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%META:TOPICINFO{author="RicardoPereira" date="1147258644" format="1.1" version="1.7"}%
---+!!Summary of reviews on the Website Requirements document
This page contains a summary of the feedback provided by the TDWG Executive Committee and TDWG Subgroup Conveners regarding the TIP [[TipDocuments][documents submitted for review in Dec 2005]].
---++Reviewer: Walter Berendsohn
* How do we deal with standard data served dynamically (via web services) in the context of the requirement *R1.1. Comprehensive Standards Repository*?
* _We consider web services implementing TDWG value standards (e.g. controlled vocabularies) to be part of reference implementations of such standards. For that reason, TDWG would not have the responsibility for managing or maintaining such services. However, in particular cases, it may make sense for TDWG to support services related to standards. Those cases should be analyses individually. Examples are: RDF/OWL ontologies and maybe XML Schema namespaces._
* Walter Berendsohn makes a couple of comments regarding persistence of URLs:
1. Both requirements *R1.5. Stable Web Address for Standards* and *R2.4. Stable Web Addresses for Group Areas* should be ranked as MUST instead of SHOULD; and
1. In requirement *R4.3. Flexible Navigation*, pages should never be removed and changes in page hierarchy should not change URLs to existing pages.
* _It is highly desirable to have persistent URLs for any website resource, including standards, subgroup pages, news entries, general documentation, and any other page. So I added the requirement *R4.18. Persistent URLs* which states that. I have kept the specific requirements about stable URLs for standards and subgroup pages for emphasis._
---++Reviewer: Arthur Chapman
* There is no mention of onsite Search.
* _Added to the document as requirement *R4.17 Onsite Search (Must)*._
* Include the requirement that Web pages should all include date last updated and mention how to cite the page at bottom of it.
* _Added to the document as requirement *R5.6 Conformance to Content Metadata Standards (Should)*._
* Include the requirement that all web pages MUST conform to Content Metadata Standards (e.g. Dublin Core or related).
* _Added to the document as requirement *R5.7 Web Page Metadata (Must)*._
---++Reviewer: Nazomi Ytow
* Requirement *R3.5. Traceability of Design Decisions* should be ranked as Must. It makes detection of misunderstanding easier, with aid of such as an issue tracking tool.
* _This requirement is certainly important. However, we assigned rank *Should* to it because it depends on other decisions that have not been made yet. For example, it is uncertain whether the new TDWG process will impose the use of certain tools for standards development. If TDWG Process does not mandate the use of a Issue Tracking Tool by the subgroups, this requirement cannot be ranked *Must*. However, if we end up implementing this feature, then we can use a Issue Tracking System (as you recommended) or a Version Control System (such as Subversion)._
-- Main.RicardoPereira - 06 Jan 2006
---++Gregor Hagedorn
The document *title* seems to me misleading, much of it addresses standard documentation issues. The document perhaps need to be taken apart for a future presentation (next round of discussion), or it may just be an overlap with other documents.
-- Main.GregorHagedorn - 06 Feb 2006