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date 2006.; author LeeBelbin; state Exp;
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@%META:TOPICINFO{author="LeeBelbin" date="1164163896" format="1.1" version="1.1"}%
---++Secretarial Assistant
This position could be initiated as a part-time position funded by institutional membership fees. Depending on the effectiveness of the position, and the level of institutional membership, it would be hoped that this position could evolve to full-time. TDWG would seek an institution that would be willing to host this position and provide some infrastructure (eg Internet access).
1. Effective communication skills, particularly written English
1. The ability to work independently
1. Well-developed skills with office software (eg Word, Excel, Powerpoint) or equivalent
---+++Roles and Responsibilities
1. Maintains effective communication within the Executive Committee and between the Executive Committee and members
1. Acts as the first point of contact for TDWG
1. Monitors the effectiveness of the TDWG website and liaises with the Web Editor to ensure that the site is effective
1. Assists the Web Editor with the preparation and publication of web content
1. Maintains the paper and electronic archive
1. Distributes documents to the Executive Committee and to the Membership
1. Assists the Secretary in preparing minutes of meetings
1. Assists the Annual Conference Manager with the distribution of information relating to the Annual Conference to the membership
1. Assists the Secretary with the distribution of notices of meetings of the Executive Committee to its members
1. Assists the Secretary with the distribution of proposals and assists in the organizing of votes and associated outcomes
---+++Tasks for 2007
1. Profile the Executive Committee including timezones for Skype sessions
1. Coordinate a Press Release and list nitification on the appointment
1. Get login for web site
1. Familiarisation wth the web site
1. Profile Conveners, Secretariat Coordinators and volunteers
-- Main.LeeBelbin - 22 Nov 2006