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date 2005.; author RicardoPereira; state Exp;
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---+!!TDWG Website Development Plan
This document describes the project plan for development of the new TDWG Website.
---++ Goals
The goal of this activity is to develop and deploy a new Website that provides adequate support for development, management and publication of TDWG standards. The Website includes a suite of effective on-line collaboration tools that support the development of standards. The Website will also improve communications within TDWG, with external organizations and the public.
---++ Team
The development team will be coordinated by Ricardo Pereira in collaboration with Adrian Risson<6F>, Rebecca Shapley, Roger Hyam, and Wouter Addink. The development will be managed within the TDWG Infrastructure Project. Ricardo Pereira is working full time on this project. The time that other team members can contribute to the project will be part-time.
---++ Development Plan
The website development plan will consist of the following phases:
---+++ 1. Requirements Gathering
The initial step in developing TDWG new website is to gather requirements. This process has already been started during TDWG 2005 Annual Meeting in Saint Petersburg, Russia when the team interviewed several subgroup conveners and members. The team synthesized the responses in the Website Requirements Document and Use Cases Analysis. The team will continue to gather requirements and refine both documents over the next two months.
---+++ 2. Technology Evaluation
The team will select a set of existing software packages as candidates to implement TDWG website. All candidate technologies will be evaluated against the Website requirements once the requirements are stable.
Several categories of applications will be evaluated, such as: Content Management Systems (CMS), Wikis, Mailing List Managers, Issue Tracking Systems, and Source Control Systems. The candidate packages will be set up in a development server to facilitate the evaluation process. A low-fidelity prototype will be created using each CMS being evaluated.
The result of these evaluations will be presented to a broader audience in a review paper in early December 2005.
---+++ 3. Website Design and Implementation
The Website design will include overall navigation, logical structure and prototypes of its main web pages. We will also design any special website components that require custom implementation.
Two approaches will be used to design and implement website components. If custom software modules need to be built, common software engineering methods and techniques will be used to specify, design, implement and test the module.
Ready made modules, such as Content Management Systems (CMS) extensions, will be their own prototypes. This process will simplify development as the module can be accompanied by a concise description of its logical structure and general arrangement.
The team will perform Usability Testing on the Website design to identify potential issues and to ensure compliance with initial requirements. The team will correct any problems identified by the Usability Tests.
The team will implement the website based on the design documents and requirements specifications. The team will hire external contractors to design the Website graphics and also to implement specific website components.
---+++ 4. Website Review and Production Deployment
Next, a preliminary version of the website will be deployed for broader use and review. TDWG community will be able to make comments about website and request changes.
After the review period ends, significant issues and problems reported will be corrected and the production version of the Website will be deployed.
---++ Timeline
* 10-Oct-2005 &#8211; Draft of Website Development Plan and Requirements Documents
* 14-Oct-2005 &#8211; Specification of TDWG Website production and test servers
* 10-Nov-2005 &#8211; Delivery and set up of TDWG Website production and test servers
* 03-Dec-2005 &#8211; Release of review paper: TDWG Website Requirements
* 03-Dec-2005 &#8211; Release of review paper: Technology Evaluation
* 03-Dec-2005 &#8211; Request for comments on review papers by TDWG
* 10-Dec-2005 &#8211; Decision on subcontracts to outsource web components development
* 25-Jan-2006 &#8211; Closing of request for comments on review papers
* 26-Jan-2006 &#8211; Design and implementation of TDWG Website
* 15-Apr-2006 &#8211; Preliminary release of new Website for review
* 15-May-2006 &#8211; Closing of comments and review of Website
* 15-Jun-2006 &#8211; Launch of new TDWG Website
In June 2006 we will review this project plan and draft a new plan for further Website development for the period from Jul 2006 to Dec 2007 (final 18 months of TDWG Infrastructure Project).
-- Main.RicardoPereira - 01 Nov 2005@