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@%META:TOPICINFO{author="LeeBelbin" date="1224293698" format="1.1" version="1.16"}%
This page is intended to list the things that need to be done around the conference.
---++Local Organising Committee Meetings
* [[20080910_Meeting]] - Meeting on 10th September, 2008
---++ Registration issues (from Lee)
* 1. Allocate those who registered for the tutorials (234 currently have opted in to the four tutorials) BETWEEN Sessions 8 and 13. _To be done by the program organisers - yes?_
* 2. Tours/excursions... _Post-conference wildflower tour - all in hand (payments made direct to the tour company). Karakamia evening - cash payments will be taken at registration and on Monday. Will need to have all payments made before Monday lunchtime. I'll need to make a housekeeping announcement about this on Monday morning._
* 3. Printed copy of the Proceedings to the 25 who ordered them (RegOnline). _If Piers can get these delivered to the Herbarium, I'll arrange for them to be packed into the conference bags for those who have ordered them._ _Note from Piers:_ I pick up the abstract file directly from Lee and Anna at the airport on Friday at 12 noon, and then rush back to our office to print them and bind them. It is unlikely that these will be ready before C.O.B Friday so they will have to be brought to TDWG on Monday and handed out to those people who have ordered them.
* 4. T-shirts to the 42 people who ordered them (RegOnline). _I'll need to get these organized. We are expecting quite a few to purchase t-shirts (AUS$26) at the meeting as they didn't want it on the RegOnline invoice. *I have these in my office - will put into the bags for those who've purchased. Lee to organise how payments can be made at the registration desk._
* 5. As Stan and Adrian know, RegOnline can print badges from its database. Did the locals know this? _They do now - in hand_
* 6. Acknowledgement of sponors (get Session Chairs organized)
---++ Registration roster
* Sunday: 8:30 - 9:00 am: Stan, Lee, Alex, Kevin, Nick; also set up kiosk mode.
* Monday: 8:30 - 9:00 am: Stan, Ben, Alex and Kevin; morning tea: Stan, Ben, Nick; Kevin, Alex at lunchtime; Kevin at atfernoon tea
* Tuesday: 8:30 - 9:00 am: Ben, Kevin; morning tea: Ben; lunch: Nick; afternoon tea: Alex
* Wednesday: 8:30 - 9:00 am: Stan, Alex;
* Thursday:
* Friday:
---++ Before the Event
* Who is opening the conference? *WAS* Lyn Beazley (see [[20080910_Meeting]]) - Now Di Jones from WAM
* Where is the welcome reception on Sunday night? - Moores Building (see [[20080910_Meeting]])
* Internet connectivity in Maritime Museum - being handled by Piers Higgs (
* Internet connectivity in Notre Dame - being handled by Alex Chapman
* Printed abstracts - Gaia Resources has offered to print and bind these copies for those attendees who require them (
* Name tags (including multiple coloured ones for the different days) - handled by Herbarium
* Poster space - we need to have space to show A0 posters at most (mainly they will be A1 from Lee's experience) - looking at poster boards now - *Posterboards have been ordered, will be delivered to Maritime Museum at 3 pm Sunday afternoon. Kevin and Alex will be there then to set up*.
* Furniture needs to be ready to move into the Museum (for that which is necessary), including poster boards. Trestle tables can be borrowed from Museum, but will need tablecloths on them to look "nice", also chairs. Being looked at.
* All electrical equipment to be plugged into the Museum power needs to be tagged to Australian Electrical Safety standards - being dealt with and processes for delegates being written up.
* Coffee and tea facilities in the venue will not be cleaned up by the provider - we will have to get people tasked with doing that cleanup
* Video of the event needs to be organised and put in place - Dave Primmer from Mixed Media has asked to quote
* Videoconferencing testing at both venues - unlikely to go ahead.
* Deliveries to Maritime Museum - officially there is *no storage space* for the event so all deliveries of gear (eg. poster boards) should be made on the Sunday 19 or Monday 20 October. Deliveries can be made between 09:30 - 12:00 and 14:30 to 16:00.
_Please note: there are other bookings around the TDWG booking for the Maritime Museum. We will not have exclusive access to the venue until possibly Sunday, and if a booking comes in then this will be Monday. This means we cannot store things at the venue over the weekend and will have to move some of them in on the Monday morning._
_Please also note: Piers Higgs will be at the Maritime Museum Wednesday-Friday of the week before TDWG helping to host a meeting for the Museum (Council of the Heads of Australian Faunal Collections), and an associated wine tour on the Saturday. He can do some minor testing during this time as long as it does not interfere with the running of the meetings. Also we might be able to store small amounts of equipment in the Kailis Boardroom during this time._
---++Calendar of pre-conference actions
---++++Monday 22/9 (4 weeks out)
* Transport and dinner arrangements for Karakamia finalised
* Meeting rooms for breakouts finalised (done 26/9/08 - Alex).
---++++Monday 29/9 (3 weeks out)
* Booking arrangements for Swan Valley and Margaret River excursions finalised - *SWAN VALLEY CANCELLED*
* Welcome reception booking finalised (done 2/10/08 - Alex).
* Estimated final numbers (including day rate registrants) finalised - indicative at least - for booking purposes
---++++Monday 6/10 (2 weeks out)
* Satchel quote finalised, graphic to be delivered by COB
* List of conference bag material finalised
---++++Monday 13/10 (1 week out)
* Final list of participants provided by TDWG
* Badges printed and collated
* Sealable plastic bags - one for every participant - labelled with name sticker, ready to be used for testing of electrical leads
---++++Wednesday 15/10 (4 week out)
* pick up conference bags
---++++Friday 17/20 (2 days out).
* All conference pack material printed and collated, and packed into the conference bags
* Table cloths picked up (from where?)
* Posterboards picked up (from where?). Will need to get a small truck from DEC for the day to move these around.
No - we are going to hire these now, for delivery Monday 20th am direct to the Museum. Who is doing this?
---++ During the Event
---++++Saturday (Start 11:00 and Finish 17:00, at Notre Dame)
* *Executive Committee Meeting* held at Notre Dame - unknown requirements (no catering etc has been organised for this day).
0. 0900-1700 Executive Committee meeting (room 36.120 - seats 20, or possibly room 36.118 - seats 25 - depending on requirements for tables and chairs)
_Please note: There is a wine tour on this day being run by Piers Higgs for another group, so will be unable to attend things on this day_
---++++Sunday (Start 09:00 and Finish 17:00, at Notre Dame)
* A wide range of *Group Meetings* held at Notre Dame - unknown requirements (no catering etc has been organised for this day). These are "open meetings" but how many people can the rooms accomodate?
1. 0900-1300 Geospatial Interest Group (room 36.102 - seats 35)
2. 0900-1300 Observations & Specimens Interest Group (room 36.118 - seats 25)
3. 0900-1300 Literature Interest Group (room 36.120 - seats 20)
4. 0900-1700 Phylogenetics (room 36.117 - seats 32)
5. 1400-1700 Image & MRT (room 36.120 - seats20)
6. 1400-1700 Metadata Workshop (room 36.102 - seats 35)
7. 1400-1700 Observations Task Group (room 36.118 - seats 25)
8. 1400-1700 Invasive Species Workshop (room 36.103 - seats 45 - nb. needs LCD projector)
* Furniture set up in Function Centre (assuming that we have access to the venue on that day - if not, this will need to be done early on Monday morning)
* *Welcome reception* - Moore & Moore - in the Moores Building 46 Henry St Fremantle, 6-8pm.
---+++++General Setup
_We will have access for setup from 12 noon Sunday afternoon_
* All technological gear (Internet routers, etc) need to be set up in the function room, theatre and boardroom, and password information for the event needs to be provided to delegates for wireless connectivity
* Function room needs to have tables and poster boards set up ready for poster displays and demonstations
* Power boards, etc for this room need to be put in place and taped down (will need power boards, network cables)
* Will we need a computer for the presenters? Probably
Note: for all days of the week, conference delegates will have access from 8:30 am; organisers will have access from 8:00 am
---++++Monday (Start 09:00, Finish 17:30)
* *Day 1* - Mainly in the Theatre and Function Centre
* *Posters and Demos* all week - _Note that the venue closes at 1700 not 1730_ - assuming 36 posters at the moment (need lots of space!)
* Earthwatch have asked for space for a Technical Advisory Panel meeting on Monday afternoon from 5pm
---+++++General Setup
* Need conference registration table (possible to borrow a Museum one, but will need to get a tablecloth from somewhere, banners, etc nearby). Also need to be considerate that the Museum is a public venue and we can't just place ourselves down in the foyer obstructing the public. On Monday registrants need to pick a tutorial session. Collecting of T-shirts as well, and possibly some purchases of these on the day. Also we have to take money from people who are paying on the day - to do this, Stan needs a few PCs connected to the Internet and some volunteers to help out with checking people in. He'll also need some change and a safebox of sorts for storing any cash that comes in. Stan is not covering money for the excursions, though, so we need to deal with that locally.
* Need someone to man the desk for most of the days of the conference with names to tick off, payments to process, name tags to hand out, etc.
* Video-ing of the presentations and subsequent stuff - need to process files, make them available, etc.
* We have to clean up after the coffee/tea breaks ourselves - we can use a trestle table from the Museum but will need tablecloths (Museum suggested we ask Annie from the coffee shop to deal with this)
---++++Tuesday (Start 09:00, finish at 16:00 or possibly 18:00 if the tutorials are in the Maritime Museum)
* *Day 2* - Mainly in Theatre and Function Centre
* *Posters and Demos* all week - assuming 36 posters at the moment (need lots of space!)
* *Tutorials* - need to have at least two or three confirmed rooms handling 30 people... or more - running from 1600 to 1800 (so has to be Notre Dame)
* Tuesday 4-6pm: ND 36.102 (seats 35)
* Tuesday 4-6pm: ND 43.102 (seats c.60)
* *Spotlighting at Karrakamia* - bus pickup at Maritime Museum carpark
---+++++General Setup
* Need someone to man the desk for most of the days of the conference with names to tick off, payments to process, name tags to hand out, etc.
* Video-ing of the presentations and subsequent stuff - need to process files, make them available, etc.
* We have to clean up after the coffee/tea breaks ourselves - we can use a trestle table from the Museum but will need tablecloths (Museum suggested we ask Annie from the coffee shop to deal with this)
---++++Wednesday (start 09:00, finish at 17:30)
* *Day 3* - Mainly in Theatre and Function Centre
* *Posters and Demos* all week - assuming 36 posters at the moment (need lots of space!)
* *ALA Public Lecture* - to be held at UWA - there is no easy way to get there for delegates?
---+++++General Setup
* Need someone to man the desk for most of the days of the conference with names to tick off, payments to process, name tags to hand out, etc.
* Video-ing of the presentations and subsequent stuff - need to process files, make them available, etc.
* We have to clean up after the coffee/tea breaks ourselves - we can use a trestle table from the Museum but will need tablecloths (Museum suggested we ask Annie from the coffee shop to deal with this)
---++++Thursday (start at 08:30 - possibly at Notre Dame or 10:00 at Maritime Museum, finish at 1650)
* *Day 4* - Mainly in Function Centre and Theatre
* *Posters and Demos* all week - assuming 36 posters at the moment (need lots of space!)
* *Tutorials* - need to have at least two or three confirmed rooms handling 30 people... or more - running from 0830 to 1000
* Thursday 8.30-10am: ND 36.119/120 (seats 20)
* Thursday 8.30-10am: ND 43.301 (seats c.50)
* *Banquet* - at the Esplanade Hotel
---+++++General Setup
* Need someone to man the desk for most of the days of the conference with names to tick off, payments to process, name tags to hand out, etc.
* Video-ing of the presentations and subsequent stuff - need to process files, make them available, etc.
* We have to clean up after the coffee/tea breaks ourselves - we can use a trestle table from the Museum but will need tablecloths (Museum suggested we ask Annie from the coffee shop to deal with this)
---++++Friday (start 09:00, finish 17:00)
* *Day 5* - Mainly in the Function Centre and Theatre
* *Posters and Demos* all week - assuming 36 posters at the moment (need lots of space!)
---+++++General Setup
* We *have* to vacate and completely clean out the Theatre by *1700* for a separate booking for the Museum starting at 1730
* We have to clear out and completely clean out the Function centre by 1000 on Saturday at the latest to accomodate a wedding booking for the Museum
* We need to have somewhere to take all the gear away, etc.
* HISCOM AGM - in Notre Dame Education Centre
9. 0900-1700 HISCOM Meeting (room 36.118 - seats 25)
10. 0900-1300 Still Available (room 36.102 - seats 35)
* *Winery day tour* - *CANCELLED DUE TO LACK OF NUMBERS*
* Start of *Southwest Wildflowers*
* Start of *3-day Margaret River Wine Tour*
-- Main.PiersHiggs - 05 Sep 2008@
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="KevinThiele" date="1224217866" format="1.1" version="1.15"}%
d21 2
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="PiersHiggs" date="1224083539" format="1.1" version="1.14"}%
d21 9
a29 1
* 6..7..8..
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="KevinThiele" date="1224060074" format="1.1" reprev="1.13" version="1.13"}%
d15 1
a15 1
* 3. Printed copy of the Proceedings to the 25 who ordered them (RegOnline). _If Piers can get these delivered to the Herbarium, I'll arrange for them to be packed into the conference bags for those who have ordered them._
d212 1
a212 1
-- Main.PiersHiggs - 05 Sep 2008
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="KevinThiele" date="1223972153" format="1.1" version="1.12"}%
d9 14
d212 1
a212 1
-- Main.PiersHiggs - 05 Sep 2008@
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="KevinThiele" date="1223964819" format="1.1" version="1.11"}%
d17 1
a17 1
* Poster space - we need to have space to show A0 posters at most (mainly they will be A1 from Lee's experience) - looking at poster boards now
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="PiersHiggs" date="1223434758" format="1.1" reprev="1.10" version="1.10"}%
d11 1
a11 1
* Who is opening the conference? *WAS* Lyn Beazley (see [[20080910_Meeting]]) - *replacement being sought*
d103 1
a103 1
_If we get bump-in booking on Sunday to allow for the move during that day - otherwise this has to be done on Monday_
d110 3
d198 1
a198 1
-- Main.PiersHiggs - 05 Sep 2008
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="AlexChapman" date="1223262687" format="1.1" reprev="1.9" version="1.9"}%
d11 1
a11 1
* Who is opening the conference? Lyn Beazley (see [[20080910_Meeting]])
d39 1
a39 1
* Booking arrangements for Swan Valley and Margaret River excursions finalised
d114 1
d186 1
a186 1
* *Winery day tour* - pick up from Museum
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="AlexChapman" date="1221809861" format="1.1" version="1.8"}%
d34 2
a35 1
* Meeting rooms for breakouts finalised
d40 3
a42 1
* Welcome reception booking finalised
d47 2
d55 3
d60 1
a60 1
* Badges printed and collated
d62 1
a62 1
* Sealable plastic bags - one for every participant - labelled with name sticker, ready to be used for testing of electrical leads
d70 2
a71 1
* Posterboards picked up (from where?). Will need to get a small truck from DEC for the day to move these around
d76 3
a78 1
---++++Saturday (Start 11:00 and Finsish 17:00, at Notre Dame)
d80 1
a80 1
* *Executive Committee Meeting* held at Notre Dame - unknown requirements (no catering etc has been organised for this day)
d88 9
d99 1
a99 2
* *Welcome reception* - where?
d121 1
a121 1
d127 3
d155 3
d179 3
a181 1
* No events
d188 7
a194 1
-- Main.PiersHiggs - 05 Sep 2008@
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="PiersHiggs" date="1221177197" format="1.1" version="1.7"}%
d33 2
a34 1
Transport and dinner arrangements for Karakamia finalised
d38 4
d44 2
d50 2
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="KevinThiele" date="1221115130" format="1.1" version="1.6"}%
d23 1
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="PiersHiggs" date="1221030133" format="1.1" reprev="1.5" version="1.5"}%
d20 1
a20 1
* Coffee and tea facilities in the venu will not be cleaned up by the provider - we will have to get people tasked with doing that cleanup
d27 18
d46 9
d57 1
a57 1
---+++Saturday (Start 11:00 and Finsish 17:00, at Notre Dame)
d63 1
a63 1
---+++Sunday (Start 09:00 and Finish 17:00, at Notre Dame)
d66 4
d81 1
a81 1
---+++Monday (Start 09:00, Finish 17:30)
d93 1
a93 1
---+++Tuesday (Start 09:00, finish at 16:00 or possibly 18:00 if the tutorials are in the Maritime Museum)
d98 1
a98 1
* *Spotlighting at Karrakamia* - bus meets where?
d106 1
a106 1
---+++Wednesday (start 09:00, finish at 17:30)
d118 1
a118 1
---+++Thursday (start at 08:30 - possibly at Notre Dame or 10:00 at Maritime Museum, finish at 1650)
d131 1
a131 1
---+++Friday (start 09:00, finish 17:00)
d142 1
a142 1
d146 1
a146 1
d151 1
a151 1
-- Main.PiersHiggs - 05 Sep 2008
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="PiersHiggs" date="1220833131" format="1.1" reprev="1.4" version="1.4"}%
d5 4
d11 2
a12 2
* Who is opening the conference?
* Where is the welcome reception on Sunday night?
d14 1
a14 1
* Internet connectivity in Notre Dame
d16 4
a19 4
* Name tags (including multiple coloured ones for the different days)
* Poster space - we need to have space to show A0 posters at most (mainly they will be A1 from Lee's experience)
* Furniture needs to be ready to move into the Museum (for that which is necessary), including poster boards. Trestle tables can be borrowed from Museum, but will need tablecloths on them to look "nice"
* All electrical equipment to be plugged into the Museum power needs to be tagged to Australian Electrical Safety standards
d21 2
a22 2
* Video of the event needs to be organised and put in place - Dave Primmer from Mixed Media has been given heads-up, don't know the costs, availability, etc yet
* Videoconferencing testing at both venues
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="PiersHiggs" date="1220599065" format="1.1" reprev="1.3" version="1.3"}%
d7 2
d10 1
d14 1
a14 1
* Furniture needs to be ready to move into the Museum (for that which is necessary)
d18 1
d34 1
a34 1
* A wide range of *Group Meetings* held at Notre Dame - unknown requirements (no catering etc has been organised for this day)
d53 1
a53 1
* Need conference registration table (possible to borrow a Museum one, but will need to get a tablecloth from somewhere, banners, etc nearby). Also need to be considerate that the Museum is a public venue and we can't just place ourselves down in the foyer obstructing the public. On Monday registrants need to pick a tutorial session. Collecting of T-shirts as well, and possibly some purchases of these on the day. Also we have to take money from people who are paying on the day - to do this, Stan needs a few PCs connected to the Internet and some volunteers to help out with checking people in. He'll also need some change and a safebox of sorts for storing any cash that comes in.
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="PiersHiggs" date="1220595269" format="1.1" reprev="1.2" version="1.2"}%
d49 1
a49 1
* Need conference registration table (possible to borrow a Museum one, but will need to get a tablecloth from somewhere, banners, etc nearby). Also need to be considerate that the Museum is a public venue and we can't just place ourselves down in the foyer obstructing the public. On Monday registrants need to pick a tutorial session. Collecting of T-shirts as well, and possibly some purchases of these on the day. Also we have to take money from people who are paying on the day!
d92 1
a92 1
d97 1
a97 1
---+++++General Setup (start 09:00, finish 17:00)
a111 2
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="PiersHiggs" date="1220581420" format="1.1" reprev="1.1" version="1.1"}%
d10 1
d22 1
a22 1
d28 1
a28 1
d33 1
a33 1
---++++General Setup
d42 1
a42 1
d45 1
a45 1
* *Posters and Demos* all week - _Note that the venue closes at 1700 not 1730_
d47 1
a47 1
---++++General Setup
d49 1
a49 1
* Need conference registration table (possible to borrow a Museum one, but will need to get a tablecloth from somewhere, banners, etc nearby). Also need to be considerate that the Museum is a public venue and we can't just place ourselves down in the foyer obstructing the public.
d54 1
a54 1
d57 2
a58 1
* *Posters and Demos* all week
d61 1
a61 1
---++++General Setup
d67 1
a67 1
d70 1
a70 1
* *Posters and Demos* all week
d73 1
a73 1
---++++General Setup
d79 1
a79 1
d82 2
a83 1
* *Posters and Demos* all week
d86 1
a86 1
---++++General Setup
d95 1
a95 1
* *Posters and Demos* all week
d97 1
a97 1
---++++General Setup
d99 1
a99 1
* We have to vacate and completely clean out the Theatre by 1700 for a separate booking for the Museum