/* Original Zotero Highlight Colours */ /* "#2ea8e5": "blue", "#5fb236": "green", "#a28ae5": "purple", "#ffd400": "yellow", "#ff6666": "red", "#f19837": "orange", "#e56eee": "magenta", "#aaaaaa": "grey" */ /* Info: You may uncomment the first line with .literature-note for each colour if you want the CSS to only be a applied if a note has the `cssclass: literature-note` in its frontmatter */ /* Yellow */ /* .literature-note */ .callout[data-callout-metadata="yellow"] { --callout-color: 255, 212, 0 !important; } /* Red */ /* .literature-note */ .callout[data-callout-metadata="red"] { --callout-color: 255, 102, 102 !important; } /* Orange */ /* .literature-note */ .callout[data-callout-metadata="orange"] { --callout-color: 241, 152, 55 !important; } /* Green */ /* .literature-note */ .callout[data-callout-metadata="green"] { --callout-color: 95, 178, 54 !important; } /* Blue */ /* .literature-note */ .callout[data-callout-metadata="blue"] { --callout-color: 46, 168, 229 !important; } /* Magenta */ /* .literature-note */ .callout[data-callout-metadata="magenta"] { --callout-color: 229, 110, 238 !important; } /* Pink */ /* .literature-note */ .callout[data-callout-metadata="pink"] { --callout-color: 229, 110, 238 !important; } /* Purple */ /* .literature-note */ .callout[data-callout-metadata="purple"] { --callout-color: 162, 138, 229 !important; } /* Grey */ /* .literature-note */ .callout[data-callout-metadata="grey"] { --callout-color: 170, 170, 170 !important; }