# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from collections import OrderedDict from django.utils import timezone, formats from django.utils.translation import gettext as _ import plotly.offline as plotly import plotly.graph_objs as go from core.utils import duration_string from reports import utils ASLEEP_COLOR = 'rgb(35, 110, 150)' AWAKE_COLOR = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)' def sleep_pattern(sleeps): """ Create a graph showing blocked out periods of sleep during each day. :param sleeps: a QuerySet of Sleep instances. :returns: a tuple of the the graph's html and javascript. """ days = {} last_end_time = None adjustment = None for sleep in sleeps: start_time = timezone.localtime(sleep.start) end_time = timezone.localtime(sleep.end) start_date = start_time.date().isoformat() end_date = end_time.date().isoformat() duration = sleep.duration # Ensure that lists are initialized for the start and end date (as they # may be different dates). if start_date not in days: days[start_date] = [] if end_date not in days: days[end_date] = [] # Check if the previous entry crossed midnight (see below). if adjustment: _add_adjustment(adjustment, days) last_end_time = timezone.localtime(adjustment['end_time']) adjustment = None # If the dates do not match, set up an adjustment for the next day. if end_time.date() != start_time.date(): adj_start_time = end_time.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) adjustment = { 'column': end_date, 'start_time': adj_start_time, 'end_time': end_time, 'duration': end_time - adj_start_time } # Adjust end_time for the current entry. end_time = end_time.replace( year=start_time.year, month=start_time.month, day=start_time.day, hour=23, minute=59, second=0) duration = end_time - start_time if not last_end_time: last_end_time = start_time.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) # Awake time. days[start_date].append({ 'time': (start_time - last_end_time).seconds / 60, 'label': None }) # Asleep time. days[start_date].append({ 'time': duration.seconds / 60, 'label': _format_label(duration, start_time, end_time)} ) # Update the previous entry duration if an offset change occurred. # This can happen when an entry crosses a daylight savings time change. if start_time.utcoffset() != end_time.utcoffset(): diff = start_time.utcoffset() - end_time.utcoffset() duration -= timezone.timedelta(seconds=diff.seconds) yesterday = (end_time - timezone.timedelta(days=1)) yesterday = yesterday.date().isoformat() days[yesterday][len(days[yesterday]) - 1] = { 'time': duration.seconds / 60, 'label': _format_label(duration, start_time, end_time) } last_end_time = end_time # Handle any left over adjustment (if the last entry crossed midnight). if adjustment: _add_adjustment(adjustment, days) # Create dates for x-axis using a 12:00:00 time to ensure correct # positioning of bars (covering entire day). dates = [] for time in list(days.keys()): dates.append('{} 12:00:00'.format(time)) traces = [] color = AWAKE_COLOR # Set iterator and determine maximum iteration for dates. i = 0 max_i = 0 for date_times in days.values(): max_i = max(len(date_times), max_i) while i < max_i: y = {} text = {} for date in days.keys(): try: y[date] = days[date][i]['time'] text[date] = days[date][i]['label'] except IndexError: y[date] = None text[date] = None i += 1 traces.append(go.Bar( x=dates, y=list(y.values()), hovertext=list(text.values()), # `hoverinfo` is deprecated but if we use the new `hovertemplate` # the "filler" areas for awake time get a hover that says "null" # and there is no way to prevent this currently with Plotly. hoverinfo='text', marker={'color': color}, showlegend=False, )) if color == AWAKE_COLOR: color = ASLEEP_COLOR else: color = AWAKE_COLOR layout_args = utils.default_graph_layout_options() layout_args['margin']['b'] = 100 layout_args['barmode'] = 'stack' layout_args['bargap'] = 0 layout_args['hovermode'] = 'closest' layout_args['title'] = _('<b>Sleep Pattern</b>') layout_args['height'] = 800 layout_args['xaxis']['title'] = _('Date') layout_args['xaxis']['tickangle'] = -65 layout_args['xaxis']['tickformat'] = '%b %e\n%Y' layout_args['xaxis']['ticklabelmode'] = 'period' layout_args['xaxis']['rangeselector'] = utils.rangeselector_date() start = timezone.localtime().strptime('12:00 AM', '%I:%M %p') ticks = OrderedDict() ticks[0] = start.strftime('%I:%M %p') for i in range(0, 60*24, 30): ticks[i] = formats.time_format(start + timezone.timedelta(minutes=i), 'TIME_FORMAT') layout_args['yaxis']['title'] = _('Time of day') layout_args['yaxis']['range'] = [24*60, 0] layout_args['yaxis']['tickmode'] = 'array' layout_args['yaxis']['tickvals'] = list(ticks.keys()) layout_args['yaxis']['ticktext'] = list(ticks.values()) layout_args['yaxis']['tickfont'] = {'size': 10} fig = go.Figure({ 'data': traces, 'layout': go.Layout(**layout_args) }) output = plotly.plot(fig, output_type='div', include_plotlyjs=False) return utils.split_graph_output(output) def _add_adjustment(adjustment, days): """ Adds "adjustment" data for entries that cross midnight. :param adjustment: Column, start time, end time, and duration of entry. :param blocks: List of days """ column = adjustment.pop('column') # Fake (0) entry to keep the color switching logic working. days[column].append({'time': 0, 'label': 0}) # Real adjustment entry. days[column].append({ 'time': adjustment['duration'].seconds / 60, 'label': _format_label(**adjustment) }) def _format_label(duration, start_time, end_time): """ Formats a time block label. :param duration: Duration. :param start_time: Start time. :param end_time: End time. :return: Formatted string with duration, start, and end time. """ return 'Asleep {} ({} to {})'.format( duration_string(duration), formats.time_format(start_time, 'TIME_FORMAT'), formats.time_format(end_time, 'TIME_FORMAT'))