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date 2008.; author DonaldHobern; state Exp;
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date 2008.; author PiersHiggs; state Exp;
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@%META:TOPICINFO{author="DonaldHobern" date="1209942668" format="1.1" version="1.4"}%
---++Swan Valley Options - Piers Higgs
*Information for registration is at the bottom of this page*
There are a range of options available for the Conference available from various tour companies. I am dealing with Swan Valley Tours, who have a good reputation for running quality tours in the area. Their web site is at [[ Swan Valley Tours]]. Also note that the tour company can also arrange for the bus to go through Kings Park on the way to the Swan valley to see the sights of Perth! They are very accomodating in this respect.
You can literally spend up to $200 for a day trip, which I think is going to be way too expensive for people considering the feedback on the accomodation. So I have basically worked on a figure of half of that fee, and I am hoping a price of less than $100 for a day trip will still be in the range of attendees. For that I have put together three packages in conjunction with the tour company. All of them basically involve a coach trip, rather than a boat trip. This is unfortunate, but the cost of the boat blows the budget.
We should consider that some people might be also heading home on Sunday night and we need to make sure they are aware that they cannot expect to be dropped at the airport or back at their hotel to suit them.
The tours are ordered below by prices for the minimum number of people (10).
*OPTION 1: Art, Culture and Wildlife Tour*
* Includes: Pick up, Chocolate tastings, tour of Caversham wildlife park, wine tasting and 2 course set menu lunch, visit to an art gallery with didgeridoo demo and bush tucker tastings, beer sample and snack basket, back to pick up
* Prices: $95pp (10-19), $90pp (20-39), $85pp (40+)
* Times: Starting at 10 am and running to 17:15
*OPTION 2: Swan Valley Sampler*
* Includes; Pick up, wine tasting, wine tasting & cheeseboard, drink (sparkling/wine/beer depending on choice) and gourmet platter lunch, more tastings (wine/beer/rum depending on choice), ice-cream or nougat tasting, chocolate tasting, return to pick up
* Prices: $85pp (10-19), $80pp (20-39), $75pp (40+)
* Times: 11:00 until 17:00
*OPTION 3: Wine and Supagolf Tour*
* Supagolf is oversized golf - big plastic balls and oversized clubs. It's quite fun, if the weather is nice!
* Includes: Pick up, chocolate tastings, 9 holes of Supa golf, 2-3 course set menu lunch, wine tasting, beer sample and snack basket, back to pick up
* Prices: $65pp (10-19), $60pp (20-39), $55pp (40+)
* Times: 10:00 to 17:00
*Please comment and indicate your support behind one of these options*
*OPTION 1* - Piers, Kevin
*OPTION 2* - Kevin (can't decide), Lee (prefer to stick with spotlight night for wildlife rather than mix wine & wildlife), Donald (tend to agree with Lee - and lower cost may make this more attractive)
*Information for Registration*
* Minimum number of 10 people for a tour
* We need to choose one of these this week to avoid the possibility of missing out
* Whichever we choose, we need to pay a non-refundable deposit of $100
* We need to indicate the expected number of people as soon as we can - an indication is fine, and we can update this closer to the date - they will juggle the venues to suit the number of people@
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*OPTION 2* - Kevin (can't decide), Lee (prefer to stick with spotlight night for wildlife rather than mix wine & wildlife)
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%META:TOPICINFO{author="KevinThiele" date="1209513320" format="1.1" version="1.2"}%
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*OPTION 2* - Kevin (can't decide)
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%META:TOPICINFO{author="PiersHiggs" date="1209469035" format="1.1" reprev="1.1" version="1.1"}%
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*OPTION 1* - Piers
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* We need to indicate the expected number of people as soon as we can - an indication is fine, and we can update this closer to the date - they will juggle the venues to suit the number of people