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date 2007.; author RenatoDeGiovanni; state Exp;
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date 2007.; author JoseCuadra; state Exp;
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date 2007.; author JoseCuadra; state Exp;
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@%META:TOPICINFO{author="RenatoDeGiovanni" date="1172620479" format="1.1" version="1.3"}%
---++ TAPIR Harvester Proposal
---+++ Proposed class diagram for harvester
* ClassDiagram1.png: <br />
<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/ClassDiagram1.png" alt="ClassDiagram1.png" width='1122' height='341' />
---+++ Explanation of classes
* RequestManager:
* Load LocalConfiguration in RequestManager
* Obtains Provider access points (URLs) ProviderLookup
* Create instance of ThreadPool with as many general Threads as specified by local configuration
* Loop through Providers
* Perform MetaDataRequest and store response in Provider
* Harvester Only &#8211; If date of Last Update is not after the last time Harvester gathered information from this access point, then Continue to next Provider
* Harvester Only &#8211; If GMT is not equal to (in their indexingPreferences) Provider startTime <20> harvestStartTimeOffset (also consider frequency in indexingPreferences), then Continue to next Provider
* Perform CapabilitiesRequest and store response in Provider
* According to Provider Capabilities and requestType, get KVP for URL from RequestConfigutation
* Perform SearchRequest
* Check SearchSummary: While (Start index+Page Size) < totalMatched, repeat SearchRequest on next page and Send to ResponseManager in a thread-safe environment
* Send response to ResponseManager in a thread-safe environment
* PerformRequest(String requestType, String url, int pageNum, int pageSize)
* Get request URL for specified requestType (MetaData, Capabilities, Search or Inventory)
* Adjust KVP values inURL for paging according to pageNum and pageSize (requestType Search only)
* Create instance of CommunicationProcess with URL
* Check for availableThreads in the ThreadPool
* If Available: Add this CommunicationProcess to the ThreadPool
* Otherwise: Create new Thread outside of ThreadPool and execute
* Returns XML response
* ProviderLookup:
* Returns Provider access points (URLs) from flat file or from central UDDI
* Provider:
* Stores data relevant to each individual AccessPoint
* RequestConfiguration (capabilities):
* According to capabilities, retrieve and return KVP from configuration file (yet to be defined)
* Request (Configuration):
* Return URL from specified function
* DigirRequest:
* Extends general Request for functions specific to DiGIR
* TapirRequest:
* Extends general Request for functions specific to TAPIR
* Return URL of KVP parameters from specified function (MetaData, Capabilities, Search or Inventory) according to Configuration
* MetaDataRequest(String accessPoint):
* If MetaData for this particular accessPoint is stored in local cache and is not expired, return. Otherwise, perform MetaDataRequest
* CapabilitiesRequest(String accessPoint):
* If Capabilities for this particular accessPoint is stored in local cache and is not expired, return. Otherwise, perform CapabilitiesRequest
* searchRequest(String accessPoint)
* inventoryRequest(String accessPoint)
* BioCaseRequest:
* Extends general Request for functions specific to BioCASE
* ThreadPool:
* Initialized to a certain number of threads according to local configuration
* ResponseManager:
* Handles response according to local configuration
* Portals could display result with XSLT
* Harvesters could cache data in local DB
* Create RSS feed
* Add data to OAI environment
* UnMarshall response and create specific Response type
* Response:
* DigirResponse
* TapirResponse
* BioCaseResponse
---+++ Proposed execution flow
* Load LocalConfiguration
* Create RequestManager, Initialize ThreadPool with runnable objects (HTTPTheads) based on local configuration
* RequestManager does ProviderLookup
* (Harvester Only - RequestManager performs MetadataRequest to get date of last update)
* Loop through providers, performs CapabilitiesRequest, or load capabilities from local cache * (Harvester Only &#8211; if there have been no changes since last harvest, move to next provider)
* See steps 7-10
* Create specific request URL and configure according to capabilities using RequestConfiguration
* RequestManager adjusts KVP parameters according to paging size and page number
* RequestManager passes URL to an HTTPThread in the ThreadPool
* HTTPThread connects to the provider
* HTTPThread gets back XML and initializes the Response object
* Response is passed to the ResponseManager in a thread-safe environment
* Repeat steps 7-11 until all pages have been accessed according to local specifications
* ResponseManager deals with the response according to local specifications (Harvester, Portal, &#8230;)
* Process response with XSLT
* Cache data
* Create RSS feed
* Add to OAI environment
%META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="ClassDiagram1.png" attachment="ClassDiagram1.png" attr="" comment="" date="1171537240" path="ClassDiagram1.png" size="12559" stream="ClassDiagram1.png" user="Main.JoseCuadra" version="1"}%
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%META:TOPICINFO{author="JoseCuadra" date="1171543872" format="1.1" reprev="1.2" version="1.2"}%
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* RequestManager:
* Load LocalConfiguration in RequestManager
* Obtains Provider access points (URLs) ProviderLookup
* Create instance of ThreadPool with as many general Threads as specified by local configuration
* Loop through Providers
* Perform MetaDataRequest and store response in Provider
* Harvester Only &#8211; If date of Last Update is not after the last time Harvester gathered information from this access point, then Continue to next Provider
* Harvester Only &#8211; If GMT is not equal to (in their indexingPreferences) Provider startTime <20> harvestStartTimeOffset (also consider frequency in indexingPreferences), then Continue to next Provider
* Perform CapabilitiesRequest and store response in Provider
* According to Provider Capabilities and requestType, get KVP for URL from RequestConfigutation
* Perform SearchRequest
* Check SearchSummary: While (Start index+Page Size) < totalMatched, repeat SearchRequest on next page and Send to ResponseManager in a thread-safe environment
* Send response to ResponseManager in a thread-safe environment
* PerformRequest(String requestType, String url, int pageNum, int pageSize)
* Get request URL for specified requestType (MetaData, Capabilities, Search or Inventory)
* Adjust KVP values inURL for paging according to pageNum and pageSize (requestType Search only)
* Create instance of CommunicationProcess with URL
* Check for availableThreads in the ThreadPool
* If Available: Add this CommunicationProcess to the ThreadPool
* Otherwise: Create new Thread outside of ThreadPool and execute
* Returns XML response
* ProviderLookup:
* Returns Provider access points (URLs) from flat file or from central UDDI
* Provider:
* Stores data relevant to each individual AccessPoint
* RequestConfiguration (capabilities):
* According to capabilities, retrieve and return KVP from configuration file (yet to be defined)
* Request (Configuration):
* Return URL from specified function
* DigirRequest:
* Extends general Request for functions specific to DiGIR
* TapirRequest:
* Extends general Request for functions specific to TAPIR
* Return URL of KVP parameters from specified function (MetaData, Capabilities, Search or Inventory) according to Configuration
* MetaDataRequest(String accessPoint):
* If MetaData for this particular accessPoint is stored in local cache and is not expired, return. Otherwise, perform MetaDataRequest
* CapabilitiesRequest(String accessPoint):
* If Capabilities for this particular accessPoint is stored in local cache and is not expired, return. Otherwise, perform CapabilitiesRequest
* searchRequest(String accessPoint)
* inventoryRequest(String accessPoint)
* Extends general Request for functions specific to BioCASE
* Initialized to a certain number of threads according to local configuration
* Handles response according to local configuration
* Portals could display result with XSLT
* Harvesters could cache data in local DB
* Create RSS feed
* Add data to OAI environment
* UnMarshall response and create specific Response type
a91 1
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@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="JoseCuadra" date="1171539299" format="1.1" reprev="1.1" version="1.1"}%
d89 1
a89 1
* Load LocalConfiguration
d91 1
a91 1
* Create RequestManager, Initialize ThreadPool with runnable objects (HTTPTheads) based on local configuration
d93 1
a93 1
* RequestManager does ProviderLookup
d95 1
a95 1
* (Harvester Only - RequestManager performs MetadataRequest to get date of last update)
d97 1
a97 1
* Loop through providers, performs CapabilitiesRequest, or load capabilities from local cache * (Harvester Only &#8211; if there have been no changes since last harvest, move to next provider)
d99 1
a99 1
* See steps 7-10
d101 1
a101 1
* Create specific request URL and configure according to capabilities using RequestConfiguration
d103 1
a103 1
* RequestManager adjusts KVP parameters according to paging size and page number
d105 1
a105 1
* RequestManager passes URL to an HTTPThread in the ThreadPool
d107 1
a107 1
* HTTPThread connects to the provider
d109 1
a109 1
* HTTPThread gets back XML and initializes the Response object
d111 1
a111 1
* Response is passed to the ResponseManager in a thread-safe environment
d113 1
a113 1
* Repeat steps 7-11 until all pages have been accessed according to local specifications
d115 1
a115 1
* ResponseManager deals with the response according to local specifications (Harvester, Portal, &#8230;)
d117 4
a120 4
* Process response with XSLT
* Cache data
* Create RSS feed
* Add to OAI environment