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@%META:TOPICINFO{author="TWikiContributor" date="1131431859" format="1.1" version="4"}%
---+ %MAKETEXT{"Create New Topic in [_1] Web" args="<nop>%BASEWEB%"}%
<script type="text/javascript" src="%PUBURLPATH%/%TWIKIWEB%/TWikiJavascripts/unicode_chars.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
/* <![CDATA[ */
Checks if the entered topic name is a valid WikiWord.
If so, enables the submit button, if not: enables the submit button if the user allows non-WikiWords as topic name; otherwise disables the submit button and returns 'false'.
Automatically removes spaces from entered name.
Automatically strips illegal characters.
If non-WikiWords are not allowed, capitalizes words (separated by space).
If non-WikiWords _are_ allowed, capitalizes sentence.
The generated topic name is written to a 'feedback' field.
@@param inForm : pointer to the form
@@param inShouldConvertInput : true: a new name is created from the entered name
@@return True: submit is enabled and topic creation is allowed; false: submit is disabled and topic creation should be inhibited.
function canSubmit(inForm, inShouldConvertInput) {
var inputForTopicName = inForm.topic.value;
if (!inputForTopicName) return;
/* Topic names of zero length are not allowed */
if (inputForTopicName.length == 0) {
/* Update feedback field */
insertHtml("", "webTopicCreatorFeedback");
return false;
var hasNonWikiWordCheck = (inForm.nonwikiword != undefined);
var userAllowsNonWikiWord = true;
if (hasNonWikiWordCheck) {
userAllowsNonWikiWord = inForm.nonwikiword.checked;
/* check if current input is a valid WikiWord */
var noSpaceName = removeSpacesAndPunctiation(inputForTopicName);
if necessary, create a WikiWord from the input name
(when a non-WikiWord is not allowed)
var wikiWordName = noSpaceName;
if (!userAllowsNonWikiWord) {
wikiWordName = removeSpacesAndPunctiation(capitalize(inputForTopicName));
if (userAllowsNonWikiWord) {
wikiWordName = removeSpacesAndPunctiation(capitalizeSentence(inputForTopicName));
if (inShouldConvertInput) {
if (hasNonWikiWordCheck && userAllowsNonWikiWord) {
inForm.topic.value = noSpaceName;
} else {
inForm.topic.value = wikiWordName;
/* Update feedback field */
feedbackHeader = "<strong>%MAKETEXT{"Topic will be named: "}%</strong>";
feedbackText = feedbackHeader + wikiWordName;
insertHtml(feedbackText, "webTopicCreatorFeedback");
Update hidden field value
Use the negative value of the checkbox. This is the ugly way but must be used until edit script parameter =allowsnonwikiword= is implemented.
if (hasNonWikiWordCheck && userAllowsNonWikiWord) {
inForm.onlywikiname.value = userAllowsNonWikiWord ? "off" : "on";
if (isWikiWord(wikiWordName) || userAllowsNonWikiWord) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function capitalizeSentence (inText) {
return inText.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + inText.substr(1);
@@param inState: true or false
function setCheckBoxState (inCheckBox, inState) {
if (! inCheckBox) return;
inCheckBox.checked = inState;
function enableSubmit(inButton) {
if (!inButton) return;
removeClass(inButton, "twikiSubmitDisabled");
inButton.disabled = false;
function disableSubmit(inButton) {
if (!inButton) return;
addClass(inButton, "twikiSubmitDisabled");
inButton.disabled = true;
/* ]]> */
<form name="newtopic" id="newtopic" action="%SCRIPTURLPATH{edit}%/%BASEWEB%/" onsubmit="return canSubmit(this,true);"><input type="hidden" name="onlywikiname" /><input type="hidden" name="onlynewtopic" value="on" />%ENDSECTION{"formstart"}%
<div class="twikiFormSteps">
<div class="twikiFormStep">
---------------------------------------------+++ %MAKETEXT{"Topic name:"}%
<p>%STARTSECTION{"topicname"}%<input type="text" class="twikiInputField" name="topic" id="topic" size="40" tabindex="10" %IF{"'%PREFILLTOPIC%'='1'" then="value=\"%BASETOPIC%\""}% %IF{"'%URLPARAM{"newtopic"}%'" then="value=\"%URLPARAM{"newtopic"}%\""}% onkeyup="canSubmit(this.form,false);" onchange="canSubmit(this.form,false);" onblur="canSubmit(this.form,true);" /> <span id="webTopicCreatorFeedback" class="twikiInputFieldDisabled"><!--generated name will be put here--></span>%ENDSECTION{"topicname"}%</p>
<p>%STARTSECTION{"allownonwikiword"}%<input type="checkbox" class="twikiCheckbox" id="nonwikiword" name="nonwikiword" tabindex="11" onchange="canSubmit(this.form,false);" onmouseup="canSubmit(this.form,false);" /><label for="nonwikiword">%MAKETEXT{"Allow non <nop>WikiWord for the new topic name"}%</label><br />
<span class="twikiGrayText">%MAKETEXT{"It's usually best to choose a <a target='WikiWord' onclick=\"return launchWindow('[_1]','WikiWord')\" href='[_1]' rel='nofollow'>WikiWord</a> for the new topic name, otherwise automatic linking may not work. Characters not allowed in topic names, such as spaces will automatically be removed." args="%TWIKIWEB%,%SCRIPTURLPATH{"view"}%/%TWIKIWEB%/WikiWord"}%</span>
<script type="text/javascript">
/* <![CDATA[ */
// Read url param 'allowsnonwikiword' to set the initial checkbox value
var allowsNonWikiWord = "%URLPARAM{"allowsnonwikiword" default=off}%";
setCheckBoxState(document.forms.newtopic.nonwikiword, allowsNonWikiWord.toBoolean() ? true : false);
/* ]]> */
<div class="twikiFormStep">
---------------------------------------------+++ %MAKETEXT{"Topic parent:"}%
<p>%STARTSECTION{"topicparent"}%<select name="topicparent" size="10" tabindex="12">
%TOPICLIST{"<option $marker value='$name'>$name</option>" separator=" " selection="%URLPARAM{ "parent" default="%MAKETEXT{"(no parent, orphaned topic)"}%" }%"}%
<option value="">%MAKETEXT{"(no parent, orphaned topic)"}%</option>
<div class="twikiFormStep">
---------------------------------------------+++ %MAKETEXT{"Use template:"}%
<p>%STARTSECTION{"topictemplate"}%<select name="templatetopic">
<option value="%TWIKIWEB%.WebTopicEditTemplate">%MAKETEXT{"Default template"}%</option>%SEARCH{".*Template$" scope="topic" type="regex" nonoise="on" format="<option>$topic</option>"}%</select> <a href="%SCRIPTURL{view}%/%TWIKIWEB%/WebTemplateTopics?web=%BASEWEB%">%MAKETEXT{"View templates"}%</a> %ENDSECTION{"topictemplate"}%</p>
<div class="twikiFormStep twikiLast">
<p>%STARTSECTION{"submit"}%<input id="submit" type="submit" class="twikiSubmit" tabindex="13" value='%MAKETEXT{"Create this topic"}%' />%ENDSECTION{"submit"}%</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
// start with a check
// focus input field
<div class="twikiHelp">
%ICON{info}% %MAKETEXT{"Once you have created the topic, consider adding links in related topics to the new topic so that there are more ways people can discover it."}%
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="TWikiContributor" date="1131431859" format="1.1" version="3"}%
d4 1
d6 1
d9 1
a9 1
d12 1
a12 3
If so, enables the submit button, if not: enables the submit button
if the user allows non-WikiWords as topic name; otherwise disables the
submit button and returns 'false'.
d16 1
d25 1
d27 1
a27 1
// Topic names of zero length are not allowed
d30 1
a30 1
// Update feedback field
d35 7
a41 3
var userAllowsNonWikiWord = inForm.nonwikiword.checked;
// check if current input is a valid WikiWord
d44 4
a47 2
// if necessary, create a WikiWord from the input name
// (when a non-WikiWord is not allowed)
d51 4
a54 1
d57 5
a61 2
if (userAllowsNonWikiWord) inForm.topic.value = noSpaceName;
if (!userAllowsNonWikiWord) inForm.topic.value = wikiWordName;
d64 1
a64 1
// Update feedback field
d69 7
a75 4
// Update hidden field value
// Use the negative value of the checkbox. This is the ugly way but must be used until edit script parameter =allowsnonwikiword= is implemented.
inForm.onlywikiname.value = userAllowsNonWikiWord ? "off" : "on";
d84 3
d91 1
d95 1
d100 1
d104 1
a104 1
d106 2
a107 1
<form name="newtopic" id="newtopic" action="%SCRIPTURLPATH{edit}%/%BASEWEB%/" onsubmit="return canSubmit(this,true);">%ENDSECTION{"formstart"}%
d110 2
a111 2
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Topic name:"}%
<p>%STARTSECTION{"topicname"}%<input type="text" class="twikiInputField" name="topic" id="topic" size="40" tabindex="10" %IF{"'%PREFILLTOPIC%'='1'" then="value=\"%BASETOPIC%\"" else="value=\"\""}% onkeyup="canSubmit(this.form,false);" onchange="canSubmit(this.form,false);" onblur="canSubmit(this.form,true);" /> <span id="webTopicCreatorFeedback" class="twikiInputFieldDisabled"><!--generated name will be put here--></span>%ENDSECTION{"topicname"}%</p>
d113 8
a120 1
<span class="twikiGrayText">%MAKETEXT{"It's usually best to choose a <a target='WikiWord' onclick=\"return launchWindow('[_1]','WikiWord')\" href='[_1]' rel='nofollow'>WikiWord</a> for the new topic name, otherwise automatic linking may not work. Characters not allowed in topic names, such as spaces will automatically be removed." args="%TWIKIWEB%,%SCRIPTURLPATH{"view"}%/%TWIKIWEB%/WikiWord"}%</span>%ENDSECTION{"allownonwikiword"}%</p>
d123 1
a123 1
---+++ %MAKETEXT{"Topic parent:"}%
d129 5
d138 1
a138 2
%STARTSECTION{"formend"}%<input type="hidden" name="onlywikiname" />
<input type="hidden" name="onlynewtopic" value="on" />
a141 3
// Read url param 'allowsnonwikiword' to set the initial checkbox value
var allowsNonWikiWord = "%URLPARAM{"allowsnonwikiword" default=off}%";
setCheckBoxState(document.forms.newtopic.nonwikiword, allowsNonWikiWord.toBoolean() ? true : false);
d148 1
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="TWikiContributor" date="1131431859" format="1.1" version="2"}%
d3 3
d8 64
a71 24
function capitalize(inForm, inValue) {
// only capitalize if user wants a WikiWord
if (inForm.nonwikiword.checked == true) {
return removeSpaces(inValue);
var sIn = inValue;
var sOut = '';
var chgUpper = true;
for ( var i = 0; i < sIn.length; i++ ) {
var ch = sIn.charAt( i );
if( ch!=' ' ) {
if( chgUpper ) {
ch = ch.toUpperCase();
chgUpper = false;
if( ch==' ' ) {
chgUpper = true;
} else {
chgUpper = false;
sOut += ch;
return removeSpaces(sOut);
d73 3
a75 12
function removeSpaces(inValue) {
var sIn = inValue;
var sOut = '';
for ( var i = 0; i < sIn.length; i++ ) {
var ch = sIn.charAt( i );
if( ch==' ' ) {
chgUpper = true;
sOut += ch;
return sOut;
d77 3
a79 5
function canSubmit(inForm) {
inForm.topic.value = capitalize(inForm, inForm.topic.value);
// Use the negative value of the checkbox. This is the ugly way but must be used until edit script parameter =allowsnonwikiword= is implemented.
inForm.onlywikiname.value = (inForm.nonwikiword.checked == true) ? "off" : "on";
return true;
d83 1
a83 2
<form name="newtopic" action="%SCRIPTURLPATH{edit}%/%BASEWEB%/" onsubmit="return canSubmit(this);">
---+ %MAKETEXT{"Create New Topic in [_1] Web" args="<nop>%BASEWEB%"}%
d87 3
a89 6
<p><input type="text" class="twikiInputField" name="topic" size="40" value="" onblur="this.value=capitalize(this.form, this.value);" />
<!-- TODO: move JS to a separate file and make it callable on click of the button too -->
<!-- TODO: blank out all the irrelevant links: Edit, Compose, Attach, Printable, ... Raw text, versions, History, More topic actions: could this be a CSS? -->
<p><input type="checkbox" class="twikiCheckbox" id="nonwikiword" name="nonwikiword" /><label for="nonwikiword">%MAKETEXT{"Allow non <nop>WikiWord for the new topic name"}%</label></p>
<p class="twikiGrayText">%MAKETEXT{"It's usually best to choose a <a target='WikiWord' onclick=\"return launchWindow('[_1]','WikiWord')\" href='[_1]' rel='nofollow'>WikiWord</a> for the new topic name, otherwise automatic linking may not work. Characters not allowed in topic names, such as spaces will automatically be removed." args="%TWIKIWEB%,%SCRIPTURLPATH{"view"}%/%TWIKIWEB%/WikiWord"}%</p>
d93 1
a93 1
<select name="topicparent" size="10">
d96 1
a96 1
d99 1
a99 1
<input type="submit" class="twikiSubmit" value='%MAKETEXT{"Create this topic"}%' />
d102 1
a102 1
<input type="hidden" name="onlywikiname" value="off" />
d105 11
@d1 1
a1 1
%META:TOPICINFO{author="TWikiContributor" date="1131431859" format="1.1" version="1"}%
d3 49
a51 1
<form name="new" action="%SCRIPTURLPATH{edit}%/%BASEWEB%/">
d53 4
a56 4
%MAKETEXT{"Topic name:"}%
<input type="text" name="topic" size="40" value="" onBlur="var sIn = this.value; var sOut = ''; var chgUpper = true; for ( var i = 0; i < sIn.length; i++ ) { var ch = sIn.charAt( i ); var ch2 = ''; if((ch=='&#224;')||(ch=='&#225;')||(ch=='&#226;')||(ch=='&#227;')||(ch=='&#229;') ) { ch = 'a'; } if( (ch=='&#232;')||(ch=='&#233;')||(ch=='&#234;') ) { ch = 'e'; } if( ch=='&#231;') { ch = 'c'; } if( ch=='&#241;') { ch = 'n'; } if( (ch=='&#242;')||(ch=='&#243;')||(ch=='&#244;') ) { ch = 'o'; } if( ch=='&#228;') { ch = 'a'; ch2 = 'e'; } if( ch=='&#246;') { ch = 'o'; ch2 = 'e'; } if( (ch=='&#249;')||(ch=='&#250;')||(ch=='&#251;') ) { ch = 'o'; } if( ch=='&#252;') { ch = 'u'; ch2 = 'e'; } if( ch=='&#196;') { ch = 'A'; ch2 = 'e'; } if( ch=='&#214;') { ch = 'O'; ch2 = 'e'; } if( ch=='&#220;') { ch = 'U'; ch2 = 'e'; } if( ch=='&#223;') { ch = 's'; ch2 = 's'; } if( ((ch>='a')&&(ch<='z')) || ((ch>='A')&&(ch<='Z')) ) { if( chgUpper ) { ch = ch.toUpperCase(); chgUpper = false; } sOut+=ch; if( ch2!='') { sOut+=ch2; } } else { if( ch==' ' ) { chgUpper = true; } } } this.form.topic.value=sOut;" />
d59 6
a64 4
&nbsp;<input type="submit" class="twikiSubmit" value="Create" />
%MAKETEXT{"Topic parent:"}%
d66 1
a66 2
<option value="%URLPARAM{ "parent" default="" }%" selected="selected">%URLPARAM{ "parent" default="%MAKETEXT{"(no parent, orphaned topic)"}%" }%</option>
%SEARCH{ "\.*" regex="on" scope="topic" nosearch="on" nototal="on" format="<option>$topic</option>" }%
d69 6
a74 3
<input type="hidden" name="templatetopic" value="WebTopicEditTemplate" />
<input type="hidden" name="onlywikiname" value="on" />
d77 4
a80 4
%MAKETEXT{"To create a new topic, enter a [_1].WikiWord for the topic name, select a topic parent and click 'Create.'" args="%TWIKIWEB%"}%
%MAKETEXT{"Once you have created the topic, consider adding links in related topics to the new topic so that there are more ways people can discover it."}%