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date 2006.; author AdrianRissone; state Exp;
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@%META:TOPICINFO{author="RicardoPereira" date="1188585438" format="1.1" version="1.8"}%
---++TDWG Secretariat
This wiki supports the development of additional roles needed in TDWG. Currently, only the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer have well-defined roles within the Executive Committee. With the hopefully increasing size of TDWG, the load on the Secretary appears at peak times well beyond any individual. The TDWG Infrastructure Project had recommended a number of specific roles for other Executive Committee members; Outreach, Annual Conference Manager, TAG Liaison and a funded (part-time) Secretarial Assistant.
At TDWG 2006 in St Louis, Adrian Rissoné and Lee Belbin developed specifications for five potential positions that appeared required for a more effective TDWG management team. While the new constitution and process have been approved, it seemed appropriate to trial these positions before making any further changes to the constitution. The four volunteer roles would be informal for at least one year with the idea of migrating them, if successful, to formal Executive Committee positions. It is also intended to pursue at least a part-time Secretarial Assistant in the first quarter of 2007.
The volunteers who expressed interest in the six roles is enthusiastically welcomed. We need your help! We are now seeking comments from the volunteers (and others) on issues on the sub-pages below-
1. OutreachChampions
1. WebEditors
1. JournalEditors
1. AnnualConferenceManagers
1. ScretarialAssistant
1. SystemAdministrators
Further information can be obtained from Lee Belbin (
-- Main.LeeBelbin - 29 Oct 2006@
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The volunteers who expressed interest in the four roles is enthusiastically welcomed. We need your help! We are now seeking comments from the volunteers (and others) on issues on the sub-pages below-
d16 1
@d1 1
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%META:TOPICINFO{author="LeeBelbin" date="1164163658" format="1.1" version="1.6"}%
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This wiki is directed toward discussion about additional roles needed by the TDWG Executive Committee. Currently, only the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer have well-defined roles within the Executive Committee. With the increasing size of TDWG, the load on the Secretary appears to be well beyond any reasonable expectation of a single volunteer. The TDWG Infrastructure Project recommended a number of specific roles for other Executive Committee members; Outreach, Annual Conference Manager, TAG Liaison and a funded Secretarial Assistant.
d7 1
a7 1
At TDWG 2006 in St Louis, Adrian Rissoné and Lee Belbin developed specifications for five potential positions that appeared required for a more effective TDWG management team. While the new constitution and process have been approved, it seemed appropriate to trial these positions before making any further changes to the constitution. The four volunteer roles would be informal for at least one year with the idea of migrating them, if successful, to formal Executive Committee positions. It is intended to pursue at least a part-time Secretarial Assistant in the first quarter of 2007.
d9 1
a9 1
The volunteers who expressed interest in the four roles is welcomed. We are now seeking comments from the volunteers (and others) on the sub-pages below this one-
d17 1
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-- Main.LeeBelbin - 29 Oct 2006
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="AdrianRissone" date="1162367401" format="1.1" version="1.5"}%
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At TDWG 2006 in St Louis, Adrian Rissoné and Lee Belbin developed specifications for five potential positions that appeared required for a more effective TDWG management team. While the new constitution and process have been approved, it seemed appropriate to trial these positions before making any further changes to the constitution. The four volunteer roles would be informal for at least one year with the idea of migrating them, if successful, to formal Executive Committee positions.
d9 1
a9 1
The form that was distributed to members in St Louis asking for expressions of interest in helping with these roles is welcomed. Many hands make light work. We would now welcome comments on these roles and the responsibilities.
d11 5
a15 56
---++++Outreach ‘Champion’
1. Chairs an Outreach Committee
1. Prepares an Annual Outreach Plan for the Executive
1. Ensures that the web site effectively promotes the activities of TDWG to potential members and clients
1. Prepares and publishes documents, flyers, advertisements and posters that promote TDWG to potential members and clients
1. Actively seeks the opinion of potential members and clients about the effectiveness of TDWG in addressing their needs
1. Where appropriate, attends meetings of client and member organizations
1. Develops initial contact with potential institutional members, clients and collaborative agencies on behalf of the Executive Committee
1. Actively seeks potential sources of funding for TDWG
1. Prepares draft MOUs with other organizations
1. Seeks to involve broader participation in discussion of ways of improving access to organism occurrence data
---++++Annual Conference Manager
1. Appoints and chairs the Annual Conference Organizing Committee
1. Ensures that ‘Instructions for Annual Conference Managers’ is current and accurate
1. Liaises with the Journal Editor on the production of the Proceedings of the Annual Conference
1. Maintains the relationship between the Executive Committee and the host organization
1. Liaises with the Web Editor to ensure that information relating to the annual meeting on the web site is current and accurate
1. Prepares and distributes notices, schedules and other documents relating to the Annual Conference
1. Maintains and archives records relating to the management of annual conferences
---++++Web Editor
1. Responsible for the currency, consistency, relevance and quality of the TDWG Online Environment.
1. Works with the Annual Conference Manager to ensure the meeting website is current
1. Develops and maintains the online archive
1. Develops the web sites in response to requests from the Executive Committee, Interest Groups and Task Groups
1. Researches and applies appropriate technology to improve the functionality, usability and performance of the TDWG Online Environment
---++++Journal Editor
1. The coordinating Editor of the Online Journal System (Proceedings of TDWG)
1. In consultation with the Annual Conference Manager, arranges Session chairs as sub-Editors to manage all submissions in their session (peer review and copyediting)
1. Ensures that documentation for sub-Editors, authors and readers is current and effective
1. Liaises with the Annual Conference Manager on the preparation and publication of the Annual Conference Abstracts volume
---++++Secretarial Assistant
This position could be initiated as a part-time position funded by institutional membership fees. Depending on the effectiveness of the position, and the level of institutional membership, it would be hoped that this position could evolve to full-time. TDWG would seek an institution that would be willing to host this position and provide some infrastructure (eg Internet access).
The Secretarial Assistant would require-
1. Effective communication skills, particularly written English
1. The ability to work independently
1. Well-developed skills with office software (eg Word, Excel, Powerpoint) or equivalent
Responsibilities include-
1. Maintains effective communication within the Executive Committee and between the Executive Committee and members
1. Acts as the first point of contact for TDWG
1. Monitors the effectiveness of the TDWG website and liaises with the Web Editor to ensure that the site is effective
1. Assists the Web Editor with the preparation and publication of web content
1. Maintains the paper and electronic archive
1. Distributes documents to the Executive Committee and to the Membership
1. Assists the Secretary in preparing minutes of meetings
1. Assists the Annual Conference Manager with the distribution of information relating to the Annual Conference to the membership
1. Assists the Secretary with the distribution of notices of meetings of the Executive Committee to its members
1. Assists the Secretary with the distribution of proposals and assists in the organizing of votes and associated outcomes
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-- Main.LeeBelbin - 29 Oct 2006@
@d1 1
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%META:TOPICINFO{author="LeeBelbin" date="1162356979" format="1.1" version="1.4"}%
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At TDWG 2006 in St Louis, Adrian Rissone and Lee Belbin developed specifications for five potential positions that appeared required for a more effective TDWG management team. While the new constitution and process have been approved, it seemed appropriate to trial these positions before making any further changes to the constitution. The four volunteer roles would be informal for at least one year with the idea of migrating them, if successful, to formal Executive Committee positions.
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1. Chairs and Outreach Committee
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-- Main.LeeBelbin - 29 Oct 2006
@d1 1
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%META:TOPICINFO{author="LeeBelbin" date="1162188200" format="1.1" version="1.3"}%
d7 1
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At TDWG 2006 in St Louis, Adrian Rissone and Lee Belbin developed specifications for five potential positions that appeared required for a more effective TDWG management team. While the new constitution and process have been approved, it seemed appropriate to trial these positions before making any further changes to the constitution. The four volunteer roles would be informal for at least one year with the idea of migrating them, if they are successful, to formal Executive Committee positions.
d9 1
a9 1
The form that was distributed to members in St Louis asking for expressions of interest in helping with these roles is warmly welcomed. Many hands make light work. We would welcome comments on these roles and the responsibilities.
d12 1
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a17 1
1. Where appropriate, attends meetings of client and member organisations
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a20 1
1. Prepares draft MOUs with other organisations
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1. Appoints and chairs the Annual Conference Organising Committee
d27 1
a27 1
1. Maintains the relationship between the Executive Committee and the host organisation
d68 1
a68 4
Questions should be directed to Lee Belbin (
-- Main.LeeBelbin - 29 Oct 2006@
@d1 1
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%META:TOPICINFO{author="SteveGinzbarg" date="1162185047" format="1.1" version="1.2"}%
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%META:TOPICINFO{author="LeeBelbin" date="1162160490" format="1.1" version="1.1"}%
d5 1
a5 1
This wiki is directed toward discussion about additional roles needed by the TDWG Executive Committee. Currently, only the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer have well-defined roles within the Executive Committee. With the increasing size of TDWG, the load on the Secretary appears to be well beyond any reasonable expectation of a single volunteer. The TDWG Infrastaructure Project recommended a number of specific roles for other Executive Committee members; Outreach, Annual Conference Manager, TAG Liaison and a funded Secretarial Assistant.
d7 1
a7 1
At TDWG 2006 in St Louis, Adrian Rissone and Lee Belbin developed specifications for five potential positions that appeared required for a more effective TDWG management team. While the new constitution and process have been approved, it seemed appropriate to trial these positions before making any further changes to the constitution. The four volunteer roles would be informal for at least one year with the idea of migrating them, if they are successful to formal Executive Committee positions.
d45 1
a45 1
This position could be initiated as a part-time position funded by institutional membership fees. Depending on the effectiveness of the position, and the level fo institutional membership, it would be hoped that this position could evolve to full-time. TDWG would seek an institution that would be willing to host this position and provide some infrastructure (eg Internet access).
d49 1
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1. Effective communication skills, particulalry written English
d69 1
a69 1
-- Main.LeeBelbin - 29 Oct 2006