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date 2009.; author LeeBelbin; state Exp;
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@%META:TOPICINFO{author="GailKampmeier" date="1259961058" format="1.1" reprev="1.8" version="1.8"}%
---+TDWG 2009 - Issues Arising to be Addressed
These are the issues that I am more than aware of, and that I will need help with. Offers please, either from Exec or of others that you know may be able to help.
1. I think I now have all the presentations and posters uploaded to the conference site. Please let me know if you are aware of any missing. I do have audio files of all the plenary sessions but wonder what I can do with them as they are very large files. They could be split out to individual talks but who could take this on?
1. Reports from working groups (see attached). Session leaders will need to be chased and a web page will need to be setup to display the reports. I am best placed to do the latter.
1. Executive meeting report (Adrian)
1. Survey of delegates to TDWG 2009. I have started this but would value help or someone taking this on. What questions need to be asked? The survey can be found at Username tdwg and password ontology. Please either add in or add below here. (<I>costs/registration fee/dinner, Open questions like which session they found most interesting and why, Open question for general remarks (could be by category : Venue, Program .... , Ask for themes for 2010 ?</I>)
1. Update of Conference Guidelines (probably after survey but will need to be quickly as this document is the basis of proposals for hosting TDWG conferences)
1. Follow up on offers for TDWG 2010. This is urgent. We need someone in North America to act as a Conference Coordinator/Manager. Any ideas?
1. New reps for South America (Annie Simpson and Antonio Saraiva) and new Secretary (Patricia Mergen). The exec details (mail list etc) will need updating before the end of the year and &#8216;roles and responsibilities&#8217; re-distributed. We DO need to make better use of the Regional Reps in 2010, and vice-versa.
1. Proceedings final copy and to Pensoft (Anna, Lyubo and ...?)
1. Special publication 2010. We need to chase authors and editors (see below).
1. Changes to &#8216;TDWG process&#8217; due to experiences with Darwin Core. We will need to clarify what should be done by proposed TDWG standards. We WILL need to modify the Standards Specification once this has been decided and maybe the TDWG constitution.
1. Update the Review Manager Guidelines based on experiences with Darwin Core, TAPIR and GUID/LSID.
1. Review of TDWG systems by Piers Higgs. Any issues or specs we need to clarify?
1. Updating memberships from RegOnline (Stan?)
1. Updating Twiki. I&#8217;ve done a basic setup of BD and SDD but needed more help so have asked Garry JR to see what he can do here. He has agreed. Twiki appears to be our vulnerable app so we need to consider if we can plug the holes or update it ASAP.
1. Letters of thanks to sponsors and also to ORNIS for John W's time.
Any other issues post Montpellier to raise/address?
Here are my notes from a meeting with Anna, Donald and Lyubo about a special issue TDWG publication for the Year of Biodiversity.
* To be published on the day of Biodiversity (May 22, 2010).
* Need high-profile editors (Rich to approach E.O. Wilson), others? Jim Beach?
* I added 1 and 2 below (secretariat licence :).
* 5-15 pages per chapter with emphasis on hyperlinks
Chapters (not in any specific order)
1. Introduction to the domain (Donald Hobern)
1. History of TDWG (Frank Bisby, Jim Croft??)
1. Darwin Core (John Wieczorek)
1. GNA and TCS (Rich Pyle and David Remsen)
1. SPM (Eamonn O&#8217;Tuama)
1. Biological descriptions (Gregor Hagedorn)
1. Geospatial TDWG (Javier De La Torre and Reed Beaman)
1. BC and NCD (Roger Hyam and Wouter Addink)
1. GUIDs (Donald Hobern and ...?)
1. Ontologies (Roger Hyam and Donald Hobern)
1. Literature and BHL (Anna Weitzman)
1. Phyloinformatics (Hilmar Lapp and Nico Cellinese)
1. Multimedia (Bob Morris and Greg Riccardi)
1. Invasives (Annie Simpson)
1. Annotations (James Macklin)
1. Agriculture (Elizabeth Arnaud)
Comments please?
-- Main.LeeBelbin - 23 Nov 2009
---++ OJS "features" to be fixed/managed/better documented
* Users should know that they need to have gotten a confirmation of success for their presentation
* Make very clear that users need to use only codes for current year. No others are valid. Could perhaps mark each session name with year as prefix?
* Authors need to re-examine their metadata after review and during the copy editing process. Problem is that once the first step of copy editing is initiated, it blocks authors from being able to modify or even see all of their metadata. This step needs to remain open until the author has responded to copy editing queries
* Make directions very clear to authors. Tell them what you want them to do, then tell them exactly the steps of how to do it.
* Fix: submitter is the person of contact for authors rather than the person designated. If this is not fixed then authors need to know that the corresponding author needs to submit the abstract and that it cannot be done by anyone else
* Fix: during the review process, the editorial decision is not transferred automatically to the email letter but left as code
* Decide whether it is worthwhile to use abstracts as peer reviewed for publication or whether more fit for use as programming. The amount of editing required is not trivial, particularly in the time period.
* Make deadlines firm. Exceptions have to go through the program committee and be authorized by them, and the link provided at the time of authorization. Deadlines need to be given to late submitters with the emphasis that everyone is busy and this is not a valid excuse.
* Make suggestions for those whose primary language is not English that the abstract be composed well in the native language first if the submitter is not comfortable in English. Use online tools such as Google translate to do an initial translation. Then find a native English speaker to clarify the language.
* Make a list of acronyms that do not need to be expanded.
* Make it clear that abstracts should NOT have supplementary materials, despite the apparent ability to upload these.
* During the copy editing phase, emphasize the need for authors to send the confirming email allowing the system to advance, or fix the inability for editors to get it to do so.
* When you get the form letter from Lee about an editorial assignment, it is geared towards sectionEditor, so you cannot add an editor without backing back into the editor space and coming at the submission again.
_Submission URL:_
_Username: First LastName_
* In agreeing to review in TDWG Charters, Lee's name is in the To and Cc with same email address.
* Suggest adding #XXX to the subject line of all emails coming out of OJS (truncated title also helpful) for sorting purposes. When dealing with meeting emails, distinguishing whether poster, demo, or other type in subject line would also be very beneficial.
-- Main.GailKampmeier - 24 Nov 2009
---++ Conference planning suggestions
* Identify sponsors early for reception, breaks, even banquet.
* Good idea for the public outreach event each year
* Plan meetings in minimum 2 years in advance (3 years preferable)
* Get together local arrangements and program committees who are part of the process for 3 years - 1) apprenticeship; 2) their meeting; 3) old hands (consultants)
-- Main.GailKampmeier - 24 Nov 2009
---++ TDWG Website Issues
* Membership list does not paginate to subsequent pages
* News feed does not always update automatically in right-hand column (not updated since February - beginning of webpage?)
* There is no charter visible for OSR nor any visible reason why "Observations & Specimens" should be "OSR."
-- Main.GailKampmeier - 04 Dec 2009
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%META:TOPICINFO{author="LeeBelbin" date="1259094539" format="1.1" version="1.7"}%
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-- Main.GailKampmeier - 24 Nov 2009@
@d1 1
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%META:TOPICINFO{author="GailKampmeier" date="1259094520" format="1.1" version="1.6"}%
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1. Survey of delegates to TDWG 2009. I have started this but would value help or someone taking this on. What questions need to be asked? The survey can be found at Username tdwg and password ontology. Please wither add in or add below here. (<I>costs/registration fee/dinner, Open questions like which session they found most interesting and why, Open question for general remarks (could be by category : Venue, Program .... , Ask for themes for 2010 ?</I>)
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="GailKampmeier" date="1259073271" format="1.1" reprev="1.5" version="1.5"}%
d82 1
a82 1
_Submission URL:
d84 1
a84 1
Username: First LastName_
d86 1
a86 1
* In agreeing to review in TDWG Charters, Lee's name is in the To and Cc with same email address.
d102 1
a102 1
-- Main.GailKampmeier - 24 Nov 2009
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="PatriciaMergen" date="1258965565" format="1.1" version="1.4"}%
d52 51
a102 1
-- Main.LeeBelbin - 23 Nov 2009@
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="LeeBelbin" date="1258958635" format="1.1" version="1.3"}%
d10 1
a10 1
1. Survey of delegates to TDWG 2009. I have started this but would value help or someone taking this on. What questions need to be asked? The survey can be found at Username tdwg and password ontology. Please wither add in or add below here.
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="LeeBelbin" date="1258953695" format="1.1" version="1.2"}%
d21 1
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="LeeBelbin" date="1258950719" format="1.1" version="1.1"}%
d5 20
a24 1
My notes from a meeting with Anna, Donald and Lyubo about a special issue TDWG publication for the Year of Biodiversity.
d49 1
a49 21
These are the issues that I am more than aware of, and that I WILL need help with. I will not be able to do all of these! Offers please (either from Exec or of others that you know may be able to help).
1. I think I have all the presentations and posters uploaded to the conference site. Please let me know if you are aware of any missing. I do have audio files of all the plenary sessions but wonder what I can do with them as they are very large files. They could be split out to individual talks but who could take this on?
1. Reports from working groups (see attached). Session leaders will need to be chased and a web page will need to be setup.
1. Executive meeting report (Adrian)
1. Survey of delegates to TDWG 2009. I have started this but would value help or someone taking this on. What questions need to be asked?
1. Follow up on offers for TDWG 2010. We need someone in North America to act as a Conference Coordinator/Manager. Any ideas?
1. Update of Conference Guidelines (probably after survey but will need to be quickly as this document is the basis of proposals for hosting TDWG conferences)
1. New reps for South America (Annie Simpson and Antonio Saraiva) and new Secretary (Patricia Mergen). The exec details (mail list etc) will need updating before the end of the year and &#8216;roles and responsibilities&#8217; re-distributed. We DO need to make better use of the Regional Reps in 2010, and vice-versa.
1. Proceedings final copy and to Pensoft (Anna, Lyubo and ...?)
1. Special publication 2010.
1. Changes to &#8216;TDWG process&#8217; due to experiences with Darwin Core. We will need to clarify what should be done by proposed TDWG standards. We WILL need to modify the Standards Specification once this has been decided and maybe the TDWG constitution.
1. Update the Review Manager Guidelines based on experiences with Darwin Core, TAPIR and GUID/LSID.
1. Review of TDWG systems by Piers Higgs and ...? Any issues or specs we need to clarify?
1. Updating memberships from RegOnline (Stan?)
1. Updating Twiki. I&#8217;ve done a basic setup of BD and SDD but needed more help so have asked Garry JR to see what he can do here. He has agreed. Twiki appears to be our vulnerable app so we need to consider if we can plug the holes or update it ASAP.
Any other issues post Montpellier to raise/address?