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date 2006.; author LeeBelbin; state Exp;
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---+ Voting Bits
Previously, voting procedures were addressed in:
*Article 3. Membership*
"Members in good standing are entitled [...] to participate in all *votes*. "
"*voting* rights, are suspended if the membership fee is two years in arrears."
*Article 4. Meeting*
Each member, whether institutional or individual, shall normally be entitled to a single *vote* on each motion. Individuals attending the meeting and *voting* by combination of multiple membership, or as a delegate for another *voting* member, are limited to three *votes* on each motion. Institutional members shall be represented by a member of staff or other delegate designated in writing. Prior to the opening of the meeting institutions and projects must notify the Secretary as to whom will be representing their organizations during *votes*.
*Article 6. Officers*
"Secretary [...] organizes *votes*."
*Article 8. Amendments*
This constitution may only be altered by a two-thirds majority of the membership *voting* by postal *vote*. [...] In order to be acted upon in either case, the text of the proposed alteration, and ballots for those members entitled to *vote*, must be dispatched to the membership at least sixty days before the annual meeting. Ballots must be returned by members to the Secretary prior to the tally of the *vote* at the annual meeting.
By-laws may be adopted, altered, or repealed by a majority of the membership voting by postal vote, upon written proposal by the Executive committee dispatched to the membership at least sixty days before the *voting* deadline.
For the purpose of this Article, the words "postal *vote*" may also mean a vote by electronic means (the concrete procedure to be specified beforehand by the executive committee).
Article 9. Dissolution
Dissolution of TDWG can only be enacted by a two-thirds majority of the members *voting* at a meeting, summoned for that specific purpose by the Executive Committee at least 180 days in advance, and by a two-thirds majority of institutional members voting at that same meeting.
"The annual meeting may then recommend the standard for adoption, whereupon the standard will be submitted to the membership for ratification by postal *vote*. A two-thirds majority of *voting* members and a two-thirds majority of *voting* institutional members is required to ratify the standard."
Each member, whether institutional or individual, shall be entitled to a single *vote* on any motion.
-- Main.LeeBelbin - 04 Jun 2006