title: Kiosk Removal Tips
published: true
date: 2024-11-28T03:36:24.640Z
editor: ckeditor
dateCreated: 2024-10-21T11:40:57.586Z

<p style="text-align:center;"><span class="text-huge"><mark class="pen-red"><strong>DO NOT PRETEND TO BE A REDBOX EMPLOYEE.</strong></mark></span></p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><strong>Do not attempt to move these machines on your own. Ensure all tools have a high enough weight rating before use.</strong></p>
<p><strong>The actual weight of these devices has not been determined as of yet.</strong>&nbsp;Individuals have reported that these kiosks can weigh as much as 850 pounds, reducing to around 600 pounds without discs. Some employees have claimed the unit is closer to 350 pounds when empty.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Ensure any tools your using can at least support 800 pounds before moving anything - the more, the better. High rated dollies may be easier to move a machine with as many have additional sets of wheels you can deploy to roll heavy loads on.&nbsp;</p>
<h1>Recommended Tools</h1>
  <li>Socket set + extender (socket size varies)<ul>
      <li>Ensure you have at least a ¾" socket and a 14mm socket as these have been reported as being used out in the field.</li>
      <li>Some units (including doubles) have a different bolt layout which will require around a 15mm socket and a lot of effort to remove.</li>
  <li>Penetrating oil for rusted nuts (PB Blaster, Kroil)</li>
  <li>Sawzall or Angle grinder with a cut off disk for rusted bolts</li>
  <li>Appliance dolly rated for at least 800 lbs</li>
  <li>Philips head and Flat Screw Drivers</li>
  <li>Adjustable Crecent Wrench</li>
  <li>DiCs or diagonal cutting pliers for cutting the power on outdoor kiosks</li>
  <li>Wire nuts and tape for terminating the electrical</li>
  <li>Non-Contact Voltage Detector for double checking for live wires</li>
<h1><strong>Indoor Kiosks</strong></h1>
<p>There isn't anything too notable about how these kiosks are installed. As far as it's known, all indoor kiosks are simply resting on nylon feet and have no additional mounting to the ground. Power is supplied via a wall plug and can easily be removed.&nbsp;</p>
<p>These can be lifted and removed from a store with a sufficiently rated dolly, such as an appliance dolly.</p>
<p>For cleanup, consider bringing with some basic floor cleaning supplies such as a broom. However, it's likely staff on-site will be ready to clean up after you as you've prearranged pickup. To avoid creating a slipping hazard and potentially injuring someone, do not use any cleaning equipment that will wet the ground.</p>
<h1>Outdoor Kiosks</h1>
<p>Most, if not all, outdoor kiosks are connected to power via a custom wired connection to the building's electrics. Some buildings will have external breaker panels nearby for their Redbox. However, not all installations will have this. <strong>Ensure power has been disconnected before cutting any wires or removing the kiosk.</strong></p>
<p>Some outdoor kiosks are bolted into the ground they were set on. If this is the case, it's possible the original bolts have seized into the ground. This will make removal more difficult without the right tools.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Other outdoor kiosks are mounted with a retaining rail holding the original nylon feet to the ground. This can be unbolted (14mm) to allow removal of the unit.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Take proper care to ensure no exposed live wires are left after removing an Outdoor Kiosk (This can easily be done by keeping power off to the breaker and capping each wire individually utilizing wire nuts at the ends). Take all signage and don't leave any hazards behind, such as partially removed bolts embedded in the ground. If any cut bolts are sticking out of the ground, a solution might be using a cut-off disc on a grinder to cut them flush with the ground. Be sure to clear away flammable detritus (leaves, paper, etc.) before using the grinder.</p>
<h1>Kiosk-Mounted Accessories</h1>
<p>Kiosks often have accessories on them, such as signage and promotional devices.</p>
<h2>Movie Promo Lightbox</h2>
<p>These large, tall lightboxes are secured to the side of the kiosk with large Philips head screws that have Robinson/Square #2 drive in the middle of them. You can remove these screws to release the sign, then screw them back in to avoid losing them. You may need to move the sign on its hinge to reveal the screws.&nbsp;</p>
<p>If the sign is not hinged, you may have to open the lightbox to access the screws. The lightbox can be popped open with a flathead screwdriver at each of the spots with a lock cylinder. These lightboxes are quite flimsy, expect it to open easily. If the light is blinding you, there's a switch at the bottom to turn the lights off.</p>
<h2>Redbox Sign</h2>
<p>The traditional, curved Redbox sign is affixed to the top of the kiosk. It shouldn't need to be removed, but it does make the kiosk around 7 feet tall on the ground - even taller when up on the wheel of a dolly.&nbsp;</p>
<p>todo: removal info</p>
<h2>Advertising Display</h2>
<p>Some Redbox kiosks (apparently ~10%) were equipped with advertising displays on the top. These replace the traditional Redbox Sign mentioned earlier. These advertising displays are significantly taller than the original Redbox sign.&nbsp;</p>
<p>todo: removal info</p>
<h2>Fluorescent Light</h2>
<p>Although it isn't common, some outdoor kiosks had a large fluorescent light fixed on the back plate, right above the signage. This large light usually lit up at night to help people see the kiosk easier. There isn't much information about this light, however it was apparently more common on <strong>double</strong> outdoor units. This light makes the entire back plate much higher, so you'll likely need to remove it if you're trying to move your machine to an indoor location (like a garage).</p>
<p>todo: removal info</p>
<h2>Outdoor Signage</h2>
<p>Many units outdoors have elaborate signage to draw attention to the kiosks. This may require special equipment to remove.</p>
<h1>Disc Removal</h1>
<p>Do not attempt to remove the discs at the store the kiosk is hosted at - this is likely to disrupt the store's customers or employees and could create a problem.</p>
<p>If the unit is transported on its side it may get jammed up and it is recommended you open the back and clear the loose discs before booting after moving it.&nbsp;</p>
<h1>Air Conditioner Removal</h1>
<p>Do not attempt to remove the A/C Unit at the store the kiosk is hosted at.</p>
<p>todo: info (will be added on/before 10/25/2024)</p>