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@%META:TOPICINFO{author="TWikiContributor" date="1111929255" format="1.0" version="3"}%
---+ Change E-mail Address
<strong>%MAKETEXT{"This form is used to change your registered e-mail addresses. Your registered e-mails are used by TWiki for sending you e-mails, include notifications of password changes. The addresses you register via this form are kept secret and will *not* be published anywhere on this site."}%</strong>
%X% __Security Note__: %MAKETEXT{"You really ought to register a valid e-mail address. If TWiki can't find a registered e-mail for you in the secret database, it will look in your user topic for a line like this:"}%
* Set Email =
%MAKETEXT{"If your user topic is not protected from changes by other people, and you don't register an e-mail address using this form, then your user account could be hijacked by someone else."}%
%MAKETEXT{"If your old e-mail addresses are all invalid (you can't receive mail there any more) and you have forgotten your password, please contact [_1] for help." args="%WIKIWEBMASTER%"}%
<form name="passwd" action="%SCRIPTURLPATH{"passwd"}%/%WEB%/%TOPIC%" method="post">
<div class="twikiFormSteps">
<div class="twikiFormStep">
*%MAKETEXT{"After submitting this form your e-mail will be changed, and you will be returned to this form."}%*
<div class="twikiFormStep">
Registered e-mail addresses for currently logged in user (=%USERINFO{format="$wikiname"}%=): %USERINFO{format="$emails"}%
<div class="twikiFormStep">
%TABLE{databg="" cellborder="0" tableborder="0"}%
| | %MAKETEXT{"Fields marked [_1] are required" args="=<font color='red'>**</font>="}% |
| %MAKETEXT{"Your [_1].LoginName" args="%TWIKIWEB%"}%: | <input type="text" name="username" value="%URLPARAM{"username" default="%USERNAME%"}%" size="40" class="twikiInputField" /> =<font color="red">**</font>= |
| %MAKETEXT{"Password"}%: | <input type="password" name="oldpassword" value="%URLPARAM{oldpassword}%" size="40" class="twikiInputField" /> =<font color="red">**</font>= |
| %MAKETEXT{"New e-mails (space-separated list)"}%: | <input type="text" name="email" size="40" class="twikiInputField" /> =<font color="red">**</font>= |
<div class="twikiFormStep twikiLast">
<input type="hidden" name="TopicName" value="%TOPIC%" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="changePassword" />
<input type="submit" class="twikiSubmit" value="Change e-mail address" />
</div><!-- /twikiFormStep-->
</div><!-- /twikiFormSteps-->
<div class="twikiHelp">
* %ICON{info}% %MAKETEXT{"If you have any questions, please contact [_1]." args="%WIKIWEBMASTER%"}%
* %ICON{info}% %MAKETEXT{"[_1] has a list of other TWiki users." args="%MAINWEB%.%WIKIUSERSTOPIC%"}%
__%MAKETEXT{"Related topics:"}%__ ChangePassword, ResetPassword, UserToolsCategory, AdminToolsCategory
<table bgcolor="yellow"><tr><td>
__Note to administrator:__ This form applies only if TWiki uses a {PasswordManager} that supports storing e-mails (e.g. TWiki::Users::HtPasswdUser). Otherwise replace this topic with a note describing how to change registered e-mail in your organization).
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="TWikiContributor" date="1111929255" format="1.0" version="2"}%
d5 1
a5 1
%MAKETEXT{"This form is used to change your registered e-mail addresses. Your registered e-mails are used by TWiki for sending you e-mails, include notifications of password changes. The addresses you register via this form are kept secret and will *not* be published anywhere on this site."}%
a14 4
Registered e-mail addresses for currently logged in user (=%USERINFO{format="$wikiname"}%=): %USERINFO{format="$emails"}%
%MAKETEXT{"[_1] has a list of other TWiki users." args="%MAINWEB%.%WIKIUSERSTOPIC%"}%
d17 13
d31 3
a33 5
| %MAKETEXT{"Your [_1].LoginName" args="%TWIKIWEB%"}%: | <input type="text" name="username" value="%URLPARAM{"username" default="%USERNAME%"}%" size="40" /> =<font color="red">**</font>= |
| %MAKETEXT{"Password"}%: | <input type="password" name="oldpassword" value="%URLPARAM{oldpassword}%" size="40" /> =<font color="red">**</font>= |
| %MAKETEXT{"New e-mails (space-separated list)"}%: | <input type="text" name="email" size="40" /> =<font color="red">**</font>= |
| &nbsp;<input type="hidden" name="TopicName" value="%TOPIC%" /><input type="hidden" name="action" value="changePassword" /> | <input type="submit" class="twikiSubmit" value="Change e-mail address" /> &nbsp;&nbsp; (%MAKETEXT{"Fields marked [_1] are required" args="=<font color='red'>**</font>="}%) |
d38 4
a41 1
%MAKETEXT{"After submitting this form your e-mail will be changed, and you will be returned to this form."}%
d43 1
a43 1
%MAKETEXT{"If you have any questions, please contact [_1]." args="%WIKIWEBMASTER%"}%
d47 1
a47 1
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="TWikiContributor" date="1111929255" format="1.0" version="1"}%
d5 1
a5 1
%MAINWEB%.TWikiUsers has a full list of user names.
d7 1
a7 3
This form is used to change your registered e-mail addresses. Your registered e-mails are used by TWiki for sending you e-mails, include notifications of password changes. The addresses you register via this form are kept secret and will *not* be published anywhere on this site.
%X% __Security Note__: You really ought to register a valid e-mail address. If TWiki can't find a registered e-mail for you in the secret database, it will look in your user topic for a line like this:
d9 1
a9 1
* Set Email =
d11 1
a11 1
If your user topic is not protected from changes by other people, and you don't register an e-mail address using this form, then your user account could be hijacked by someone else.
d13 1
a13 1
If your old e-mail addresses are all invalid (you can't receive mail there any more) and you have forgotten your password, please contact %WIKIWEBMASTER%.
d17 2
d20 9
a28 6
| Your %TWIKIWEB%.LoginName: | <input type="text" name="username" value="%URLPARAM{"username" default="%USERNAME%"}%" size="40" /> =<font color="red">**</font>= |
| Password: | <input type="password" name="oldpassword" value="%URLPARAM{oldpassword}%" size="40" /> =<font color="red">**</font>= |
| New e-mails (space-separated list): | <input type="text" name="email" size="40" /> =<font color="red">**</font>= |
| <input type="submit" class="twikiSubmit" value="Change e-mail address" /> &nbsp;&nbsp; (Fields marked =<font color="red">**</font>= are required) ||
<input type="hidden" name="TopicName" value="%TOPIC%" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="changePassword" />
d31 1
a31 1
After submitting this form your e-mail will be changed, and you will be returned to this form.
d33 3
a35 1
If you have questions please contact the TWiki administrator %WIKIWEBMASTER%.
a41 2
__Related Topics:__ ChangePassword, AdminToolsCategory, UserToolsCategory