# # This file contains configuration flags to customize your site # # Name of your site (displayed in the header) name: Rambles # Name of the author author: Steve Dogiakos # Short bio or description (displayed in the header) description: A place for Steve to ramble # URL of your avatar or profile pic (you could use your GitHub profile pic) avatar: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2258234?v=4 # # Flags below are optional # # Includes an icon in the footer for each username you enter footer-links: dribbble: email: github.com facebook: dogiakos flickr: github: snachodog instagram: snachodog linkedin: snachodog pinterest: snachodog rss: twitter: snachodog stackoverflow: youtube: # user/snachodog googleplus: # anything in your profile username that comes after plus.google.com/ playconsole: # Enter your Disqus shortname (not your username) to enable commenting on posts # You can find your shortname on the Settings page of your Disqus account disqus: # Enter your Google Analytics web tracking code (e.g. UA-2110908-2) to activate tracking google_analytics: # For newer "GA4" analytics, use the following instead of the "UA" entry above #google_analytics_ga4: G-GABC1DEFG # Your website URL (e.g. http://amitmerchant1990.github.io or http://www.amitmerchant.com) # Used for Sitemap.xml and your RSS feed url: http://snachodog.github.io enforce_ssl: # If you're hosting your site at a Project repository on GitHub pages # (http://yourusername.github.io/repository-name) # and NOT your User repository (http://yourusername.github.io) # then add in the baseurl here, like this: "/repository-name" baseurl: # # !! You don't need to change any of the configuration flags below !! # permalink: /:title/ # The release of Jekyll Now that you're using version: v1.2.0 # Jekyll 3 now only supports Kramdown for Markdown kramdown: # Use GitHub flavored markdown, including triple backtick fenced code blocks input: GFM # Jekyll 3 and GitHub Pages now only support rouge for syntax highlighting syntax_highlighter: rouge syntax_highlighter_opts: # Use existing pygments syntax highlighting css css_class: 'highlight' # Set the Sass partials directory, as we're using @imports sass: style: :expanded # You might prefer to minify using :compressed # Use the following plug-ins plugins: - jekyll-sitemap # Create a sitemap using the official Jekyll sitemap gem - jekyll-feed # Create an Atom feed using the official Jekyll feed gem - jekyll-seo-tag - jekyll-paginate include: ['_pages'] paginate: 6 paginate_path: /page:num/ # Exclude these files from your production _site exclude: - Gemfile - Gemfile.lock - LICENSE - README.md - CNAME