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*Note*: The [[][Darwin Core Task Group Charter]] became ratified 10 July 2007, making this wiki page an historical document.
The Darwin Core was ratified 9 October 2009 as a TDWG standard. These pages provide an historical context, but do not reflect the content of the current standard. The history of the review process may be found at The current standard can be found at
---++Darwin Task Group Charter
1. *NAME* of the Task Group: *Darwin Core* *(!DwC*) <p>
1. *VERSION HISTORY* of the Charter Document: Version 1.0, October 10, 2006; Berkeley, California <p>
1. *CONVENER*: John Wieczorek; Museum of Vertebrate Zoology; University of California; Berkeley, CA 94720, USA; Phone: 01-510-642-5409; Fax: 01-510-643-8238; Email: tuco-at-berkeley-dot-edu <p>
1. *CORE MEMBERS*: Stanley Blum (California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA); John Wieczorek (Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley, CA); Renato de Giovanni (Centro de Refer<65>ncia em Informa<6D><61>o Ambiental, Campinas, Brazil); Stephen Long (Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley, CA) <p>
1. *HOME ADDRESS*: <p>
1. *PURPOSE*:<p> The Darwin Core is designed to facilitate the exchange of information about the geographic occurrence of organisms and the physical existence of biotic specimens in collections. Extensions to the Darwin Core provide a mechanism to share additional information, which may be discipline-specific, or beyond the commonly agreed upon scope of the Darwin Core itself. The Darwin Core and its extensions are minimally restrictive of information content by design, since doing so would render the standard useless for the implementation of data quality tools.<p>
1. *BACKGROUND*:<p> Darwin Core was originally a product of The Species Analyst Project at the University of Kansas. During 2001-2003, under the Mammal Networked Information System ([[][MaNIS]]) Project at UC Berkeley, in collaboration with the University of Kansas Biodiversity Research Center and the California Academy of Sciences, the first version of the Darwin Core 2 was developed in tandem with the [[][DiGIR]] protocol and its publicly released provider and portal software. Until 2006 there was a proliferation of Darwin Core versions based on the originally published ([[][version 1.2]]). !MaNIS was the first deployment of a distributed database network based on !DiGIR (16 June 2002), using a revision ([[][version 1.21]]) of the original Darwin Core 2. It is version 1.21 upon which the proposed Darwin Core, Geospatial Extension, and Curatorial Extension are most closely based.<p>
1. *SCOPE*:%BR%
* What is in scope?
* Collections of any kind of biological objects or data.
* Terminology associated with biological collection data.
* Striving for compatibility with other biodiversity-related standards.
* Facilitating the addition of components and attributes of biological data.
* What is not in scope?
* Data interchange protocols.
* Non-biodiversity-related data.
* Purely taxonomic data.
* Biodiversity data holders (organziations, institutions, researchers).
* Consumers of biodiversity data.
* Developers of collections management systems.
* Other TDWG interest and task groups.
* Protocol developers (!DiGIR, TAPIR).
* Biodiversity network developers.<p>
1. *Schedule of Milestones and Products*:
| *Output/outcome* | *Timeframe* |
| !Darwin Task Group Charter | First draft: 11 Oct 2006. Latest draft: 19 Feb 2007 |
| !Darwin Core Schema (Type 1, [[][normative part]] + [[][cover page]]) | Complete: 15 Sep 2006 |
| !Geospatial Extension Schema (Type 1, [[][normative part]] + [[][cover page]]) | Complete: 15 Sep 2006 |
| !Curatorial Extension Schema (Type 1, [[][normative part]] + [[][cover page]]) | Complete: 15 Sep 2006 |
| Contribute to TDWG Ontology Group & TDWG Architecture Group | Ongoing from 2005 |
| Cooperate with ABDC Group | Ongoing from 2006 |
| Cooperate with Geospatial Group | Ongoing from 2004 |
| Review and capture commentary from Darwin Core site at California Academy of Sciences to TDWG Wiki | Complete: 10 Oct 2006 |
| Update [[DarwinCoreDraftStandard][Darwin Core Concept Documentation]] | Complete: 15 Sep 2006 |
| Update [[GeospatialExtension][Geospatial Extension Concept Documentation]] | Complete: 15 Sep 2006 |
| Update [[CuratorialExtension][Curatorial Extension Concept Documentation]] | Complete: 15 Sep 2006 |
| Publish [[DarwinCoreVersions][mapping]] between Darwin Core versions | Complete: 14 Feb 2007 |
| Publish mapping between Darwin Core and ABCD | Feb 2007 |
| Publish [[][application schema]] for Darwin Core | Complete: 14 Feb 2007 |
| Test Darwin Core [[][application schema for TAPIR]] | Complete: 15 Feb 2007 |
| Propose !DwC, Geospatial, and Curatorial Extensions as TDWG standard | 19 Feb 2007 |
---+++ Comments
Use the space below to make comments about this page. -- Main.StephenLong - 24 Aug 2006
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The Darwin Core is currently undergoing an review as a TDWG standard. The pages provide information historical information, but do not reflect the content of the currently proposed standard. The official public review process will begin as soon as the TDWG Executive Committee announces the open public commentary period, which will last at least thirty days. Once ratified, the standard will be published and these pages will be updated. The current proposed standard can be found at
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This is a page for the !DarwinCore Charter
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-- Main.StephenLong - 14 Sep 2006
1. *NAME* of the Task Group: *DarwinCore* *(!DwC*) <p>
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1. *PURPOSE*:<p> The Darwin Core is designed to facilitate the exchange of information about the geographic occurrence of organisms and the physical existence of biotic specimens in collections. Extensions to the Darwin Core provide a mechanism to share additional information, which may be discipline-specific, or beyond the commonly agreed upon scope of the Darwin Core itself.<p>
1. *BACKGROUND*:<p> Darwin Core was originally a product of The Species Analyst Project at the University of Kansas. During 2001-2003, under the Mammal Networked Information System ([[][MaNIS]]) Project at UC Berkeley, in collaboration with the University of Kansas Biodiversity Research Center and the California Academy of Sciences, the first version of the Darwin Core 2 was developed in tandem with the [[][DiGIR]] protocol and its publicly released provider and portal software. Until 2006 there was a proliferation of Darwin Core versions based on the originally published ([[][version 1.2]]). !MaNIS was the first deployment of a distributed database network based on !DiGIR (16 June 2002), using a revision of the Darwin Core ([[][version 1.21]]). It is this version upon which the current Darwin Core and its extensions are based.<p>
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| *Output/outcome* | *Version* | *Timeframe* |
| !DwC Group Charter | 1.0 | First draft: 11 Oct 2006 |
| !DwC Schema (Type 1, normative part + cover page) | 1.0 | Complete: 15 Sep 2006 ( |
| Contribute to TDWG Ontology Group & TDWG Architecture Group | | Ongoing from 2005 |
| Cooperate with ABDC Group | | Ongoing from 2006 |
| Update !DwC Concept Documentation | | Complete: 15 Sep 2006 ( |
| Propose !DwC standard | | 2006 |
| *Output/outcome* | *Version* | *Strategy* |
| !DwC Group Charter | 1.0 | Submit for review |
| !DwC Definition | 1.0 | Develop on TDWG Wiki & submit for review. |
| !DwC Schema (Type 1, normative part plus cover page) | | Submit for review. Monitor & commit changes. Submit proposed standard. |
| !DwC Extension Definitions | 1.0 | Develop Geospatial & Curatoria Extensions on TDWG Wiki & submit for review. Participate in discussions of modularized TDWG data infrastructure. Make plans accordingly & adapt !DwC to that structure |
| Contribute to TDWG Ontology Group | | Participate in ontology definitions affection !DwC & Extensions |
| Update !DwC concept documentation | | Develop & maintain documentation on the TDWG Wiki |
| Mapping between !DwC (and extensions) to ABCD | | Strive for consistent & complete mappings |
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1. *NAME* of the Interest Group: *!DarwinCore* *(!DwC*) <p>
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1. *CORE MEMBERS*: Stanley Blum (California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA); John Wieczorek (UCB, Berkeley, CA); Renato de Giovanni (CRIA, Brazil); Stephen Long (UCB, Berkeley, CA) <p>
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1. *PURPOSE*:<p> The Darwin Core is designed to facilitate the exchange of information about the geographic occurrence of organisms and the physical existence of biotic specimesn in collections. Extensions to the Darwin Core provide a mechanism to share additional information, which may be discipline-specific, or beyond the commonly agreed upon scope of the Darwin Core itself.<p>
1. *BACKGROUND*:<p> Darwin Core was originally a product of The Species Analyst Project at the University of Kansas. During 2001-2003, under the [[][MaNIS]] Project at UC Berkeley, in collaboration with the University of Kansas Biodiversity Research Center and the California Academy of Sciences, the first version of the Darwin Core 2 was developed in tandem with the [[][DiGIR]] protocol and its publicly released provider and portal software. Until 2006 there was a proliferation of Darwin Core versions based on the originally published (version 1.2). The Mammal Networked Information System (!MaNIS) was the first deployment of a distributed database network based on !DiGIR (16 June 2002), using a revision of the Darwin Core (version 1.21). It is this version upon which the current Darwin Core and its extensions are based.<p>
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| ABCD Primer (Type 3) | 1.0 | Complete: 15 Sep 2006 |
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| !DwC Schema (Type 1, normative part + cover page | | Submit for review. Monitor & commit changes. Submit proposed standard. |
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| Mapping between !DwC & Extensions to ABCD | | Strive for consistent & complete mappings |
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* What is in scope?
* Collections of any kind of biological objects or data.
* Terminology associated with biological collection data.
* Striving for compatibility with other biodiversity-related standards.
* Facilitating the addition of components and attributes of biological data.
* What is not in scope?
* Data interchange protocols.
* Non-biodiversity-related data.
* Purely taxonomic data.
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* Biodiversity data holders (organziations, institutions, researchers).
* Consumers of biodiversity data.
* Developers of collections management systems.
* Other TDWG interest and task groups.
* Protocol developers (!DiGIR, TAPIR).
* Biodiversity network developers.<p>
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This is a page, under construction, for the DarwinCore Charter
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-- Main.StephenLong - 14 Sep 2006
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