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date 2010.; author JoelSachs; state Exp;
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@%META:TOPICINFO{author="JoelSachs" date="1273788012" format="1.1" reprev="1.1" version="1.1"}%
---++ Requirements for Bioblitz Tallymaster software
A web application that can be used for real time !BioBlitzes status displays, e.g. those that track real-time progress during events of 24-hours to 1 week-long.
---+++ Before event:
Web interface to control configuration:
*Entering of tally categories* (to be provided by event organizer). Tally category will need a brief name, a longer name, and a narrative description and a mechanism for computing over the reported observations (determining which category each observation belongs to)
Sample tally categories: Number of bird species seen, Number of fungal species seen, Number of plant species seen, Number of arthropod species seen, Number of people participating, Number of photographs, Number of individual organisms etc.
*Entering of image streams* to monitor (may include special tags). Some images may be of organisms, some may be of people doing bioblitz things.
*Member and team registration* (optional): Password protected. Field names include: Participant name, Team name. Fields can be edited at any time.
*Vetting of teams* (optional, low priority): An administrator can hide display of any team and its entries.
---+++ During event:
All displays addressable on internet separately. A single “Slide show” display can be set to rotate among all of the visual indicators below, with each kind of display set (via web interface) to a particular duration of screen time. All displays should be refreshed with current data regularly, at least every 15 minutes.
*Cover slide for slide show*: Location and date of the bioblitz with URL of the main bioblitz web site.
*Bar charts for tallies targets*. Could be summed over all teams, and/or all the bars for each team that has them could be presented together, in rotation.
*Ranked teams*. Based on number of different species observed across all members of the team.
*Ranked participants*. Based on number of different species observed.
*Map showing observations*, with thumbnails where appropriate (from actual observations or pulled from EOL)
*Image slideshow*. Shows full screen image plus title, caption, photographer, URL of source. Rotates through images at configurable frequency.