If you are in need of replacement parts not listed below, you can search the Redbox Tinkering Discord server to see if anyone is selling it! The forum is available here.


todo: info

Motion System Parts


Electronic Parts


Enclosure Parts


Carousel Parts


Picker Parts

This section should be for parts relating to the disc picker

Picker Belts

Per measurements, the belt is 0.177" in diameter and 16.5" in circumference

Replacement Options:

(Confirmed) McMaster-Carr 3044k605

Note: this isn't an EXACT replacement for the Redbox ones but it appears to work. 

Differences Observed: 

Replacement Round Belts Installed

Disc Cases

At least five versions of cases have been observed with differences apparently only being cosmetic. 

One version, shown the upper left below, includes a barcode on the reverse side: “RDBX00728.”

(The addition of the UPC code might have allowed a retailer to more easily sell a missing replacement case.)

Redbox Disc Cases - Back View
Redbox Disc Cases - Front View
Redbox Disc Cases - Opened Inside View