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date 2006.; author JavierTorre; state Exp;
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date 2006.; author AimeeStewart; state Exp;
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date 2006.; author AimeeStewart; state Exp;
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@%META:TOPICINFO{author="JavierTorre" date="1161903391" format="1.1" version="1.3"}%
---+ Geospatial Interest Group (GIG) 18 Oct 2006
Standards exist already, want to talk about applicability and interoperability, not reinvent
Charter - everyone satisfied with it, Reed will do minor edits. Exec comm approves
---++ Task Groups
---+++ Geographic Standards Task group
* for authority standard, areas, how they relate, how you use them
* need to revisit
* need for marine as well as terrestrial
* Tasks
* 2 main issues: data exchange vs controlled vocabulary (content)
* OGC applicability statements
* Domain ontology with controlled vocab, geographic taxonomy
* 1st task is to review existing standards
* iso standards, fips standards, create a dataset, floristic units
* app document
* pay someone? there is a budget, could do proposal for meetings or contract work
* need to put together charter and timeline, send to Exec comm
* Chris Frazier will do
* TDWG has associate membership in OGC, OGC has institutional membership in TDWG
* TDWG exec can appoint up to 3 people to interact with OGC. Would prefer not to rotate them much. Interested? Talk to Reed, Walter or Lee Belbin.
* Some opportunity for funding. Fill out meeting template to maintain some continuity.
* OGC and ISO are tightly coupled - 2 sep bodies but have MOU
---+++ [[GeoAppInter][BioGeo Interoperability]] Task group
* Javier - interoperability testbed, workflow
* Lots of biodiversity data available, but nobody providing interoperability
* dist maps even worse
* OGC providing good infrastructure, but not enough (apps can communicate)
* but not enough about naming columns, etc, only spatial part understandable
* other communities are doing this with OGC
* everything implemented in diff structures, need to do in OGC way, GML
* dist maps, specimen locations, dist modeling/ raster data, itineraries(?)
* framework for information and analysis, services can understand info, consume, analyze
* Create Task group for this problem
* frame this in *Applicability Statement* - how to use these together, need cookbook
* workflow - identify who is doing what, Javier wants to produce OGC standard models
* look at OGC site for examples of other domains doing what we want to do in biodiversity informatics
---+++ Conceptual Model Task Group
Flip (GIG Talking Points - slides will be posted)
* could be differences b/w OGC and TDWG models
* conceptual model - potential task group, but maybe better in TAG
* Observations and Measurements Spec (O&M Spec)
* developed in OWS initiatives
* feature type is an event, get a result on an observation on a thing
* Feature of Interest (FOI)
* need a conceptual model to talk about diff representations of same type of date (ie. darwincore + abcd)
* conceptual model of taxonomic data -- (used to create) --> representational view of darwincore
---+++ Old Geography subgroup
* Should be subsumed by GIG? Neil and Raphael (Kew?) may like to continue, but could be a task group within GIG
* TDWG Geographic Standard - *decision:* adopt into GIG for maintenance with task group
* who is using it?
* 7000 downloads in past 5 years
* someone needs to maintain the standard, but decision needs to come from those involved or exec comm. Or we (GIG) could take it on
* where is the standard?
* Kew people will ask Neil to upload it.
* what is the standard
* focused on botany,
* paper version, but shapefiles too@
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%META:TOPICINFO{author="AimeeStewart" date="1161615807" format="1.1" version="1.2"}%
d31 1
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---+++ SubStandards Task group
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a67 1
* paper version, but shapefiles too
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%META:TOPICINFO{author="AimeeStewart" date="1161362763" format="1.1" version="1.1"}%
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---+++ Authority Geographic standard Task group
d31 2
a32 13
---+++ Conceptual Model Task Group
Flip (GIG Talking Points - slides will be posted)
* could be differences b/w OGC and TDWG models
* conceptual model - potential task group, but maybe better in TAG
* Observations and Measurements Spec (O&M Spec)
* developed in OWS initiatives
* feature type is an event, get a result on an observation on a thing
* Feature of Interest (FOI)
* need a conceptual model to talk about diff representations of same type of date (ie. darwincore + abcd)
* conceptual model of taxonomic data -- (used to create) --> representational view of darwincore
---+++ Workflow / " SubStandards " ? Task group
* Javier - interoperability testbed
d46 12
a57 1
---++++ Old Geography subgroup