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date 2008.; author PiersHiggs; state Exp;
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date 2008.; author PiersHiggs; state Exp;
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@%META:TOPICINFO{author="PiersHiggs" date="1221177291" format="1.1" reprev="1.2" version="1.2"}%
Meeting attended by Alex Chapman (AC), Piers Higgs (PH) and Kevin Thiele (KT)
Topics covered and action items
* We need to email people who have registered to see if there is any more interest in the Margaret River and Swan River trips; the Swan River one went up late. We need to get final figures by Friday 19th September or we should cancel the Margaret River one from lack of interest
* Karrakamia is capped at 60 people - we already have 58. We should put this on the web site.
* TDWG won't handle excursion money. We need to organise this through teh registration desk and find ways to deal with this for the smaller trips (Karrakamia and Swan Valley). Wildflower trip will be paid direct to organisers.
* *PH* to organise email to all registrants ASAP to ask them to inform us of interest in the excursions
* *PH* to liaise with Lee Belbin about Karrakamia cap *- Done by Adrian 11/9/8*
---++Electrical tagging
* Has to go ahead as per KT's email.
* Need to organise bags to collect leads on the first day and get them tagged by the electricians.
* *KT* to email all Australian delegates about the electrical tagging requirements to see if they can get it done beforehand
---++Late Finishes
* If we finish after 5pm there are issues with the Maritime Museum - they need to charge for late fees, we only booked to 5pm. - *Update* yes, an extension of one to two hours is OK but we will be charged $70 per hour or part thereof. I would strongly suggest we assume late finishes every day *except* Friday and budget for two hour extension so that the Museum can plan for staff. If we agree, I will ask them to plan on late finishes and we will account for two extra hours of cost ($140/day)
* *PH* to chase up with Maritime Museum to confirm fees * - Done 11/9/8*
* We only have Notre Dame booked for Saturday and Sunday. They can't necessarily include us in the week due to student commitments but might be able to provide us with a room or two for tutorials to help out.
* Realised we do not have 4 whole rooms for tutorials at once - would have to split the function centre if we need to use Maritime Museum only. Might be able to do this with poster boards.
* *AC* to contact Notre Dame about available rooms, connectivity and charges for internet use
---++Videoconferencing and video
* It is considered unlikely that we will be able to provide the ability to videoconference or live streams
* It is also considered unlikely that we will be able to spend large amounts of time testing equipment or managing it during the conference (local committee will be swamped)
* We need to consider using a professional for the video gear
* *PH* to contact Dave Primmer from Mixed Media for a quote for the main sessions to video them and provide digital files - Done 10/9/8
* *PH* to cotnact TDWG executive and queries regarding videoconferencing and tell them it is not happening
---++Local press releases
* Decided not to put out general press releases but instead focus on likely targets
* Flyers created by Alex are great for this (remove the early registration warning)
* PH follow up with marketing it to the Environmental Consultants via email and also via talk he is doing to that group in October
* *AC* to email copy of flyer to PH
* *KT* and *AC* to put up flyers around DEC and to liaise with Department of Agriculture
* *PH* to put up flyers around Museum, EPA and Department of Water
* *PH* to send anotehr reminder email with day codes to ECA list
* *PH* to provide flyers and more information at "last minute" talk on 7th October to the ECA
---++Registration desk stuff
* PH already discussed requirements with Stan Blum, PH organising
* Signing up for the tutorials will be done on the day
* Materials required - name tag holders, participant name tags (different colours for day passes), tickets for the events, tutorials, dinner, etc.
* *PH* liaising with Stan Blum about cash/money requirements
* *KT* to prepare for printing and providing tags and tickets (will need delegate list)
---++Welcome Reception
* Will be held at the Moore's Building. AC following up and will confirm when possible.
* *AC* follow up with Moores Building for welcome reception
---++Opening of Conference
* Lyn Beazley was booked as WA's Chief Scientist. Her position is political and was made vacant when the election was called in WA. As there is still no result on the election here, we have no idea who the responsible Minister will be until then. We will keep Lyn booked as the opening person and even if she is the ex-Chief Scientist she will still be a good speaker.
* Trestle table can be borrowed from the Maritime Museum (may need to be covered with tablecloths?)
* Poster boards are currently not available _Museum suggested we talk to Advans (Ed, 9451 8322) if we cant get them from Exhibitions_
* Chairs for the function centre not available - *Correction* - Maritime Museum has 150 chairs free for us to use.
* *PH* to ask Exhibition crew at Museum if they have poster boards
* *PH* to pass this on to Fiona Smith (DEC) if there are none available for her to chase up prices to hire them
* Still waiting on quotes for coffe/tea facilities
* Also possibility of lunch orders
* *AC* to follow up with Annie at the cafe regarding a quote
* No decision yet made on these. Still need discussion about prices, logos etc.
* Freo Chamber of COmmerce can provide information
* Need time to pack materials into satchels
* PH offered to provide pens for delegates from the Gaia Resources branded pens if TDWG doesn't mind the logo and name on there
* We need some summary sheets (program, etc) printed out and ready for satchel insertion
* *AC* to liaise with Lee Belbin re: logos
* *AC* to provide previous pricing information to *KT*
* *AC* to ask Fremantle CHamber of Commerce for "information packs" of maps, timetables, etc.
* Lee Belbin asked PH after the meeting for ways of getting posters printed locally
* *PH* to find a local printer for posters for delegates. - done 10/9/8
* *AC* to contact Notre Dame about available rooms, connectivity and charges for internet use
* *AC* to email copy of flyer to PH
* *KT* and *AC* to put up flyers around DEC and to liaise with Department of Agriculture
* *AC* follow up with Moores Building for welcome reception
* *AC* to follow up with Annie at the cafe regarding a quote
* *AC* to liaise with Lee Belbin re: logos
* *AC* to provide previous pricing information to *KT*
* *AC* to ask Fremantle CHamber of Commerce for "information packs" of maps, timetables, etc.
* *PH* to organise email to all registrants ASAP to ask them to inform us of interest in the excursions
* *PH* to liaise with Lee Belbin about Karrakamia cap *- Done by Adrian 11/9/8*
* *PH* to chase up with Maritime Museum to confirm fees *- Done 11/9/8*
* *PH* to contact Dave Primmer from Mixed Media for a quote for the main sessions to video them and provide digital files. *- Done 10/9/8*
* *PH* to cotnact TDWG executive and queries regarding videoconferencing and tell them it is not happening
* *PH* to put up flyers around Museum, EPA and Department of Water
* *PH* to send anotehr reminder email with day codes to ECA list
* *PH* to provide flyers and more information at "last minute" talk on 7th October to the ECA
* *PH* liaising with Stan Blum about cash/money requirements
* *PH* to ask Exhibition crew at Museum if they have poster boards
* *PH* to pass this on to Fiona Smith (DEC) if there are none available for her to chase up prices to hire them
* *PH* to find a local printer for posters for delegates. *- Done 10/9/8*
* *KT* to email all Australian delegates about the electrical tagging requirements to see if they can get it done beforehand
* *KT* and *AC* to put up flyers around DEC and to liaise with Department of Agriculture
* *KT* to prepare for printing and providing tags and tickets (will need delegate list)
-- Main.PiersHiggs - 10 Sep 2008
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%META:TOPICINFO{author="PiersHiggs" date="1221031047" format="1.1" reprev="1.1" version="1.1"}%
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* *PH* to liaise with Lee Belbin about Karrakamia cap
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* If we finish after 5pm there are issues with the Maritime Museum - they need to charge for late fees, we only booked to 5pm.
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* *PH* to chase up with Maritime Museum to confirm fees
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* Poster boards are currently not available
* Chairs for the function centre not available
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* *PH* to liaise with Lee Belbin about Karrakamia cap
* *PH* to chase up with Maritime Museum to confirm fees