/* Baby Buddy * * Default namespace for the Baby Buddy app. */ if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') { throw new Error('Baby Buddy requires jQuery.') } var BabyBuddy = function () { var BabyBuddy = {}; return BabyBuddy; }(); /* Baby Buddy Timer * * Uses a supplied ID to run a timer. The element using the ID must have * three children with the following classes: * * timer-seconds * * timer-minutes * * timer-hours */ BabyBuddy.Timer = function ($) { var runIntervalId = null; var timerId = null; var timerElement = null; var lastUpdate = moment(); var hidden = null; var Timer = { run: function(timer_id, element_id) { timerId = timer_id; timerElement = $('#' + element_id); if (timerElement.length == 0) { console.error('BBTimer: Timer element not found.'); return false; } if (timerElement.find('.timer-seconds').length == 0 || timerElement.find('.timer-minutes').length == 0 || timerElement.find('.timer-hours').length == 0) { console.error('BBTimer: Element does not contain expected children.'); return false; } runIntervalId = setInterval(this.tick, 1000); // If the page just came in to view, update the timer data with the // current actual duration. This will (potentially) help mobile // phones that lock with the timer page open. if (typeof document.hidden !== "undefined") { hidden = "hidden"; } else if (typeof document.msHidden !== "undefined") { hidden = "msHidden"; } else if (typeof document.webkitHidden !== "undefined") { hidden = "webkitHidden"; } window.addEventListener('focus', Timer.handleVisibilityChange, false); }, handleVisibilityChange: function() { if (!document[hidden] && moment().diff(lastUpdate) > 10000) { Timer.update(); } }, tick: function() { var s = timerElement.find('.timer-seconds'); var seconds = Number(s.text()); if (seconds < 59) { s.text(seconds + 1); return; } else { s.text(0); } var m = timerElement.find('.timer-minutes'); var minutes = Number(m.text()); if (minutes < 59) { m.text(minutes + 1); return; } else { m.text(0); } var h = timerElement.find('.timer-hours'); var hours = Number(h.text()); h.text(hours + 1); }, update: function() { $.get('/api/timers/' + timerId + '/', function(data) { if (data && 'duration' in data) { clearInterval(runIntervalId); var duration = moment.duration(data.duration); timerElement.find('.timer-hours').text(duration.hours()); timerElement.find('.timer-minutes').text(duration.minutes()); timerElement.find('.timer-seconds').text(duration.seconds()); lastUpdate = moment(); if (data['active']) { runIntervalId = setInterval(Timer.tick, 1000); } else { timerElement.addClass('timer-stopped'); } } }); } }; return Timer; }(jQuery); /* Baby Buddy Dashboard * * Provides a "watch" function to update the dashboard at one minute intervals * and/or on visibility state changes. */ BabyBuddy.Dashboard = function ($) { var runIntervalId = null; var dashboardElement = null; var hidden = null; var Dashboard = { watch: function(element_id, refresh_rate) { dashboardElement = $('#' + element_id); if (dashboardElement.length == 0) { console.error('Baby Buddy: Dashboard element not found.'); return false; } if (typeof document.hidden !== "undefined") { hidden = "hidden"; } else if (typeof document.msHidden !== "undefined") { hidden = "msHidden"; } else if (typeof document.webkitHidden !== "undefined") { hidden = "webkitHidden"; } if (typeof window.addEventListener === "undefined" || typeof document.hidden === "undefined") { if (refresh_rate) { runIntervalId = setInterval(this.update, refresh_rate); } } else { window.addEventListener('focus', Dashboard.handleVisibilityChange, false); } }, handleVisibilityChange: function() { if (!document[hidden]) { Dashboard.update(); } }, update: function() { // TODO: Someday maybe update in place? location.reload(); } }; return Dashboard; }(jQuery);