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@%META:TOPICINFO{author="AlexChapman" date="1211266159" format="1.1" version="1.3"}%
---++Rottnest Island - Piers Higgs
*Please note I haven't had a chance to confirm discounts for the conference - these are just the listed prices*
[[ Rottnest Island Web Site]]
Rottnest Island is a short ferry ride across from Fremantle. There are departure points right next to the Maritime Museum in Fremantle for two of the main ferry companies, Rottnest Express (C Shed) and Oceanic Cruises (B Shed). It is not easy to stay on the Island overnight - there is limited accomodation - but the location makes it good for a day trip if you want a day off from the conference.
*Ferry Services*
_Rottnest Express - [[ Web site]]_
Current prices for an adult departure is $53 for a same-day return from Fremantle. Ferry timetables are on the web site.
I have asked them what sort of bulk discounts they can do - at this stage they are unsure and I am waiting on feedback.
_Oceanic Cruises - [[ Web site]]_
Current prices for an adult departure is $51 for a same-day return from Fremantle. Again, ferry timetables are on the web site
If more than 10 people go, we can get a 10% discount, if more than 15 people go, we can get a 15% discount. These tickets would need to be pre-purchased.
*Things to do*
There's heaps and heaps of things to do on Rottnest, and it's hard to summarise this into a simple document. I think the best thing to do is to get hold of a range of brochures and other material and have it at the conference.
Perhaps the key thing to note about Rottnest is that there are no cars! Bicycles and walking are the primary methods of getting around on land, canoes for the ocean! There is a good bus service that circumnavigates the island regularly!@
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There's heaps and heaps of things to do on Rottnest, and it's hard to summarise this into a simple document. I think the best thing to do is to get hold of a range of brochures and other material and have it at the conference.@
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Current prices for an adult departure is $53 for a same-day return from Fremantle.
Ferry timetables are on the web site
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Current prices for an adult departure is $51 for a same-day return from Fremantle
Again, ferry timetables are on the web site
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There's heaps and heaps of things to do on Rottnest, and it's hard to summarise this into a simple document. I think the best thing to do is to get hold of a range of brochures and other material and have it at the conference.