. :returns: """ self.head_circumference += uniform(0.1, 0.3) notes = "" if choice([True, False, False, False]): notes = " ".join(self.faker.sentences(randint(1, 5))) instance = models.HeadCircumference.objects.create( child=self.child, head_circumference=round(self.head_circumference, 2), date=self.time.date(), notes=notes, ) instance.save() self._add_tags(instance) @transaction.atomic def _add_bmi_entry(self): """ Add a BMI entry. This assumes a weekly interval. :returns: """ self.bmi += uniform(0.1, 0.3) notes = "" if choice([True, False, False, False]): notes = " ".join(self.faker.sentences(randint(1, 5))) instance = models.BMI.objects.create( child=self.child, bmi=round(self.bmi, 2), date=self.time.date(), notes=notes ) instance.save() self._add_tags(instance) @transaction.atomic def _add_tags(self, instance): if choice([True, False, False, False]): instance.tags.add(*choices(self.tags, k=randint(1, 5)))