# Proxy Configuring Baby Buddy to run behind a proxy may require some additional configuration depending on the individual proxy configuration. Baby Buddy's environment variables for configuration should allow most proxy setups to work, but it may require some testing and tweaking of settings. ## Important configuration ### [`CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS`](../configuration/security.md#csrf_trusted_origins) [Cross Site Request Forgery](https://owasp.org/www-community/attacks/csrf) protection is an important way to prevent malicious users from sending fake requests to Baby Buddy to read, alter, or destroy data. To protect against this threat Baby Buddy checks the `Origin` header of certain requests to ensure that it matches a "trusted" origin for the application. If the origin and host are the same CSRF will pass without any extra configuration but if the two are different the origin must be in `CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS` to pass. For example if Baby Buddy is configured in a container with a private network and a host `babybuddy` that is exposed publicly by a proxy (e.g., nginx) at the address `https://baby.example.com` then form submissions from browsers will have an `Origin` of `https://baby.example.com` that *does not match* the host `babybudy`. This will cause a CSRF error and the request will be rejected with a `403 Forbidden` error. To support this example configuration the environment variable `CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS` should be set to the full public address (including the scheme): `https://baby.example.com` for CSRF protected requests to succeed. Note: multiple origins can be added by separating origins with commas. E.g.: ```shell CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS=https://baby.example.com,https://baby.example.org ``` ### [`SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER`](../configuration/security.md#secure_proxy_ssl_header) If Baby Buddy is configured behind a standard HTTP proxy requests will always been seen as insecure even if the exposed public connection uses HTTPS between the client and proxy. To address this most proxies can be configured to pass a special header to Baby Buddy indicating the scheme used by the original request. [`X-Forwarded-Proto`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/X-Forwarded-Proto) is a common standard header for this feature and it is currently the only header supported by Baby Buddy. To use this feature the `SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER` environment variable to `True` and Baby Buddy will consider the scheme indicated by the `X-Forwarded-Proto` header to be the scheme used for the request. **Additional Resources** - [Caddy Reverse Proxy Defaults](https://caddyserver.com/docs/caddyfile/directives/reverse_proxy#defaults) - [NGINX - Using the `Forwarded` Header](https://www.nginx.com/resources/wiki/start/topics/examples/forwarded/) (Note: NGINX treats `X-Forwarded-Proto` as legacy. See the bottom of this resource for relevant information.) - [Redirect HTTP to HTTPS with HAProxy](https://www.haproxy.com/blog/redirect-http-to-https-with-haproxy/) - [Traefik Routing - EntryPoints - Forwarded Headers](https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.3/routing/entrypoints/#forwarded-headers)