version: "2.4" services: app: image: babybuddy/babybuddy container_name: babybuddyapp # Container_name is an optional value for single-container # deployments to set a friendly container name. # Disable in swarm or other multi-container setups. # See for other environment configuration options. environment: - ALLOWED_HOSTS=localhost # comma separated list of IP addresses or hosts that can access the web UI - DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=babybuddy.settings.base - SECRET_KEY= # Generate a random string here to secure the Django instance - TIME_ZONE= # In the tzdata format, IE, "America/Denver" - DEBUG=False # Turn to False in production volumes: - data:/app/data:rw - media:/app/media:rw command: bash -c 'python migrate --noinput && python createcachetable && gunicorn babybuddy.wsgi -b :8000 --log-level=info' ports: - "8000:8000" # For Portainer, select another port for babybuddy such as 7000, for example "7000:8000" restart: unless-stopped volumes: data: {} media: {}