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-- Main.JoelSachs - 20 Jul 2009
-- Main.AnnieSimpson - 30 Sep 2009 Changed GISIN from Thu to Tue, and updated entry.
-- Main.AnnieSimpson - 04 Oct 2009 Changed working session room names, per Bridgette. Attempted to include Helmut's comments/corrections of 01 October. Expanded authors and descriptions for better understanding by readers.
-- Main.AnnieSimpson - 05 )ct 2009 reviewed schedule and made changes to agree with Elizabeth's document from the LOC. Expanded table on Wed. to show parallel oral sessions in Auditorium. Copied tables to TDWG2009Program URL.
---+!!TDWG 2009 Programme
This is the *MASTER* programme for TDWG2009. Anyone on the Programme Committee can edit this programme. When a new version is ready for the main conference web site, please email
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|*Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2009 Conference<br/><br/>*|||||||||||||||
|*Sunday<br>8th November*|** |||*Chair* |*Venue* ||||||||||
|0900-1700|Group meetings as required (external funding needed) ||| |||||||||||
|^ |1000-1700|Executive Committee (closed)||Donald Hobern|TBA||||||||||
|*Monday<br>9th November*|*WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS* |||*Chair* |*Venue*||||||||||
|09:00-09:45|Welcome by the Chairman and introductions to TDWG |||Donald Hobern |Theatre Einstein||||||||||
|^ |0900-0910|Opening and Welcome |Donald Hobern |^ |^||||||||||
|^ |0910-0920|Housekeeping and Logistics |Adrian Rissone |^ |^||||||||||
|^ |0920-0935|Welcome by Bioversity International |Emile Frison|^ |^||||||||||
|^ |0935-0945|Keynote &#8211;The Foundation for Biodiversity , France|Jean-Francois Sylvain |^ |^||||||||||
|0945-1045|Session 2 - Session 2 - e-Biosphere 09 |||Walter Berendsohn |Theatre Einstein||||||||||
|^ |0945-1005|The Roadmap Process|Walter Berendsohn|^ |^||||||||||
|^ |1005-1045|Roundtable Discussion|Walter Berendsohn, Donald Hobern|^ |^||||||||||
|1045-1115|Coffee ||||Joffre 1 ||||||||||
|1115-1230|Session 3 - Sharing e-knowledge on agricultural diversity worldwide - Which standards?|||Theo van Hintum|Theatre Einstein||||||||||
|^ |1115-1130|Beyond taxonomic standards: Which contribution from Plant development and agricultural standards to TDWG |Philippe Feldman|^|^||||||||||
|^ |1130-1145|Agropolis global presentation of Pl@@ntNet |Daniel Barthelemy |^ |^||||||||||
|^ |1145-1200|KEYNOTE SPEAKER|Andy Jarvis|^ |^||||||||||
|^ |1200-1215|Standards and data integration for genetic resources information systems for Food and Agriculture|Author TBA|^ |^||||||||||
|^ |1215-1230|Landscape of the information standards for plant genebanks|Theo van Hintum |^ |^||||||||||
|1230-1430|Lunch & Registration ||||Restaurants in Montpellier Centre||||||||||
|1430-1515|Session 4a - Global Networks |||<7C>amonn <20> Tuama |Theatre Einstein||||||||||
|^ |1430-1445|The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF ): The decentralized architecture |Samy Gaiji|^ |^||||||||||
|^ |1445-1500|"Invasive Species"|Annie Simpson |^ |^||||||||||
|^ |1500-1515|[The European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy (EDIT)]|Simon Tillier |^ |^||||||||||
|1515-1545|Coffee ||||Joffre 1||||||||||
|1545-1730|Session 4b - Ontology and Life Science Identifiers: The state of the play |||<7C>amonn <20> Tuama |Theatre Einstein||||||||||
|^ |1545-1600|TDWG Ontology|Author TBA|^|^||||||||||
|^ |1600-1615|Linked data/semantic web|Author TBA|^|^||||||||||
|^ |1615-1645|Life Science Identifiers: Key issues and likely directions|Author TBA|^|^||||||||||
|^ |1645-1700|The GBIF Global Names Architecture |David Remsen / Markus D<>ring |^| ^||||||||||
|^ |1700-1730|Discussion and roadmap for Workgroup Sessions|Adrian Rissone|^|^||||||||||
|1800-2000|*Welcome Reception* ||| Hosted by the Montpellier Authority |Joffre 1||||||||||
|*Tuesday<br>10th November*|*Sessions 5-8 - Themed Working Groups (up to 6 in parallel)* |||*Chair* |*Venue*||||||||||
|0900-1030|Session 5 - Themes |||Convener |Salles Joffre||||||||||
|^ |0900-1030|Theme #1, Topic #1|Convener|^ |TBA||||||||||
|^ |0900-1030|Theme #2: Crop Ontology: knowledge modelling for traits description and ontology application|Rosemary Shrestha |^ |TBA||||||||||
|^ |0900-1030|Theme #3: Outcomes of the GBIF LSID-GUID task Group|<7C>amonn <20> Tuama / Tim Robertson|^ |TBA||||||||||
|1030-1100|Coffee ||||Joffre 1||||||||||
|1100-1230|Session 6 - Themes |||Convener |Salles Joffre||||||||||
|^ |1100-1230|Theme #1, Topic #1|Convener|^|TBA||||||||||
|^ |1100-1230|Theme #2, Topic #1|Convener|^|TBA||||||||||
|^ |1100-1230|Theme #3: The TDWG ontology|Convener|^|TBA||||||||||
|1230-1400|Lunch ||||Restaurants in Montpellier Centre||||||||||
|1400-1530|Session 7 - Themes ||| Convener |Salles Joffre||||||||||
|^ |1400-1530|EDIT Scratchpad Tutorial|Dave Roberts|^|TBA||||||||||
|^ |1400-1530|Theme #1, Topic #1|Convener|^|TBA||||||||||
|^ |1400-1530|Theme #2, Topic #1|Convener|^|TBA||||||||||
|^ |1400-1530|Theme #3: Biological Description interest group|Gregor Hagedorn|^|TBA||||||||||
|1530-1600|Coffee |||| Joffre 1||||||||||
|1600-1730|Session 8 - Themes |||Convener |Salles Joffre||||||||||
|^ |1600-1730|Theme #1, Topic #1|Convener|^|TBA||||||||||
|^ |1600-1730|Theme #2, Topic #1|Convener|^|TBA||||||||||
|^ |1600-1730|Theme #3: Species Profile Model|Cyndy Parr|^|TBA||||||||||
|1630-2200 | *Local touristic visits TBA* ||||TBA||||||||||
|*Wednesday<br>11th November*|*Sessions 9-12 - Presentation Sessions (in parallel with Working Sessions 13-16)*||||||||||||||
|0900-1030|Session 9 - EDIT Cyberplatform ||Convener|Theatre Einstein|||||||||||
|^ |0900-0915|Title|Author TBA|^ |||||||||||
|^ |0915-0930|Title|Author TBA|^ |||||||||||
|^ |0930-0945|Title|Author TBA|^ |||||||||||
|^ |0945-1000|Title|Author TBA|^ |||||||||||
|^ |1000-1015|Title|Author TBA|^ |||||||||||
|^ |1015-1030|Title|Author TBA|^ |||||||||||
|1030-1100|Coffee ||||Joffre 1||||||||||
|1100-1230|Session 10 - Miscellaneous (including Biocuration, Disease) ||Convener|Theatre Einstein|||||||||||
|^ |1100-1115|Title|Author TBA|^ |||||||||||
|^ |1115-1130|Title|Author TBA|^ |||||||||||
|^ |1130-1145|Title|Author TBA|^ |||||||||||
|^ |1145-1200|Title|Author TBA|^ |||||||||||
|^ |1200-1215|Title|Author TBA|^ |||||||||||
|^ |1215-1230|Title|Author TBA|^ |||||||||||
|1230-1400|Lunch ||||Restaurants in Montpellier Centre||||||||||
|1400-1530|Session 11 - Identifying the Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture ||Convener|Theatre Einstein |||||||||||
|^ |1400-1415|Standards in Genomic databases and the Generation Challenge Programme|Manuel Ruiz|^ |||||||||||
|^ |1415-1430|Plant diversity, functional traits and ecoinformatics|Eric Garnier |^ |||||||||||
|^ |1430-1445|Impact of Citizen Science projects on biodiversity policies :Tela Botanica conference results|Elise Mouysset|^ |||||||||||
|^ |1445-1500|Recent advances in digital image recognition|Raffi Enficiaud |^ |||||||||||
|^ |1500-1515|Local Knowledge and eco-informatics|Doyle Mckey |^ |||||||||||
|^ |1515-1530|Title|Author TBA|^ |||||||||||
|1530-1600|Coffee |||| Joffre 1||||||||||
|1600-1730|Session 12 - Accessing information on Agricultural genetic resources and crop wild relatives ||Convener|Theatre Einstein |||||||||||
|^ |1600-1615|A Global germplasm information system to unlock genebank information for use|Author TBA|^ |||||||||||
|^ |1615-1630|Online international genebanks' catalogues: SINGER and EURISCO|Author TBA|^ |1||||||||||
|^ |1630-1645|The Crop Wild relative Portal : conservation and utilization of crop wild relatives - project with Armenia, Bolivia, Madagascar, Sri Lanka and Uzbekistan|Imke Thorman |^ |||||||||||
|^ |1645-1700|Fishbase and Sealife base, standards to go beyond the species level|Nicolas Bailly |^ |||||||||||
|^ |1700-1715|GBIF: Agricultural biodiversity informatics: Research infrastructure|Andy Jarvis|^ |||||||||||
|^ |1715-1730|Title|Author TBA|^ |||||||||||
|1900-late!| *Banquet (tickets in advance)* ||||TBA||||||||||
|*Thursday<br>12th November*|*Sessions 17-20 - Themed Working Groups (up to 6 in parallel)* |||*Chair* |*Venue*||||||||||
|0900-1030|Session 17 - Themes |||Convener |Salles Joffre||||||||||
|^ |0900-1030|Theme #1, Topic #1|Convener|^ |TBA||||||||||
|^ |0900-1030|Theme #2, Topic #1|Convener|^ |TBA||||||||||
|^ |0900-1030|Theme #3: Wiki publishing workshop|Gregor Hagedorn|^ |TBA||||||||||
|^ |0900-1030|EDIT workshop for programmers - CDM Library|Agnes Kirchhoff|^ |TBA||||||||||
|1030-1100|Coffee ||||Joffre 1||||||||||
|1100-1230|Session 18 - Themes |||Convener |Salles Joffre||||||||||
|^ |1100-1230|Theme #1: Harnessing the long tail: small biodiversity data publishers|Vishwas Chavan|^|TBA||||||||||
|^ |1100-1230|Theme #2, Topic #1|Convener|^|TBA||||||||||
|^ |1100-1230|Theme #3, Topic #1|Convener|^|TBA||||||||||
|^ |1100-1230|EDIT workshop for users (e.g. Taxonomic Editor, specimen search, Geo-tools)|Agnes Kirchhoff|^|TBA||||||||||
|1235-1400|Lunch ||||Restaurants in Montpellier Centre||||||||||
|1400-1530|Session 19 - Themes ||| Convener |Salles Joffre||||||||||
|^ |1400-1530|Roundtable: events in 2010- Year of Biodiversity|Convener|^|TBA||||||||||
|^ |1400-1530|Theme #1, Topic #1|Convener|^|TBA||||||||||
|^ |1400-1530|Theme #2, Topic #1|Convener|^|TBA||||||||||
|^ |1400-1530|Theme #3: TDWG Ontology - Open discussion|Donald Hobern|^|TBA||||||||||
|^ |1400-1530|EDIT workshop for programmers - CDM Library|Agnes Kirchhoff|^ |TBA||||||||||
|1530-1600|Coffee |||| Joffre 1||||||||||
|1600-1730|Session 20 - Themes |||Convener |Salles Joffre||||||||||
|^ |1600-1730|Theme #1, Topic #1|Convener|^|TBA||||||||||
|^ |1600-1730|Theme #2, Topic #1|Convener|^|TBA||||||||||
|^ |1600-1730|Theme #3, Topic #1|Convener|^|TBA||||||||||
|^ |1600-1730|EDIT workshop for users (e.g. Taxonomic Editor, specimen search, Geo-tools)|Agnes Kirchhoff|^|TBA||||||||||
|1800-1900|*Lecture for students* ||||TBA||||||||||
|*Friday<br>13th November*|*Sessions 17-20* |||*Chair* |*Venue*||||||||||
|0900-1045|Session 21 - Report from Working Groups |||Adrian Rissone |Theatre Einstein||||||||||
|^ |0900-0925|Theme #2 - Agriculture|Theo van Hintum|^ |^||||||||||
|^ |0925-0950|Theme #1 - e-Biosphere 09|Walter Berendsohn|^ |^||||||||||
|^ |0950-1015|Theme #3 - Data Integration|Roger Hyam|^ |^||||||||||
|^ |1015-1045|Discussion|Donald Hobern |^ |^||||||||||
|1045-1115|Coffee ||||Joffre 1||||||||||
|1115-1300|Session 22 - Agriculture Information for development |||Elizabeth Arnaud / Philippe Feldman |Theatre Einstein||||||||||
|^ |1115-1145|ARCAD project: Agropolis Resource Center for Crop Conservation, Adaptation and Diversity|Jean-Louis Pham |^|^||||||||||
|^ |1145-1200|Sud Plant Experts|Eric Chenin |^|^||||||||||
|^ |1200-1215|Title|Author TBA|^|^||||||||||
|^ |1215-1230|Title|Author TBA|^|^||||||||||
|^ |1230-1245|Title|Author TBA|^|^||||||||||
|^ |1245-1300|Title|Author TBA|^|^||||||||||
|1300-1430|Lunch & Business Session - Proposals for events in 2010- Year of Biodiversity ||||Business Session in Theatre Einstein - Box lunch ordered in advance||||||||||
|1430-1515|Session 23 - Wild Ideas ||| Convener |Theatre Einstein||||||||||
|^ |1430-1445|Title|Author TBA|^|^||||||||||
|^ |1445-1500|Title|Author TBA|^|^||||||||||
|^ |1500-1515|Title|Author TBA|^|^||||||||||
|1515-1545|Session 24 - Ideas for Collaboration and Fund Raising ||| Lee Belbin |Theatre Einstein||||||||||
|^ |1515-1530|Title|Author TBA|^|^||||||||||
|^ |1530-1545|Title|Author TBA|^|^||||||||||
|1545-1615|Coffee |||| Joffre 1||||||||||
|1615-1700|Session 25 - Taking Data Integration forward & Wrap-up |||Donald Hobern |Theatre Einstein||||||||||
|^ |1615-1630|Title|Author TBA|^|^||||||||||
|^ |1630-1645|Title|Author TBA|^|^||||||||||
|^ |1645-1700|Title|Author TBA|^|^||||||||||
|1700 || *Close* |Donald Hobern||Theatre Einstein||||||||||
|*Saturday<br>14th November*|* EXCURSIONS and POST-CONFERENCE MEETINGS* ||||*Meeting Location*||||||||||
|Saturday 14|0915-1715|In the heart of Camargue |Leader TBA||Leaving from the Corum||||||||||
|Saturday 14|1000-1700|Inner countryside and wine tasting |Leader TBA||Leaving from the Corum||||||||||
|Saturday 14|TBA|Montpellier Botanic Garden & Herbarium|Leader TBA||Departure TBA||||||||||
|*Monday - Friday<br>*|*POSTERS*|||*Chair* |*Venue*||||||||||
|0900-1730|Authors |Title||Conveners|Location||||||||||
|^ |TBA |TBA ||^ |Joffre 1||||||||||
|*Monday-Wednesday<br>*|*COMPUTER DEMONSTRATIONS*|||*Chair* |*Venue*||||||||||
|0900-1730|Authors|Title|Time |Conveners|Location||||||||||
|^ |AMAP |IKONA: a content-based image retrieval system which performs "retrieval by visual similarity" |TBA | |TBA ||||||||||
|^ |AMAP |IDAO: an interactive plant identification system based on graphical identikits |TBA | |TBA ||||||||||
|^ |AMAP |Pl@@ntNote: a flexible, modular software for the management and share of invidual-based data on plants |TBA | |TBA ||||||||||
|^ |Tela Botanica: a Montpellier-based NGO, the largest international French-speaking network of amateur and professional plant taxonomists and ecologists |Web-based tools for collaborative research and training |TBA | |TBA ||||||||||
|^ |TBA |DIVA-GIS: a free mapping program useful for mapping and analyzing biodiversity data, such as the distribution of species, or other 'point-distributions' |TBA | |TBA ||||||||||
|^ |Bioversity-GCP |The online Crop ontology look up tool |TBA | |TBA ||||||||||
|^ |Bioversity |A Banana Germplasm Information system |TBA | |TBA ||||||||||
-- Main.AdrianRissone - 16 July 2009
---+ Working Sessions
---++ Here are the tables we will be publishing on the conference web site as a temporary indication of the working session topics (not scheduled into days/sessions).
---+++ Theme #1: e-Biosphere
| *Item* | *Owner* |
| E-Biosphere09: Roadmap | TBA |
| Harnessing the long tail: small biodiversity data publishers | Vishwas Chavan |
| Roundtable: events in 2010 for the Year of Biodiversity | Belbin |
---+++ Theme #2: Agricultural Biodiversity
| *Item* | *Owner* |
|Crop Ontology: knowledge modelling for traits description and ontology application |Rosemary Shrestha |
|Interoperability of databases on cultivated and useful plants |Michel Chauvet |
|DarwinCore? Germplasm Extension and deployment in the GBIF integrated Publishing toolkit |Dag Terje Filip Endresen & Samy Gaiji |
|Visual and textual standards for taxonomic identification |Pierre Grard / Pierre Bonnet |
|Standards for plant traits (cultivated and Wild) - expanding standards to include charcterization and evaluation data,phenotypic descriptors- exemple fo SINGER, EURISCO |Elizabeth Arnaud |
|Data integration enabling an eco system approach for for the management of Genetic resources - integrating multilayers databases - Management of Animal, Aquatic, microorganisms and plant genetic resources |Elizabeth Arnaud|
|Plant Ontology and descriptors - knowledge modelling in partnership with ENVO, Plant Ontology, Trait Ontology (Cornell University, Crop Wild relative ontology, FAO agriculture ontology and applications for Biocuration - management tools |Elizabeth Arnaud |
|Biocuration in Agricultural related databases - Standards and tools for Data quality process |Elizabeth Arnaud |
|Agricultural biodiversity informatics: Research infrastructure - Development of a research infrastructure for agricultural biodiversity informatics |<7C>amonn <20> Tuama |
---+++ Theme #3: Data Integration
| *Item* | *Owner* |
|The TDWG ontology (Open Session: Introduction) |Donald Hobern |
|Development of TDWG ontology (Closed Session: by invitation) |Donald Hobern |
|The TDWG ontology (Open Session: Roadmap) |Donald Hobern |
|Outcomes of the GBIF LSID-GUID task Group |<7C>amonn <20> Tuama / Tim Robertson |
|Species Profile Model |Cyndy Parr |
|Invasive Species Interest Group - Inserting/testing GISIN models in GBIF IPT |Annie Simpson |
|Wiki publishing workshop |Gregor Hagedorn |
|Phylogenetic Nomenclature: Regnum development (name registration database) |Nico Cellinese |
|Name Matching workshop - Discuss ways to achieve name matching, look at possible integration of these services |Kevin Richards |
|Geospatial Interest Group |TBA |
|Biological Descriptions Interest Group |Gregor Hagedorn |
---+++ Other topics
| *Item* | *Owner* |
|Data Analysis Framework: General discussion around a framework for work flow or business process for data analyses such as ecological niche modelling and other data analyses |Paul Flemons |
|Literature Group: continue working on standard development |Anna Weitzman |
|Intellectual property rights on databases - Issues and solutions (creativecommon, scienceincommon, etc) |Maxime Thibon |
---+++ EDIT
| *Item* | *Owner* |
|EDIT workshop for programmers - CDM Library |Agnes Kirchhoff|
|EDIT workshop for users (e.g. Taxonomic Editor, specimen search, Geo-tools) |Agnes Kirchhoff|
|EDIT Scratchpads tutorial |Dave Roberts |
---++ Known topics
These are the sessions (so far) that we have to accomodate in the three working session days. Pay particular attention to Wednesday when we wish to avoid clashes with the parallel presentation sessions. You can edit the table (click the Edit button) and also copy and paste the topics into the tables corresponding to each of the three days.
| *Owner* | *Title* | *Description* | *Time needed* | *Seats needed* | *Theme* |
| Donald Hobern | Ontologies | Development of the TDWG Ontology (closed group) | 2 sessions | 10 | Data Integration |
| Donald Hobern | Ontologies | Open discussion of the TDWG Ontology | 1 session | 50 | Data Integration |
| Cyndy Parr | Species Profile Model | | 1 or 2 sessions | 30 | Data Integration |
| Dave Roberts | EDIT Scratchpad Tutorial | Open to all, by advanced booking | 1 or 2 sessions | 20 | - |
| Agnes Kirchhoff | EDIT workshop for programmers | CDM Library | 2 sessions | [Please update] | - |
| Agnes Kirchhoff | EDIT workshop for users | e.g. Taxonomic Editor, specimen search, Geo-tools | 2 sessions | [Please update] | - |
| Gregor Hagedorn | Biological Descriptions Interest Group | Identification keys, documents, platforms, infrastructure, and other topics. Open to all | 1 session | 20 | - |
| Gregor Hagedorn | Wiki publishing workshop | Species pages, keys, ontologies. Open to all | 1 session | 15 | Data Integration |
| Eamonn O Tuama | Agricultural biodiversity informatics: Research infrastructure | Development of a research infrastructure for agricultural biodiversity informatics | 1 session | 30 | Agriculture |
| Eamonn O Tuama | Darwin Core Germplasm extension | A germplasm extension for Darwin Core and its deployment in the GBIF Integrated Publishing Toolkit | 1 session | 30 | Agriculture |
| Eamonn O Tuama, Vishwas Chavan | Small data publishers | Harnessing the long tail: small biodiversity data publishers | 1 session | 30 | Data Integration |
| Eamonn O Tuama | GBIF LSID-GUID Task Group | Outcomes of the GBIF LSID-GUID Task Group | 1 session | 30 | Data Integration |
| Pierre GRard/Pierre Bonnet | Visual and textual standards for taxonomic identification | using morphological characters, molecular markers, by visual approaches, Recent advances in digital image recognition | 1 working group | 30 | - |
| Elizabeth Arnaud | Standards for plant traits (cultivated and Wild) | expanding standards to include charcterization and evaluation data,phenotypic descriptors- exemple fo SINGER, EURISCO | 1 working group | 20 | Agriculture |
| Elizabeth Arnaud | Data integration enabling an eco system approach for for the management of Genetic resources | integrating multilayers databases - Management of Animal, Aquatic, microorganisms and plant genetic resources | 1 session | 20 | Data Integration + Agriculture |
| Elizabeth Arnaud | Plant Ontology and descriptors | knowledge modelling in partnership with ENVO, Plant Ontology, Trait Ontology (Cornell University0, Crop Wild relative ontology, FAO agriculture ontology and applications for Biocuration - management tools | 1 session | 15 | Agriculture |
| Elizabeth Arnaud | Biocuration in Agricultural related databases | Standards and tools for Data quality process | 1 session | 20 | Agriculture |
| Elizabeth Arnaud | Herbarium digitization | Sud Expert Plantes, International genebanks | 1 session | 20 | Agriculture |
| Michel Chauvet | Interoperability of databases on the cultivated / useful plants | | 1 session | 20 | Agriculture |
| Maxime Thibon | Intellectual property rights on databases | Issues and solutions (creativecommon, scienceincommon, etc) | 1 session | 20 | - |
| TBA | Geospatial Interest Group | | 1 session ? | 50 ? | Data Integration |
| Annie Simpson, Jim Graham, Michael Browne | Invasive Species Interest Group | The Global Invasive Species Information Network (GISIN) provides a platform to share invasive species information via the Internet and other digital means. This working session will provide a brief overview of the GISIN's TAPIR-compliant system to cross search disparate invasive species information systems on the Web, review user needs, and break up into subgroups to perform some of the following tasks (depending upon participants' interests and skills): 1) brainstorm all the problems we think data providers will have and then talk about how to help them; 2) map the GISIN protocol elements to the GBIF Integrated publishing toolkit; 3) brainstorm about which of the available online information systems, based on their content and IT configuration, would be the highest priority to add as data providers; and 4) determine which users manuals are needed and begin to outline their content. | 2 sessions | 15-20? | Data Integration |
| Nico Cellinese | Phylogenetic Nomenclature | Regnum development (name registration database) | 1 session | ? | Data Integration |
| Paul Flemons | Data Analysis Framework | General discussion around a framework for work flow or business process for data analyses such as ecological niche modelling and other data analyses | 1 session | 20 | - |
| Anna Weitzman | Literature Group | continue working on standard development | 3 sessions | 10 | - |
| Kevin Richards | Name Matching workshop | Discuss ways to achieve name matching, look at possible integration of these services | 1 session? | ? | Data Integration |
---++ This is our working area for the construction of the detailed day/session map.
---+++ Tuesday 10 November - Sessions 5-8
| *Time* | *Joffre 5a (32 p)* | *Joffre D (50 p)* | *Joffre C (50 p)* | *Joffre B (32 p)* | *Joffre 5a (32 p)* | *Joffre A* |
| 0900-1030 | Vo Camp | [posters Joffre A] | [posters Joffre A] | TDWG Ontology I - Introduction (by invitation only, Hobern) | [posters Joffre A] | poster session |
| 1030-1100 | Coffee | | | | | |
| 1100-1230 | Vo Camp | Species Profile Model/Biol. Descr. Int. Grp I (SPM/BDI I) (Parr/Hagedorn) | Harnessing the long tail: small biodiversity data publishers (Chavan, O Tuama) | TDWG Ontology II -by invitation only, Hobern) | Literature Group I (Weitzman) | demos |
| 1230-1400 | Lunch | | | | | |
| 1400-1530 | Vo Camp | SPM/BDI II (Parr, Hagedorn) | Species-related databases, information systems and inventories of cultivated and useful plants (Chauvet) | Invasive Species I: GISIN cache system, file upload, and toolkit issues. (Simpson, Graham, Browne) | Literature II (Weitzman) | demos |
| 1530-1600 | Coffee | | | | | |
| 1600-1730 | Vo Camp | Visual & textual standards for taxonomic identification (Grard/Bonnet) | Name matching workshop (Remsen) | Invasive Species II: GISIN cache system, file upload, and toolkit issues. (Simpson, Graham, Browne) | Literature III (Weitzman) | demos |
---+++ Wednesday 11 November - Sessions 13-16 (in parallel with Presentation Sessions 9-12 in the Auditorium)
| *Time* | *Joffre 5a (32 p)* | *Joffre D (50 p)* | *Joffre C (50 p)* | *Joffre B (32 p)* | *Joffre 5a (32 p)* | *Joffre A* | *Joffre A* |
| 0900-1030 | Vo Camp | 9: Presentations on EDIT (Mergen) | | Wiki publishing workshop (Hagedorn) | | | demos |
| 1030-1100 | Coffee | | | | | | |
| 1100-1230 | Vo Camp | 10: Miscellaneous (Simpson) | Multimedia resources schema (Chavan) | Roadmap for integrating and scaling geospatial biodiversity data I (Beaman, de la Torre) | Plant Ontology and Descriptors (Shrestha/Arnaud) | | demos |
| 1230-1400 | Lunch | | | | | | |
| 1400-1530 | Vo Camp | 11: Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture (McKey) | Annotations (Macklin) | Roadmap for integrating and scaling geospatial biodiversity data II (Beaman, de la Torre) | | | demos |
| 1530-1600 | Coffee | | | | | | |
| 1600-1730 | Vo Camp | 12: Agri-genetic resources and crop wild relatives (Zanetto) | Global Names Architecture (GNA) (Pyle) | Indigenous knowledge (Mc Key) | Frameworks, workflows, & processes in relation to analysis of biodiversity data (Flemons) | | demos |
---+++ Thursday 12 November - Sessions 17-20
| *Time* | *Joffre 5a (32 p)* | *Joffre D (50 p)* | *Joffre C (50 p)* | *Joffre B (32 p)* | *Joffre 5b (32 p)* | *Joffre A* |
| 0900-1030 | Linked literature: how nomenclators can connect into a literature resource like Biodiversity Heritage Library (Freeland) | EDIT Scratchpads tutorial (Roberts) | Infrastructure for storage and exchange (Cryer, Goddard) | Citizen Science (Sachs) | | demos |
| 1030-1100 | Coffee | | | | | |
| 1100-1230 | Standards for Plant traits (cultivated and Wild) - expanding standards to include characterization & evaluation data, phenotypic descriptors (Mackay) | EDIT for programmers (Kirchoff, Kohlbecker) | DC Germplasm extension & GBIF IPT deployment (Terje, Endresen, Gaiji) | Roundtable: potential events for the Year of Biodiversity (Belbin) | | demos |
| 1230-1400 | Lunch | | | | | |
| 1400-1530 | Phylogenetic nomenclature/RegNum (Cellinese, Rachwal) | EDIT for Users (Kirchoff, Ciardelli) | Research infrastructure for agricultural biodiversity informatics (Tuama) | GBIF LSID-GUID report (Riccardi) | | demos |
| 1530-1600 | Coffee | | | | | |
| 1600-1730 | Wildlife disease and veterinary informatics (Dein) | Ecosystem approach to genetic resources management (Bailly) | TDWG ontology III - Roadmap (Hobern) | Herbarium digitization (Chesselet) | | demos |
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="AnnieSimpson" date="1254772302" format="1.1" reprev="1.6" version="1.6"}%
d7 3
a9 1
-- Main.AnnieSimpson - 04 Oct 2009 Changed working session room names, per Bridgette. Attempted to include Helmut's comments/corrections of 01 October. Expanded authors and descriptions for better understanding by readers.
d289 2
a290 2
| *Time* | *Joffre 5a (32 p)* | *Joffre D (50 p)* | *Joffre C (50 p)* | *Joffre B (32 p)* | *Joffre 5b (32 p)* | *Joffre A* |
| 0900-1030 | Vo Camp | TDWG Ontology I - Introduction (Hobern) | [posters Joffre A] | [posters Joffre A] | [posters Joffre A] | poster session |
d292 1
a292 1
| 1100-1230 | Vo Camp | Species Profile Model/Biol. Descr. Int. Grp I (SPM/BDI I) (Parr/Hagedorn) | Harnessing the long tail: small biodiversity data publishers (Chavan, O Tuama) | | Literature Group I (Weitzman) | demos |
d294 1
a294 1
| 1400-1530 | Vo Camp | SPM/BDI II (Parr, Hagedorn) | Species-related databases, information systems and inventories of cultivated and useful plants (Chauvet) | Invasive Species: GISIN cache system, file upload, and toolkit issues. (Simpson & Graham) | Literature II (Weitzman) | demos |
d296 1
a296 1
| 1600-1730 | Vo Camp | Visual & textual standards for taxonomic identification (Grard/Bonnet) | Name matching workshop (Remsen) | Invasive Species: GISIN cache system, file upload, and toolkit issues. (Simpson & Graham) | Literature III (Weitzman) | demos |
d301 2
a302 2
| *Time* | *Joffre 5a (32 p)* | *Auditorium* | *Joffre D (50 p)* | *Joffre C (50 p)* | *Joffre B (32 p)* | *Joffre 5b (32 p)* | *Joffre A* |
| 0900-1030 | Vo Camp | 9: Presentations on EDIT (Mergen) | TDWG Ontology II -by invitation only (Hobern) | Wiki publishing workshop (Hagedorn) | | | demos |
d308 1
a308 1
| 1600-1730 | Vo Camp | 12: Agri-genetic resources and crop wild relatives (Zanetto) | Global Names Architecture (GNA) (Pyle) | Indigenous knowledge (McKey) | Frameworks, workflows, & processes in relation to analysis of biodiversity data (Flemons) | | demos |
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="AnnieSimpson" date="1254697763" format="1.1" reprev="1.5" version="1.5"}%
d197 3
a199 3
|E-Biosphere09: Roadmap |TBA |
|Harnessing the long tail: small biodiversity data publishers |Vishwas Chavan |
|Roundtable: events in 2010- Year of Biodiversity |TBA |
d265 1
a265 1
| Eamonn O Tuama | Small data publishers | Harnessing the long tail: small biodiversity data publishers | 1 session | 30 | Data Integration |
d276 1
a276 1
| Annie Simpson | Invasive Species Interest Group | inserting/testing GISIN models in GBIF IPT | 1 working group | 15? | Data Integration |
d287 2
a288 2
| *Time* | *Joffre 5a (32 p)* | *Joffre D (50 p)* | *Joffre C (50 p)* | *Joffre B (32 p)* | *Joffre 5a (32 p)* | *Joffre A* |
| 0900-1030 | Vo Camp | TDWG Ontology I - Introduction (Hobern) | | Invasive Species: GISIN cache system, file upload, and toolkit issues. (Simpson & Graham) | | demos |
d290 1
a290 1
| 1100-1230 | Vo Camp | Species Profile Model/Biol. Descr. Int. Grp I (SPM/BDI I) (Parr/Hagedorn) | Harnessing the long tail: small biodiversity data publishers (Chavan) | Invasive Species: GISIN cache system, file upload, and toolkit issues. (Simpson & Graham) | Literature Group I (Weitzman) | demos |
d292 1
a292 1
| 1400-1530 | Vo Camp | SPM/BDI II (Parr, Hagedorn) | Species-related databases, information systems and inventories of cultivated and useful plants (Chauvet) | Intellectual property rights on databases - Issues and solutions (creativecommon, scienceincommon, etc) (Thibon) | Literature II (Weitzman) | demos |
d294 1
a294 1
| 1600-1730 | Vo Camp | Visual & textual standards for taxonomic identification (Grard/Bonnet) | Name matching workshop (Remsen) | Herbarium digitization (Chenin) | Literature III (Weitzman) | demos |
d299 8
a306 8
| *Time* | *Joffre 5a (32 p)* | *Joffre D (50 p)* | *Joffre C (50 p)* | *Joffre B (32 p)* | *Joffre 5a (32 p)* | *Joffre A* |
| 0900-1030 | Vo Camp | 9: Presentations on EDIT (Mergen) | TDWG Ontology II -by invitation only (Hobern) | Wiki publishing workshop (Hagedorn) | | demos |
| 1030-1100 | Coffee | | | | | |
| 1100-1230 | Vo Camp | 10: Miscelaneous | Multimedia resources schema (Chavan) | Roadmap for integrating and scaling geospatial biodiversity data I (Beaman, de la Torre) | Plant Ontology and Descriptors (Shrestha/Arnaud) | demos |
| 1230-1400 | Lunch | | | | | |
| 1400-1530 | Vo Camp | 11: Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture (McKey) | Annotations (Macklin) | Roadmap for integrating and scaling geospatial biodiversity data II (Beaman, de la Torre) | | demos |
| 1530-1600 | Coffee | | | | | |
| 1600-1730 | Vo Camp | 12: Agri-genetic resources and crop wild relatives (Zanetto) | Indigenous knowledge (McKey) | Frameworks, workflows, & processes in relation to analysis of biodiversity data (Flemons) | Global Names Architecture (GNA) (Pyle) | demos |
d311 1
a311 1
| *Time* | *Joffre 5a (32 p)* | *Joffre D (50 p)* | *Joffre C (50 p)* | *Joffre B (32 p)* | *Joffre 5a (32 p)* | *Joffre A* |
d314 1
a314 1
| 1100-1230 | Standards for Plant traits (cultivated and Wild) - expanding standards to include characterization & evaluation data, phenotypic descriptors (Mackay) | DC Germplasm extension & GBIF IPT deployment (Terje, Endresen, Gaiji) | EDIT for programmers (Kirchoff, Kohlbecker) | Roundtable: Events in the Year of Biodiversity (Belbin) | | demos |
d318 1
a318 1
| 1600-1730 | Wildlife disease and veterinary informatics (Dein) | Ecosystem approach to genetic resources management (Bailly) | TDWG ontology III - Roadmap (Hobern) | | | demos |
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="AnnieSimpson" date="1254329072" format="1.1" version="1.4"}%
d3 1
d5 1
d7 1
a8 3
-- Main.JoelSachs - 20 Jul 2009
-- Main.AnnieSimpson - 30 Sep 2009 Changed GISIN from Thu to Tue, and updated entry.
d287 2
a288 2
| *Time* | *Room #1* | *Room #2* | *Room #3* | *Room #4* | *Room #5* | *Room #6* |
| 0900-1030 | Vo Camp | TDWG Ontology I | | Invasive Species: GISIN cache system, file upload, and toolkit issues. (Simpson & Graham) | | |
d290 1
a290 1
| 1100-1230 | Vo Camp | SPM/BDI I (Parr/Hagedorn) | Harnessing the long tail (Chavan) | Invasive Species: GISIN cache system, file upload, and toolkit issues. (Simpson & Graham) | Literature Group I (Weitzman) | |
d292 1
a292 1
| 1400-1530 | Vo Camp | SPM/BDI II | Bio-curation in agro-databases (Knuepffer) | Intellectual Property (Thibon) | Literature II | |
d294 1
a294 1
| 1600-1730 | Vo Camp | Standards for taxonomic identification (Grard/Bonnet) | Name matching workshop (Remsen) | Herbarium digitization (Chenin) | Literature III | |
d299 2
a300 2
| *Time* | *Room #1* | *Room #2* | *Room #3* | *Room #4* | *Room #5* | *Room #6* |
| 0900-1030 | Vo Camp | 9: Presentations on EDIT (Mergen) | TDWG Ontology II | Wiki publishing workshop (Hagedorn) | | |
d302 1
a302 1
| 1100-1230 | Vo Camp | 10: Miscelaneous | Multimedia resources schema (Chavan) | Geospatial I (Beeman) | Plant Ontology and Descriptors (Shrestha/Arnaud) | |
d304 1
a304 1
| 1400-1530 | Vo Camp | 11: Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture (McKey) | Annotations (Macklin) | Geospatial II | | |
d306 1
a306 1
| 1600-1730 | Vo Camp | 12: Agri-genetic resources and crop wild relatives (Zanetto) | Indigenous knowledge (McKey) | Workflows (Flemons) | GNA (Pyle) | |
d311 2
a312 2
| *Time* | *Room #1* | *Room #2* | *Room #3* | *Room #4* | *Room #5* | *Room #6* |
| 0900-1030 | Linked literature (Freland) | EDIT Scratchpads tutorial (Roberts) | Infrastructure for storage and exchange (Cryer) | Citizen Science (Sachs) | | |
d314 1
a314 1
| 1100-1230 | Standards for Plant traits (Mackay) | DC Germplasm extension (Terje) | EDIT for programmers (Kirchoff) | Roundtable: Events in the Yer of Biodiversity (Belbin) | | |
d316 1
a316 1
| 1400-1530 | Phylogenetic nomenclature/RegNum (Cellinese) | EDIT for Users (Kirchoff) | Research infrastructure for agricultural biodiversity informatics (Tuama) | GBIF LSID-GUID report (Riccardi) | | |
d318 1
a318 1
| 1600-1730 | Wildlife disease and veterinary informatics (Dein) | Ecosystem approach to genetic resources management (Bailly) | TDWG ontology III | | | |@
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="JoelSachs" date="1254257271" format="1.1" version="1.3"}%
d6 1
d8 1
a8 1
-- Main.JoelSachs - 20 Jul 2009
d288 1
a288 1
| 0900-1030 | Vo Camp | TDWG Ontology I | | | | |
d290 1
a290 1
| 1100-1230 | Vo Camp | SPM/BDI I (Parr/Hagedorn) | Harnessing the long tail (Chavan) | | Literature Group I (Weitzman) | |
d318 1
a318 1
| 1600-1730 | Wildlife disease and veterinary informatics (Dein) | Ecosystem approach to genetic resources management (Bailly) | TDWG ontology III | Inserting/testing GISIN models in GBIF IPT (Simpson) | | |@
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="JoelSachs" date="1253878702" format="1.1" reprev="1.2" version="1.2"}%
d289 1
a289 1
| 1100-1230 | Vo Camp | SPM/BDI I (Parr/Hagedorn) | Harnessing the long tail (Chavan) | Mashups (Leary) | Literature Group I (Weitzman) | |
d317 1
a317 1
| 1600-1730 | Wildlife disease and veterinary informatics (Dein) | Ecosystem approach to genetic resources management (Bailly) | TDWG ontology III | Inserting/testing GISIN models in GBIF IPT (Simpson) | | |
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="JoelSachs" date="1248096983" format="1.1" version="1.1"}%
d287 1
a287 1
| 0900-1030 | Insert details of Topic 1 here | Insert details of Topic 2 here | Insert details of Topic 3 here | Insert details of Topic 4 here | Insert details of Topic 5 here | Insert details of Topic 6 here |
d289 1
a289 1
| 1100-1230 | Topic 1 | Topic 2 | Topic 3 | Topic 4 | Topic 5 | Topic 6 |
d291 1
a291 1
| 1400-1530 | Topic 1 | Topic 2 | Topic 3 | Topic 4 | Topic 5 | Topic 6 |
d293 1
a293 1
| 1600-1730 | Topic 1 | Topic 2 | Topic 3 | Topic 4 | Topic 5 | Topic 6 |
d299 7
a305 7
|0900-1030|Topic 1 |Topic 2 | Topic 3 | Topic 4 | Topic 5 | Topic 6 |
|1030-1100|Coffee ||||||
|1100-1230|Topic 1 | Topic 2 | Topic 3 | Topic 4 | Topic 5 | Topic 6 |
|1230-1400|Lunch | |||||
|1400-1530|Topic 1 | Topic 2 | Topic 3 | Topic 4 | Topic 5 | Topic 6 |
|1530-1600|Coffee ||||||
|1600-1730|Topic 1 | Topic 2 | Topic 3 | Topic 4 | Topic 5 | Topic 6 |
d311 7
a317 7
|0900-1030|Topic 1 |Topic 2 | Topic 3 | Topic 4 | Topic 5 | Topic 6 |
|1030-1100|Coffee ||||||
|1100-1230|Topic 1 | Topic 2 | Topic 3 | Topic 4 | Topic 5 | Topic 6 |
|1230-1400|Lunch | |||||
|1400-1530|Topic 1 | Topic 2 | Topic 3 | Topic 4 | Topic 5 | Topic 6 |
|1530-1600|Coffee ||||||
|1600-1730|Topic 1 | Topic 2 | Topic 3 | Topic 4 | Topic 5 | Topic 6 |@