# Obsidian Templates This is a collection of [Obsidian](https://obsidian.md/) templates I use or have used. Most of these use Templater (and its "Trigger on file creation" feature) but I'll list the plugins used for each one in the [overview below](#overview). You might also need to adjust folder paths and file names used in the Templater scripts. I've translated some metadata field names to English for readability. ## Overview - [book.md](book.md) - Add a book to your vault - Plugins: Templater, Book Search - [callouts.md](callouts.md) - Choose one of the default callouts to insert at your cursor - Plugins: Templater - [include.md](include.md) - Insert the content of a note at your cursor - Plugins: Templater - [lecture.md](lecture.md) - Create a lecture (session) note - Plugins: Templater - [meeting.md](meeting.md) - Create a meeting note for today/yesterday/tomorrow, select a project from a folder - Plugins: Templater - [movie.md](movie.md) - Similar to the book template, add a movie (or TV show) to your vault - Plugins: Templater, QuickAdd (plus this script and the setup for it: ) - [open-daily.md](open-daily.md) - Open today's daily note (extremely basic, no error handling) - Plugins: Templater - [wikilink.md](wikilink.md) - Insert a wikilink to a note - Plugins: Templater - [workbench.md](workbench.md) - Adds the current selection to a "workbench" note as a bullet point with today's date - Plugins: Templater, Workbench (optional) - [youtube.md](youtube.md) - Gets metadata from a YouTube video and embeds it, works by copying the video URL to the clipboard & then running the template - Plugins: Templater - [zettel.md](zettel.md) - Basic Zettelkasten template, asks for the type of the Zettel (I differentiate claims from concepts and questions) - Plugins: Templater - [zotero.md](zotero.md) - Create a literature note from a Zotero item, pulling some metadata and all your PDF annotations - Plugins: Zotero Integration