[class^="icon-"], [class*=" icon-"] { font-family: 'babybuddy'; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; /* fix buttons height */ line-height: 1em; /* you can be more comfortable with increased icons size */ /* font-size: 120%; */ } .icon-add { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-camera { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-chat { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-delete { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-mail { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-false { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-graph { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-list { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-lock { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-refresh { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-stop { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-timer { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-true { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-update { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-user { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-clock { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-calendar { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-arrow-up { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-arrow-down { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-cancel { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-head-circumference { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-measurements { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-height { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-dashboard { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-tummytime { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-sad { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-source { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-angle-circled-left { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-angle-circled-right { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-child { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-feeding { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-activities { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-timeline { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-diaperchange { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-sleep { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-note { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-weight { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-today { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-bmi { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-temperature { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); } .icon-pumping { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = ' '); }