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%META:TOPICINFO{author="LeeBelbin" date="1258113003" format="1.1" version="1.3"}%
---++Biodiversity 2010
Ideas for promoting TDWG in the Year of Biodiversity. These are the notes from the Year of Biodiversity discussion group at TDWG 2009.
---+++Hack-a-thon (Ajay Ranipeta and John Deck)
Hack-a-thon or Biodiversity coding challenge. Random assignment and random coders selected.
1. Better integration by selecting random programmers and forcing them to work together for the glory of a golden t-shirt!
1. Test integration tools and find out where we are deficient
1. Create compelling applications
Implementing and testing a series of projects within 24 hours and report outcomes to TDWG 2010. The community will select the topics and the winner. There will be a community manager that will push how and why it is being done. There might be standards recommendations from the activities.
* Use a template: what it will achieve? what are implications? what will it take? Allows standardization and making sure it is realistic and resources are available.
* What could be used at the next TDWG conference?
* How do we get publicity? TDWG standards exposure. Browser plug-in showing a picture of a species when a species shows up in the browser. Put a TDWG/Biodiversity2010 coding challenge logo on it.
---++++To Do:
* Determine Dates
* Determine projects
* Integrating new data
* Identify programmers
* Select subset of tasks
* Identifying and approaching sponsors
* Action: 1st pass on tasks from AJ and John by 15th December 2009
EDIT is financing the Biodiversity2010 web site. We can put up our activities there and look to see what events are relavent for TDWG content. The Website is world wide.
The TDWG events page should have related events
CountDown2010 web site at ICUN can have events
ICinema - Australian Museum (Paul) 360 degree cinema can have images in 3d space with interaction for users with scientific names - Wow about biodiversity! Requires content. Looking at EOL Flicker site. Looking for funding. Like to identify international collaborators to make it international.
Action: Talk with Paul
---+++Special Publication
Work with PenSoft to create a special issue on Biodiversity. Should do fundamental papers. Papers on successes in biodiversity with standards.
1 page is really good - it would be really nice to have short items that cover the field rather than traditional scientific publications. Lots of images, photographs of people. Will create structure we can hang ideas on.
*Action: Lee, Lisa Wally*
---+++ BioBlitz
Joel Sachs.
A Wiki has been setup see Citizen Science from the home page other wikis. Folks doing BioBlitzs around the world and integrating data. BioBlitz is a small group doing a compete biodiversity survey in a small area. Work on tools for collecting information - hand held data loggers. Fits with ALA stuff. One planned for Belgium on biodiversity. Cindy and Joel have done BioBlitzes. Loosely coordinate a week of citizen science maybe around earth week. Do a bioblitz during that week.
Take a lot of planning, hard to do in the same week. How about pipe lining all the data to the same place? BioBlitzers need better tools. Cindy working on mechanism to show data as it comes in. Cool for institutions to have monitors with data coming in from BioBlitzes. Something slimple with bar charts of number of species, number of people. Need to do some coordination with TDWG-lite standards. Hand helds to capture information and transfer to GBIF. ALA is putting money into hand helds capturing data. How to setup forms. Limiting what people can put in and how wide to allow species are issues to think about. BioBlitzes are covering species lists. Interfaces are there to input the data - problem is getting it to GBIF. How about a simple user-friendly way to put data into GBIF?
Could focus on threatened and invasive species to get interest. Provide information on these species to BioBlitzers. Careful on things that will take too long but instead focus on getting data into GBIF and back out again. Nice to have ability to validate data. "58 furlongs north of the Unidata pub".
Effort in the US for "N Amer EOL", demo project integrating BioDiversity with environmental layers. Massive integration effort with TDWG standards under NBII. Discovery mechanism for data sets. Similar to LifeMapper but with US census data, EPA water quality data, NASA data. No doing modeling, just putting together an atlas. Will be demoed in April to government agencies.
*Action: Joel and Cyndi to talk*
---+++TDWG Resource Kit for organizing, attending meetings
Lee Belbin and Adrian Rissone
Include materials, organizations, ideas. Outreach tends to fall to the bottom of priorities but is important to get recognition for the achievements. Should think about how to prompt outreach associated with projects.
Under about on "Resources for Outreach" on the TDWG website there is:
* TDWG poster
* TDWG brochure
* 3 videos
Navigation bar there is "Getting started".
*Action: Everyone to take add how they can help with outreach*
-- Main.LeeBelbin - 12 Nov 2009
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