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%META:TOPICINFO{author="MauriAhlberg" date="1253362948" format="1.1" reprev="1.5" version="1.5"}%
---++TDWG 2009 Theme 1: The e-Biosphere Roadmap Process
Theme Leader: Walter Berendsohn (w.berendsohn(at)
This is the base page for open discussion about any and all aspects of Theme 1 at TDWG 2009.
---+++ Comments and discussion
For the e-Biosphere 2009 London Roadmap discussion I created a concept map to show both the components and the whole of what has to be done to promote biodiversity informatics education:
I suggested NatureGate<74> online service approach as a practical standard for future efforts to engage and increase awareness of public and decision makers for biodiversity informatics and sustainable use of biodiversity. The NatureGate Online service has been amended since June 2009 by easy and fast identification system and method for Northern European trees and bushes. The same NatureGate system and method could be applied to all organisms and organism groups.
Some researchers hate the idea of using patented methods and systems, but e.g. UN protects intellectual properties: About the underpinning method and system for rapid and fast species identification of NatureGate<74> online service approach: The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) of the United Nations (UN):
The practical roadmap has to use the best available tools, systems and methods. There is always a possibility to negotiate a win-win solution from viewpoint of the whole humankind and biosphere and its biodiversity.
-- Main.MauriAhlberg - 19 Sep 2009
For the e-Biosphere 2009 London Roadmap discussion I created a concept map to show both the components and the whole of what has to be done to promote biodiversity informatics education:
I suggested NatureGate<74> online service approach as a practical standard for future efforts to engage and increase awareness of public and decision makers for biodiversity informatics and sustainable use of biodiversity. The NatureGate Online service has been amended since June 2009 by easy and fast identification system and method for Northern European trees and bushes. The same NatureGate system and method could be applied to all organisms and organism groups.
Some researchers hate the idea of using patented methods and systems, but e.g. UN protects intellectual properties: About the underpinning method and system for rapid and fast species identification of NatureGate<74> online service approach: The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) of the United Nations (UN):
The practical e-Biosphere roadmap has to use the best available tools, systems and methods. There is always a possibility to negotiate a win-win solution from viewpoint of the whole humankind and biosphere and its biodiversity.
-- Main.MauriAhlberg - 19 Sep 2009
Please feel free to edit the text above or to contact one of the TDWG team.
-- Main.LeeBelbin - 02 Jun 2009
-- Main.AdrianRissone - 11 Jun 2009