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---+ Biodiversity Collections Index
The NCD meeting in June 2007 at ETI in Amsterdam discussed the development of the NCD standard and its deployment using a software tool kit developed at ETI on behalf of GBIF. The assumption at the meeting was that there would be a series of national data nodes (mirroring the GBIF national nodes) that served data concerning collections held within their jurisdiction. A number of problems were identified with this model. Firstly many nations do not have national nodes and many institutions publish their data directly to GBIF. Secondly most scientists and institutions tend to work thematically. Botanists work with botanists and entomologists work with entomologists. The science does not arrange itself around political boundaries. This becomes particularly apparent when the assignment of Globally Unique Identifiers is considered. The usefulness of GUIDs is greatly enhanced if there is only one GUID for any one real world object but it is very difficult to control the issuing of GUIDs if data on collections may be held in one or more thematic databases or national nodes or both.
It became apparent that great efficiencies would be gained if there were a single service that held the basic data for all collections and issued resolvable GUIDs for each data record. The time to build such a service is now. Over the course of 2007 this idea was developed into the Biodiversity Collections Index that is now being implemented.
The NCD standard is central to the BCI. NCD will inform the BCI data model. Will use NCD to exchange data with others. BCI will act as a focus within the NCD community.
This page is for comments and discussions relating to NCD/BCI interactions.
---++ Resources
* [[ The BCI Website]]
* BiodiversityCollectionsIndexKickOffMeeting
-- Main.RogerHyam - 10 Jan 2008@
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* The BCI Website
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-- Main.RogerHyam - 10 Jan 2008