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%META:TOPICINFO{author="DonovanSharp" date="1152234394" format="1.1" reprev="1.7" version="1.7"}%
---++SDD Part 0: Introduction and Primer to the SDD Standard
---+++3.3 Dataset metadata
Each dataset in an SDD document must include some metadata about the dataset. The dataset metadata typically describes such things as source, ownership, copyright, versioning etc for the dataset.
Metadata is stored in two places within an SDD instance document. The [[TechnicalMetadata][<TechnicalMetadata>]] element under [[SddDatasets][<Datasets>]] provides information about the processor that created the SDD document. Information about the dataset itself (or more accurately, the dataset from which the SDD document was created), is stored within the [[DatasetMetadata][<Dataset>]] element.
---++++Example 3.3.1 - Content Metadata for an SDD document
<table bgcolor="#ddddff" border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111">
<Label xml:lang="en">Flying Fishes of the world</Label>
<Label xml:lang="de">Fliegende Fische der Welt</Label>
<Detail xml:lang="en" role="Description">A digital field guide</Detail>
<Detail xml:lang="en" role="Coverage">Flying Fishes (Exocoetidae)</Detail>
<Detail xml:lang="de" role="Coverage">Fliegende Fische (Exocoetidae)</Detail>
<MediaObject ref="m1"/>
<Link rel="Alternate" href=""/>
<Agent role="aut" ref="a1" firstcontribution="2001-01-01T00:00:00Z" lastcontribution="2003-12-01T15:35:00Z"/>
<Agent role="edt" ref="a1"/>
<Agent role="edt" ref="a2"/>
<Agent role="ctb" ref="a3"/>
<Agent role="trl" ref="a2"/>
<Version major="1" minor="01" modifier="beta" issued="2006-04-28T00:00:00Z" />
<IPRStatement role="Copyright">
<Label>(c) 2002 Allmende Biological Research Station</Label>
<Detail>(c) 2002 Allmende Biological Research Station. All rights reserved. No part of this data may be....</Detail>
<IPRStatement role="TermsOfUse">
<Detail>Data may be freely used as long as ...</Detail>
<Detail xml:lang="de">Die Daten d<>rfen frei verwendet werden, solange ...</Detail>
<IPRStatement role="Disclaimer">
<Label>See also the disclaimer.</Label>
<IPRStatement role="Acknowledgement">
<Detail>The work was made possible by a grant from ...</Detail>
<Detail xml:lang="de">Wir danken der X-Stiftung f<>r ...</Detail>
<Citation ref="p111"/>
<GeographicArea ref="g1"/>
<GeographicArea ref="g2"/>
-- Main.DonovanSharp - 01 Jun 2006
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