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%META:TOPICINFO{author="RicardoPereira" date="1147258644" format="1.1" version="1.10"}%
---+!!Summary of reviews on the Website Technology Evaluation document
This page contains a summary of the feedback provided by the TDWG Executive Committee and TDWG Subgroup Conveners regarding the TIP [[TipDocuments][documents submitted for review in Dec 2005]].
---++Reviewer: Robert Morris
* Suggested clarification or uniformization of narrative, including minor grammar changes.
* _Included in the revised document_
* Exported XML might still contain HTML tags, to which the target system might be allergic.
* _Agreed. In fact, Typo3 does allow proprietary tags (called !TypoLink, which contains handy simplifications of HTML tags like <A> and others). I have updated the document to mention this issue._
* How scalability of Wiki Systems were performed?
* _No formal test of scalability was performed. The comment about !MediaWiki being the most scalable one is based on the fact that it support most of the largest Wikis in existence today._ See
* The author mention that ZWiki is not suitable for TDWG because its reliance on a specialized object-oriented database makes it difficult to inspect pages or migrate content. The reviewer argues that virtually no wiki platform will make it easy to migrate contents to another platform because the page layout is done by the cgi language, together with the platform’s idiosyncratic input to said language, which is often imposing semantics (e.g. what is a heading, what is a table, …).
* _Agreed. Still, ZWiki makes it much harder for administrators to inspect page contents in comparison to other wikis that use the file system or a popular database to store contents. The document was changed accordingly to reflect this opinion._
---++Reviewer: Walter Berendsohn
* The reviewer also makes comments about persistence of URLs within the Website and data standards served by web services.
* _These comments are addressed on the [[Review_TipDocuments_WebsiteRequirements_Summary][Summary of Comments on Webside Requirements Document]]_
---++Reviewer: Neil Thomson
* The reviewer (as well as Walter Berendsohn) is concerned about the use of Wikis. Some people may be unwilling to learn how to use the Wiki and thus will not make contributions to the group.
* _Agreed. That is indeed a challange to make people adopt the technology. The team will make an effort to produce documentation to help new users to become familiar with TWiki and will provide technical support at least during the project._
%GREEN%On the front pages of all our wiki webs we usually put a prominent link to a _very_ [[][short tutorial]]. Ours probably would need minor modifications to be consistent with your current skin, but something like it would do. Also, the skin that the [[][SDD wiki web]] has an edit template that adds a little more to what yours has, namely the 3-4 most common TWiki formatting paradigms, together with a link to the TWiki formatting help facility. Those seem to be helpful for novices. -- Main.BobMorris - 12 Jan 2006 %ENDCOLOR%
---++Reviewer: Jessie Kennedy
* Why did the team not choose !WikiMedia when it is used by the Typo3 team to support documentation?
* _If !WikiMedia could be seamlessly integrated to Typo3 websites, that would be a compeling reason to adopt it. However, that is not the case. Typo3 team uses !WikiMedia as a separate infrastructure to improve documentation development. The only wiki that is currently integrated to Typo3 as an extension is called !DrWiki. That wiki system wasn't adopted because it provides limited features and it does not count on a significant user and developer base._
-- Main.JessieKennedy - 13 Jan 2006
My point was really about the underlyine technologies like MySQL and PHP etc so that you only have one of these technologies to implement and manage. TWiki is based on other underlying technologies if I remember correctly.
* Membership management (at least the functions not related to payment) could help convenors manage subgroup members.
* _The Team did not find necessary to provide any user control to the level of subgroups for the whole website. However, the system will have user management functions so that users can perform tasks on the website, such as edit subgroup information and edit wiki pages, depending on his privileges. The only relevant functions that require management of users per subgroup are those related to general announcements and communications. Those can be handled by Mailman mailing list or RSS (on both Website and Wiki pages)._
* We need to try it [the new TDWG Website and Process] and see and then review the situation after we've tried it - so I'd be worried if everything was fixed in stone before we got to try things out.
* _Most certainly, yes. Regarding the Website and Collaboration Environment (which are the components that I am responsible for), we have planned a review phase right after the initial solution is presented to the public. I am sure that there will be plenty of opportunity for members and the public in general to try and review TDWG new process as well._
-- Main.RicardoPereira - 12 Jan 2006
---++Gregor Hagedorn
It strikes me that any Java tools have been excluded from evaluation a priori, resulting in Typo3 as best choice. I was informed a few months ago when asking around about content management that typo3 is hugely powerful, but has a hugely steep learning curve and is best run by a dedicated and experienced administrator. This information may well be wrong, but if you had similar responses since, you may want to add a review of
"Daisy" (
to evaluation. From the little I know about it (I have stumbled upon and used it recently because a large meeting on phytopathology ( used it for an amazingly wide array from registration to abstract volume printing; and I was really impressed with its mixture of wiki, CMS, and customized ad-hoc database functionality) it seems to meet all your requirements, except the a-priori exclusion of Java.
-- Main.GregorHagedorn - 06 Feb 2006
Java tools were not excluded from the evaluation a priori as the final wording of the document may convey. We did a broader (and less formal) survey of Content Management Systems that could meet TDWG needs and selected the strongest candidates for further evaluation. Only those ones were mentioned on the document.
Given the number of CMS available (several hundreds) it was impossible to look at every single one of them. We had to narrow the search by looking at the most popular with wider user and developer bases. We did look at at least one Java based CMS, Apache Lenya, but it didn't qualify for the more complete evaluation. Unfortunatelly we missed Daisy in the process.
Regarding your comment about Typo3 learning curve, it really is a bit steep for web development (but compatible with other popular CMS) but it is not much so for publishers and editors. Typo3 user interface is really intuitive. Once you have the basic components of your website set up (news, web-forms, custom extensions), managing it becomes simpler.
-- Main.RicardoPereira - 07 Mar 2006