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date 2006.; author LeeBelbin; state Exp;
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@GBIF Travel Reimbursement Procedure
@Initial revision
@---++ Reimbursement Procedures
The GBIF travel reimbursement system is easy to use and is based around guidelines at, and an associated Excel spreadsheet. There are two components to the expense claim-
1. The cost of transport (economy class airfares and ground transport) and reasonable accommodation costs will be reimbursed based on receipts. Please seek out good value in both cases as that will enable us to spread the funding further in TDWG.
2. The GBIF system works on 408 Danish Crowns per night away (about US$67) as an allowance for expenses such as food and incidental expenses. Receipts are not needed for these expenses.
Here is process for using the Excel form-
1. Fill in your personal details in the GBIF Travel Reimbursement Form including all relevant bank account details that will enable GBIF to credit your account. Some details are not needed for some countries so just fill in what information is relevant for your account/bank etc.
2. Go to the second page on the spreadsheet (top right of the form) and enter the dates and the rate (408Kr) for each night away. Choose yes or no for any breakfast, lunch or dinner that is supplied. The allowance is reduced proportionately if any of breakfast, lunch or dinner is provided as part of the accommodation rate or as part of the meeting arrangements. The total from this table will be automatically copied to the receipts section in the lower left of the form.
3. Under receipts, number them from 1-x. There are only spaces for 10, so group them if needed e.g. ‘ground transport', as long as they all are in the same currency.
4. Select an 'X' in the cell of the relevant category
5. In the relevant currency column, enter the total value in the appropriate currency against the receipts on that receipt number.
6. Sign, date and add the name of the meeting adjacent, e.g., "TAG meeting".
7. Send a printout of the spreadsheet and the original receipts by post to
Donald Hobern
Programme Officer for Data Access and Database Interoperability
Global Biodiversity Information Facility Secretariat
Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
8. To speed processing up, please also e-mail the spreadsheet to
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Lee Belbin
TDWG Infrastructure Project Manager