All contributions are licensed under the [Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International]( license. This includes media uploads, text contributions, or anything else submitted to the website. You may not license any contributions under any other terms.
The navigation panel on the side of the website is controlled by admins. If you'd like a page to appear in the navigation, please contact codeHusky/Loki on Discord.
Before adding a new page, ensure that an existing page doesn't already cover the topic you're looking to work on. If there's overlap, see if it's more appropriate to add to an existing page rather than creating a new one. We should aim for the least number of pages we can while avoiding massive, lengthy pages of documentation.
If you'd still like to add a new page - great, go ahead and do it. Make sure you contact codeHusky/Loki in the Redbox Tinkering Discord to have your new page added to the navigation.
All contributions should use a professional tone. Avoid using terms such as "I" or referring to yourself by any means. If you're documenting a technique you created, feel free to credit yourself, but credits for "discovering" things that exist in every kiosk isn't appropriate.