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MONDAY e-Knowledge about biodiversity and agriculture - Sessions 1 - 5 (Chair) Venue
0900-0945 Session 1 - Welcome by the Chairman and introductions to TDWG (Adrian Rissone)
* 0900-0910 Opening and Welcome (Donald Hobern)
* 0910-0920 Housekeeping and Logistics (Adrian Rissone)
* 0920-0945 [Keynote #1 - TBA] FAO? Trust?
0945-1045 Session 2 - TDWG Ontology and LSIDs: The State of Play (Markus Doering)
* 0945-1010 Ontology primer (TBA)
* 1010-1035 Life Science Indentifiers (TBA)
* 1035-1045 Discussion (TBA)
1045-1115 Coffee
1115-1300 Session 3 - Sharing e-knowledge on agricultural diversity conservation worldwide - Which standards? (Elizabeth Arnaud)
* 1115-1130 Ontology, data quality and interoperability (TBA)
* 1130-1145 Standards for the Global accession level information system (TBA)
* 1145-1200 Standards and data exchange protocols for Genebank information management system- GRIN global (TBA)
* 1200-1215 Adaptation of TDWG standards to the needs of the genebanks (TBA)
* 1215-1230 Discussion (Elizabeth Arnaud)
1300-1430 Lunch
1430-1545 Session 4 - e-Biosphere09 Roadmap Theme (Walter Berendsohn)
* 1430-1445 Report from Cyndy Parr? (Cyndy Parr?)
* 1445-1500 Roadmap - Walter Berendsohn (Walter Berendsohn)
* 1500-1530 Roundtable discussion among Donald Hobern, Walter Berendsohn, Roger Hyam, Brian Heidorn & Cyndy Parr (Walter Berendsohn)
1545-1615 Coffee
1615-1730 Session 5 - Data integration Theme (Roger Hyam)
* 1600-1625 Key issues and likely directions (Roger Hyam)
* 1625-1640 Linked data/semantic web: including ontologies, not just create them but how to apply them (TBA)
* 1640-1700 Accommodating multiple classifications/Taxonomies (Adrian to ask Roger about PESI action on this) (TBA)
* 1700-1715 Discussion and roadmap for Workgroup Sessions (Adrian Rissone)
TUESDAY "Working Group Sessions
(up to 6 Parallel Sessions)"
* 0900-1100 Working Group Session 1
* 1030-1100 Coffee
* 1100-1230 Working Group Session 2
* 1230-1400 Lunch
* 1400-1530 Working Group Session 3
* 1530-1600 Coffee
* 1600-1730 Working Group Session 4
WEDNESDAY "Working Group Sessions
(up to 6 Parallel Sessions)"
* 0900-1100 Working Group Session 5
* 1030-1100 Coffee
* 1100-1230 Working Group Session 6
* 1230-1400 Lunch
* 1400-1530 EDIT Workshops and Working Group Session 7
* 1530-1600 Coffee
* 1600-1730 EDIT Workshops and Working Group Session 8
THURSDAY "Working Group Sessions
(up to 6 Parallel Sessions)"
* 0900-1100 Working Group Session 9
* 1030-1100 Coffee
* 1100-1230 Working Group Session 10
* 1230-1400 Lunch
* 1400-1530 Working Group Session 11
* 1530-1600 Coffee
* 1600-1730 Working Group Session 12
FRIDAY e-Knowledge about biodiversity and agriculture - Sessions 6 - 10 (Chair) Venue
0900-1045 Session 6 - Working Group Reports (Adrian Rissone)
* 0900-0925 Agriculture (Elizabeth Arnaud)
* 0925-0950 eBiosphere Roadmap (Walter Berendsohn)
* 0950-1015 Data integration (Roger Hyam)
* 1015-1045 Discussion (Donald Hobern)
1045-1115 Coffee
1115-1300 Session 7 - Agriculture (P. Feldmann, CIRAD)
* 1115-1145 Keynote #2 - Integration wild & cultivated (Dr. Chevassus-au-louis )
* 1145-1200 Agriculture presentation TBA
* 1200-1215 Agriculture presentation TBA
* 1215-1230 Agriculture presentation TBA
* 1230-1245 Agriculture presentation TBA
* 1245-1300 Agriculture presentation TBA
1300-1430 Lunch & Business Session
1430-1530 Session 8 - Wild Ideas (Adrian Rissone)
* 1430-1440 TBA
* 1440-1450 TBA
* 1450-1500 TBA
* 1500-1510 TBA
* 1510-1520 TBA
* 1520-1530 TBA
1530-1600 Coffee
1600-1700 Session 9 TDWG Group Reports (Donald Hobern)
* 1600-1615 Convener
* 1615-1630 Convener
* 1630-1645 Convener
* 1645-1700 Convener
-- Main.AnnieSimpson - 12 May 2009 [initial draft posted]