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@%META:TOPICINFO{author="NeilThomson" date="1218018373" format="1.1" reprev="1.6" version="1.6"}%
---++ NCD Workshop 2007
This year's NCD Workshop took place on June 18th and 19th at ETI in Amsterdam. We would like to express our thanks to the ETI BioInformatics in the Netherlands for hosting the event and to the Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation for most of the funding.
---+++ Agenda overview
Please see the meeting report, which is available at the foot of this page, for the meeting highlights.
*Day 1* brought attendees up-to-date on current developments. As background, an introduction to the TDWG technical architecture was provided by Roger Hyam (TDWG). This presentation is available from the Technical Architecture Group (TAG) wiki at
The creation of the NCD ontology resulting from the move to RDF/OWL was outlined by Markus D<>ring, whose presentation is available as a PDF file at the foot of this page and additional reading about ontology modelling is available from the EDIT site at
The rest of the day was devoted to reports on the current status of the work described in the NCDListOfDeliverables.
*Day 2* concentrated on developing a stable version of NCD so that work on the NCDToolkit and other deliverables could proceed with confidence.
---+++ Workshop deliverables - see documents at the foot of this page
1. Introduction to RDF/OWL modelling.
2. First draft of NCD RDF schema and vocabulary.
3. First draft list of terms for use with NCD picklists with definitions for use in the TDWG ontology.
4. Draft of the NCD Primer. NCD User Guide to follow.
5. Workshop Report.
The Workshop took place in June - about half-way through the 2007 work period, which started at the beginning of April and finishes in time for the TDWG 2007 conference in September. This allowed the review of progress to date and agreement on subsequent actions.
---+++ Attendees
* Addink, Wouter (ETI, Amsterdam)
* Altenburg, Ruud (ETI, Amsterdam)
* Butler, Carol (Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC)
* D<>ring, Markus (BGBM, Berlin)
* Holland, Doug (Mobot, St. Louis, MO)
* Hyam, Roger (TDWG, Edinburgh)
* Math<74>, Barbara (AMNH, New York, NY)
* Rinaldo, Connie (Harvard, Boston, MA)
* Thomson, Neil (NHM, London)
* Waibel, G<>nter (OCLC, San Francisco, CA)
-- Main.NeilThomson - 26 Jan 2007
---+++ Workshop Deliverables
| [[%ATTACHURL%/NCD_WReport_to_TDWG.doc][NCD_WReport_to_TDWG.doc]] | *NCD 2006 Workshop report* |
| [[%ATTACHURL%/NCD_2007_Workshop_Report.doc][NCD_2007_Workshop_Report.doc]]: | *NCD 2007 Workshop Report* (Neil Thomson) |
| [[%ATTACHURL%/NCD_ontology.pdf][NCD_ontology.pdf]] | *NCD Ontology presentation* (Markus D<>ring) |
| [[%ATTACHURL%/NCD-primer-draft.doc][NCD-primer-draft.doc]] | *NCD Primer Draft 1* (Constance Rinaldo) |
| [[%ATTACHURL%/NCD_termsDraft_1.xls][NCD_termsDraft_1.xls]] | *NCD Terms Draft 1* (Carol Butler) |
| [[%ATTACHURL%/OCLC_Crosswalk_Service.ppt][OCLC_Crosswalk_Service.ppt]] | *OCLC Crosswalk Web Service* (G<>nter Waibel) |
| [[][NCD Resource Directory]] | *Current version of NCD RDF files* |
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="NCD_2007_Workshop_Report.doc" attachment="NCD_2007_Workshop_Report.doc" attr="" comment="NCD 2007 Workshop Report" date="1183632454" path="NCD_2007_Workshop_Report.doc" size="109568" stream="NCD_2007_Workshop_Report.doc" user="Main.NeilThomson" version="1"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="NCD_ontology.pdf" attachment="NCD_ontology.pdf" attr="" comment="NCD Ontology presentation (Markus D<>ring)" date="1183632525" path="NCD ontology.pdf" size="521691" stream="NCD ontology.pdf" user="Main.NeilThomson" version="1"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="OCLC_Crosswalk_Service.ppt" attachment="OCLC_Crosswalk_Service.ppt" attr="" comment="OCLC Crosswalk Web Service (G<>nter Waibel)" date="1183632684" path="OCLC_Crosswalk_Service.ppt" size="1145856" stream="OCLC_Crosswalk_Service.ppt" user="Main.NeilThomson" version="1"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="NCD-primer-draft.doc" attachment="NCD-primer-draft.doc" attr="" comment="NCD Primer Draft 1 (Constance Rinaldo)" date="1183632757" path="NCD-primer-draft.doc" size="1096192" stream="NCD-primer-draft.doc" user="Main.NeilThomson" version="1"}%
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="NCD_termsDraft_1.xls" attachment="NCD_termsDraft_1.xls" attr="" comment="NCD Terms Draft 1 (Carol Butler)" date="1183632991" path="NCD_termsDraft_1.xls" size="44032" stream="NCD_termsDraft_1.xls" user="Main.NeilThomson" version="1"}%
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| [[][NCD Resource Directory]] | *Current version of NCD* |
| [[][Collection.rdf]] | *RDF vocabulary* |
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%META:TOPICINFO{author="NeilThomson" date="1183635726" format="1.1" reprev="1.4" version="1.4"}%
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This year's NCD Workshop took place on June 18th and 19th at ETI in Amsterdam. We would like to express our thanks to the Netherlands GBIF Node (NLBIF) for hosting the event and to the Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation for most of the funding.
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%META:TOPICINFO{author="NeilThomson" date="1177598121" format="1.1" reprev="1.3" version="1.3"}%
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This year's NCD Workshop will take place on June 18th and 19th at ETI in Amsterdam thanks to the generous offer from the Netherlands GBIF Node, NLBIF.
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A draft agenda is in preparation and will be posted here.
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---+++ Agenda development
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*Day 1* will bring attendees up-to-date on current developments and take account of the workshop deliverables, which are outlined below.
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*Day 2* we will plan future testing, training, marketing and data maintenance once the NCDToolkit is released.
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---+++ Workshop deliverables
1. Introduction to RDF/OWL modelling - may also be useful for TDWG-Education purposes
2. First draft of NCD RDF schema and vocabulary
3. Agreed list of terms for use with NCD picklists with definitions for use in the TDWG ontology
4. Drafts of the NCD User Guide and Migration Guide. User Guide to include new section on the use of NCD for describing organisations.
5. Workshop Report
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The Workshop will take place in June 2007 - about half-way through the work period, which starts at the beginning of April and finishes in time for the TDWG 2007 conference in September. This allows a review of progress to date and agreement on subsequent actions.
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---+++ Travel and accommodation
*Travel from the airport*
Transfer from Schiphol Airport to Amsterdam.
Amsterdam Schiphol Airport is about 20 km from the center of the city. There is a good and frequent train connection to/from Amsterdam Central Station (six trains every hour during daytime), costs <20> 3.60 for a one way trip of fifteen minutes.
*Public Transport in Amsterdam*
Fare for public transport is charged in &#8216;strippen&#8217;, one &#8216;strip&#8217; for each ride plus a &#8216;strip&#8217; for each zone that you travel. The entire centre of Amsterdam is one zone, two &#8216;strippen&#8217;.
&#8216;Strippen&#8217; cards of fifteen &#8216;strippen&#8217; are available at the train station (both Schiphol and Amsterdam Centraal) and in tabacco/bookstores at <20> 6.80. Cards for a ride of two &#8216;strippen&#8217; can be bought in the tram and bus at <20> 1.60. &#8216;Strippen&#8217; paid for in tram or bus are more expensive than those of an advance paid card. You can stamp one card for several persons. Stamp the number of &#8216;strippen&#8217; for each person. Two &#8216;strippen&#8217; are valid for one hour, once you have stamped you may hop on every tram, bus or underground line, within the time and zone paid for.
*From Amsterdam Central Station to ETI*
Tram nr. 9, from the east side of the station, stop Alexanderplein.
Bus 22, from the east side of the station, stop 1e Van Swindenstraat.
Please note that at the moment parts of and around the station are inaccessible due to the contruction of a new subway line. The main entrance/exit is closed. The east and west entrances are open.
Taxis are available at the west side.
ETI, Mauritskade 61, 1092 AD Amsterdam, is located to the right of the Royal Tropical Institute (short in Dutch: Tropeninstituut). See also
---+++ Suggested hotels
Hotels near ETI in order of vicinity:
*Nh Tropen*, Linnaeusstraat 2-C, 1092 CK Amsterdam (Tram 9 or bus 22, stop 1e Van Swindenstraat).
Tel +31 20 6925111, Fax +31 20 6630979
*Best Western Lancaster Hotel* (Tram 9, stop Plantage Kerklaan or Plantage Badlaan, the hotel is in between these stops)
Plantage Middenlaan 48, 1018 DH Amsterdam
Tel +31 20 5356888, Fax +31 20 5356889
*Best Western Eden Hotel* (Tram 9, stop Rembrandtplein, walk towards the river Amstel, entrance hotel after approx. 40 m on your left)
Amstel 144
Tel +31 20 5307878, Fax +31 20 6233267
---+++ Joining instructions
To be notified
-- Main.NeilThomson - 26 Jan 2007
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*NCD Workshop 2007*
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This year's NCD Workshop will take place in Amsterdam thanks to the generous offer from the Netherlands GBIF Node, NLBIF.
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We need to discuss the agenda and timing for this event and to get an idea of how many folk wish to attend. Local arrangements will include recommendations on hotels and travel from the airport along with directions to the venue.
Please feel free to edit this page
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*Agenda discussion*
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The agenda will need to take account of the workshop deliverables, which are outlined below. We should also think about future testing, training and marketing of NCD once the Toolkit is released.
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*Agenda items*
* Welcome
* Summary and close
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a16 1
*Workshop deliverables*
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Preferred timing would be around June 2007 - this would be about half-way through the work period, which starts at the beginning of April and finishes at the end of September. This would allow a review of progress to date and agreement on subsequent actions.
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* Wouter Addink
* Neil Thomson
*Travel and accommodation*
* Suggested hotels
* Travel from the airport
* Joining instructions
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-- Main.NeilThomson - 26 Jan 2007@
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-- Main.NeilThomson - 26 Jan 2007